My Daughter Is 12.5 And Her Height Is 5

Your baby's height & weight at 12 months?

Hello Moms! My son just had his 1 yr check up & he measured at 30" & weighs 23 lbs. He was always on the 90 percentile & seems like he slowed down (now at the 55-60 percentile). Is it normal when growth spurts slow down? He's eats very well & not a picky eater at all. He's on organic whole milk w/ dha as well. Thanks in advance.

I'm 16 years old, and only 5'4". I have been this height since I was 12. Will I grow more?

I'm a 16 year old male who is a sophomore in high school, and most of my friends are around 5'9"-6'1". Meanwhile, I've been 5'4" ever since I was in the 7th grade. I've begun to worry that I may not grow any more than I already have. Since then, my facial hair has started growing out and I've been able to grow a full beard for about 2 years now, my face has matured and gotten much older looking, and my voice has gotten deeper. You'd think that my height would have increased with that, but it didn't. I'm concerned now, because I've watched all of my friends grow way over my height, and even half of my girlfriends and dates since then have been taller than me. I'm beginning to wonder if I'll be this height forever.

I know it's genetics, really. But my father is 5'11", and most of my uncles are over 6 feet. My mother is 5'3", and I'm afraid I might have inherited my height from her, even if she is the only small person I know of in my family. Is there any possibility of me growing to around my father's height at this point? I've gotten used to being the small guy, but it'd be nice if that could change eventually.

Is there a such height as 5'12?


What is the height of a12 year old boy?

it varies from person to person.....

My 10 yr old daughter has hair under her armpits. Does this mean?

that she will be getting her period soon? How long after armpit hairs start to show do girls usually get their first period? As far as i know she does not have pubic hairs yet. But i could be wrong. I just want to know what to expect so that I can better explain things to her.

What's a healthy weight for a 5'2 12 year old girl?

If you are concerned then go to the child’s doctor and ask the doctor about the child’s long as the girl is active and eating as healthy as you can get her to eat and she isn’t the actual shape of a beach ball… I wouldn’t worry about her weight so much.Now if she comes to you and says something about her weight then talk to a nutritionist with your daughter present, and have her ask her questions, and you take note as well.healthy living is more about eating: what you eat and when you eat, than it is about exercise, though exercise is important as well.just know that if you are eating like 5K in calories and only exercising off a few hundred calories, exercising isn’t going to do anything to help you lose weight. So eating as healthy as you can is most beneficial.

Premature baby - eventual height?

Your baby's adult height depends primarily on heredity. If you provide her with good nutrition, she will most likely reach her genetically predetermined height.
usually premature baby only affect in underweight, but if you give your baby best nutrition, the weight will back to normal.
so when your child at aged 4 smaller then others, I think this is not because o premature baby. ( from )
my mother told me that when I was born, my weight just less that normal, but now, I'm the tallest man in my office just like my father.
if your child is male, he will grow fast when he reach teen ager.. usually son will be shorter than daughter at the same age at child age.