My Daughter Asked To Sleep In My Bed With Me Due To A Nightmare Is This Normal

My 13 year old daughter has been getting nightmares and she won't sleep alone. How can we work through this?

3 night ago my 13 year old daughter crawled into bed with my husband and me because she had a bad dream. She was crying and very scared so we let her spend the night with us. Since that incident it has happened twice more; once last night and once the night before. To me it doesn't seem like she is faking the nightmares. She is really scared. when I asked her what the nightmares were about she said that she didn't want to talk about it because it made her feel sad. How can we work through this? I have already bought her a night light and given her a walkie talkie that she can use to communicate with me if she is feeling scared, but she still ends up joining me in bed every night.

I let my daughter sleep with me after she had a nightmare. She is 16 and told her friends what she did. They think I'm a creep now. What should I do?

I’m guessing you are probably dad? I don’t think there would be that type of response if it was mom- which is a tremendously sad state of affairs. I don’t know what it’s like to be a dad, but I do have the experience of being a mom and a former teen girl. Normal parents ( the word normal also meaning almost all) don’t see their children as sexual beings, even at 16 my girls were still ‘my babies’ and I wouldn’t think twice about pushing over in the night due to a nightmare. Dads shouldn’t feel like they need to spurn their child reaching out for parental comfort because that child is female.Too many people have the idea that bed or sleeping=sex, and their response is really immature. Is a family all plied into mom & dads bed laughing, watching a movie and eating popcorn an orgy? No! It’s bonding.A frightened, half -sleeping child seeking a parent for comfort and feeling comforted by sleeping in the ‘safe place’ where the parent is has been part of humanity since we were cave people.Unfortunately there are some sick people out there, but people should have the common sense to know that those people are in the minority. Just because dads are men doesn’t make them (or all men) incestuous ,rapey, pedophiles . Good heavens.As a dad,it’s harder to talk to a group of teen girls, than it probably was for me. Perhaps your daughter could make some type of basic statement basically“Look, I had I nightmare, I didn’t want to be alone, so half-asleep, I climbed into my dad’s bed like I did when I was little- I fell asleep and nothing was weird. Get real people, not everyone is a pervert.”Although in teen speak it might come out more as ‘ WTF ! I was sleeping and my dream had me shook, I freaked it- but get woke! Not all dads are sketch weasels.’Or something like that.One thing that is fortunate is that teenage girls are fickle, this week they’re calling you a creep, next week you might be “-like the only dad who at least gives a ___ or isn’t too drunk at night!” etc , you get the point.Sorry this happened, good luck and hopefully 10 years from now you and your daughter can laugh about this incident.Best wishes:)

Why is it not appropriate for a daughter to sleep in the same bed as her father?

Depends on the situation. How old is the daughter? How many other people are in the bed? Or in the same room?Generally, it’s not appropriate for a man to sleep in the same bed with his daughter who is old enough to have children when there’s nobody else in the same room. Keep in mind that “old enough to have children” could be 9 or 10.When on vacation, our family has slept in the same room in two beds, and usually my husband sleeps in the same bed with me or with my son, but not with our daughter. Which sometimes leaves our daughter and son sleeping together. They usually put up a row of stuffed animals and pillows between them. I guess that makes it OK?

My sister sleeps with me? Is that normal? Its kinda awkward for me? Should I tell her to stop? But I dont want to be mean? What do I do?

My sister & I have actually kinda good friends when I think about it. Actually were really good friends. Its a little embarrassing tho. Anyways, our mom just got sent to jail for 2 years :( Yeah, its hard. So my sis & I are now staying with our uncle, whom we both never met. We've been her for a week, but literally every single night, she will come to my room & ask,"Can I sleep with you?" I obviously cant say, no, cuz that just seems mean. So she just crawls in bed with me. I just feel kinda awkward cuz I never had anyone sleep with me, let alone a girl. She even hugs me in bed O_O Is that normal?

Is this normal? should i tell her to stop? Im a boy, & shes a girl. im 13, shes 12

Ex and his girlfriend sleeping in same bed with my daughter? Advice please?

Thank you everyone for your opinion. I think my biggest issue is because of the number of girlfriends and I really don't want her sleeping in bed with them. To me there's a fine line when it comes to the kids and dating. If it were her step problem.

It's our old house and she has her same bedroom. She likes to sleep in bed with me and likes to sleep in bed with him. I just don't think it's right that he has her sleep in bed with he and whichever woman he is dating at the time.

i don't have any problems with whether she bonds with the woman.... that's actually a good thing because it shows me that the woman is treating her great. But how about keep the bonding out of the bed.

I,personally, don't think I could sleep in bed with my boyfriend and his daughter because I don't think it's right.

It's not something I would go back to court for unless it continued with many women. In our state there are many times that is put into timesh

Is it ok for me (the mother) to sleep with my 9 year old daughter? How long is it ok?

It depends. For whose benefit is it? Who wants/needs this arrangement? how frequently are we talking about? The context makes all the difference.Children need to learn to cultivate their own sense of security. Sleeping independently helps achieve this. If your child has a nightmare, crawling in bed with mom on rare occasion isn’t a huge deal, but if it’s happening with any frequency, you need to find out what’s going on. She needs to be able to sleep on her own as part of normal development.And if YOU are the one who is driving this, we’ve definitely got a problem. Your child’s job is to hit the various developmental milestones with appropriate support from the adults in her life. It is not to pander to your psychological needs.

Why did my teenage daughter wet her bed?

my daughter is a teenager. i don't even remember the last time she peed herself while she was sleeping. she was potty trained early. is it stress? we just moved to a new home. ever since we moved she has had tons of trouble sleeping. she gets 1 to 2 hours of sleep a night, this is not normal for her to have trouble sleeping, yet alone to pee herself ! she told me a story about how she fell asleep one time in 2 minuets. a text message woke her up, to realize she just texted them 2 minuets ago. which proves she's a good sleeper. and she has been having nightmares, which she never does. please help me figure out what is going on with her. thank you