My Dad Doesnt Like Me Family Problems Sry For Long Read.

Why is my dad is so mean to me and my family?!?

I'm sorry this is so long, but please take time to read it all. I need help.

Well let's put it this way. My dad is the meanest person you will ever meet! If my mom does one little thing wrong, he will yell at her and make her cry. I cry every day because of him. Every day I ask God why I deserve this!

If my dog is noisy he will scream at him and threaten to hit him! He doesn't sleep in his bedroom because there's no TV in there. All he does is go to work, watch TV, and sleep. I swear he's a waste of life! That might sound mean, but it's true. He smokes, and I can't even have friends over because the whole house smells like smoke! If I do have a friend over we have to stay in my tiny little room the whole time because my dad takes up the rest of the house.

He doesn't even go upstairs to go to the bathroom! He doesn't go upstairs to change! He pees in the sink and gets changed in the living room. He swears all the time! Instead of drinking normal drinks like water and milk or soda, he drinks beer. That's all.

I go to school and my locker, my book bag, my folder, and even my clothes smell like smoke. Whenever he gets drunk he swears at me and insults me and lays on me and I can't breathe, and I tell him to get off but he won't! Once when i was 5 or so, he got drunk and I got scared and slept in bed with my mom. He came up and said f*** you! To me! I was 5, how did I deserve to hear that? I'll never know..

He got married 3 times. He's still with my mom. I have two half sisters. They both moved out when they were 16 because he treated them so horribly.

I do my best in school. I get A's and B's, but apparently that's not good enough. He always wants to work with me. If i fuss and say that I don't get it, he'll get all mad and say crap like screw you, or fine, fail then.

If i try telling him that i don't like him smoking or I try to express my feelings, he will get all mad at me and tell me to shut up.

My dad gets me things, and i think he does that to make up for the mean things he does to me. He can be a little nice at times, but other than that, he's mean.

I just can't take it and I can't do anything about it because I'm only 12. I can't move out, either. I have no idea why my mom is still with him.. Once i caught him watching por*. Please tell me SOMETHING i could do!

My family doesn't have much money and I'm kind of scared? (Long but please please read)?

Okay, so right now my parents don't have that much money. They both have jobs. My dad works at a dollar store 4-6 days a week from about 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. My mom works at a retirement home as a housekeeper, 3 days a week from about 8 am - 2-2:30 pm. I don't have a job, because I'm only 13. My parents had to take about $175 out my my bank account, which before the withdrawal had about $450 in it. (I saved my money from past Christmases and birthdays.) We can just barely pay our bills for our house, credit cards, phone/TV/Internet, and then there's groceries and clothes, etc, with money left over for other things, but only small things. I'm really worried that we won't have enough money for a lot of things in the next year or so. We are good shoppers; we look for anything we need that is on sale, and only buy things we need.
For example; I went to a pottery painting place with my friend today, and I had to paint a bowl because that was the cheapest thing there that I liked, and I had $10. My friend's mom had to lend me $5 so I could pay for the sitting fee. I had $7, and my dad gave me $3. I felt really bad, and actually quite poor that we couldn't really afford it. And have been paying about $150/month since December and we have to do that until about April because I'm going on a trip with my school band. We can't stop paying or get our money back, because I've already started paying, and I really want to go. We also have to pay school fees every year, which is about $90. My mom and I shop at thrift stores once in a while, and it's really cheap at our local one. Whenever we're somewhere at a store or something, and I ask if we can get something, and my parents say that we can't afford it, I feel really really sad, and other feelings that I can't describe. What can I do to stop this, and how can we get more money? And please no rude comments, this is a real life situation we're in.

My dad hit me? What should i do? (long question, sorry)?

Your entire family is in need of serious help. The family is severely dysfunctional, and your father has a problem with anger and rage. He needs help. You are a child. Your job is to do your studies, get good grades in school, and prepare yourself for college.Your job is not to take care of your brother, or anyone else. Your dad hitting you is WRONG. At no time should anyone put their hands on anyone else for ANY reason at all. You seem to mention "ARGUING" a lot. As if it is part of your everyday life. It shouldn't be.
People TALK things out, and solve problems without arguing, raising their voices, and without hitting.
To hit a girl/woman across the face is humiliating and abusive. And, it is 100% WRONG.

Your father wasn't apologizing, his guilt got the best of him for hitting you, because he knew it was wrong. I have the feeling you live in England or somewhere, but here in the U.S. Children and Youth Services would intervene, and offer your dad and you some counseling. It is not your job to "cheer your dad up". You sound like the "caretaker" in this scenario, and it is very unhealthy. You need to speak to a teacher at school, or guidance counselor, and get people who are educated on family problems involved with this. You're right, this is no way to live. Sounds like everyone in your family needs some therapy, and guidance. You should get to church too. The only way things are going to change, is if you change them. You've got to start somewhere. Do it today. Tell your dad his behavior is unacceptable, and you will NOT accept it anymore. Stand up for yourself. The law is on your side, not your dad's. He's the adult. Yes, he's been through a lot, but you have too. Take heed to my words. I've been there. Good lluck.
If you do nothing. Nothing will change. It will not get any better. Do something about it today.