My Dog Ate Chicken Bones And Has Bloody Diahrea

My dog ate the bones of a whole chicken!?

If the bones were raw (uncooked) he will be just fine, however, if the bones are cooked you should be concerned.

Cooked chicken bones splinter and can cause lacerations and blockages in the intestinal tract. The next 48 hours are going to be absolutely critical. You need to watch him like a hawk and be around him at ALL times.

If he begins with vomiting, lethargy, or lack of appetite, time for the vet asap.

In the meantime, I highly recommend calling your vet to aware them of the situation at hand. Your vet will probably recommend you bring your boy in for x-rays, if so... I advise you bring him in! The radiographs will let them know where the bones are in his system. Your vet may want to repeat the x-rays in a few hours to see if the bones are moving along.

I wish you luck!

My dog ate chicken bones and now has diarrhea , what should i do ? Please help?

don't feed it chicken bones next time? Hahah
if it's pooping real bad let her/him outside for a while. Then let your dog back in. If it's haveing probs the next morning take it into the vet.
your not suppose to give dogs small bones BECAUSE they break easy and can choke, it's not clean at all. (doggie can get sick and die.)
next time just go to Petco. And buy a puppy bone . Ok? =)
•••••••••••••••••• -Vinny Jepolos •••••••••••••••

Can eating a chicken bone cause a dog to have diarrhea?

Yes, and I've seen this often with various breeds. Often the finer bones or shards gets stuck in their throats and they're at your mercy to dig it out for them.  So avoid feeding them chicken bones, especially the smaller ones, if you can at all help it. I certainly wouldn't like it, if I was a dog!

If a dog eats a K.F.C chicken bone what will happen?

Pork and chicken bones are both dangerous because they splinter easily. A splintered bone can rip through an intestine and cause irreparable damage as well as to the throat and stomach. Watch for bleeding from the mouth, bloody stool, and no stool. Bones can impact the bowels and sometimes enemas are needed to correct the problem. I have seen too many intestines shredded and it is a horrible way to die, my dog gets no bones...

My 9 lb Maltese ate a chicken bone.?

Chicken bones are actually pretty easy to digest for dogs. So at this point there is a VERY good chance that this will pass through your dog's system just fine. The fact that your dog is having diarrhea is expected as this may have caused a minor stomach upset. The fact that your dog is eating, drinking and holding the food and water down is a good sign. If your dog starts vomitting and continues to vomit after you withhold food and water, then take it to the vet. If at any time your dog begans to have blood in his stool (dark or bright red) take him to the vet. Mucuos in the stool could be normal as well, so I wouldn't be super alarmed if that occurs. I would keep an eye out for signs of dehydration as well, since your dog is having some diarrhea. Pull up your dogs skin on it's back and see how it sticks together. Make sure your dog is getting plenty of water. Sounds like your dog should be fine.


Keep feeding him bread. Your fear now is that the bones will splinter and tear up his insides. Their intestinal walls are very thin. You'll know if he has blood in his stool. My pup has eaten all sorts of things that made me lose sleep for a couple days, but in reality, they are pretty much vacuum's on 4 legs. They eat all sorts of crap they aren't supposed to eat, even when you're not looking.

How many days does diarrhea last in a dog who has eaten chicken bones?

My greyhound ate around 10 chicken bones approximately 40 hours ago. He started having diarrhea about 24 hours ago and he has gone 10 times since then with the last one containing bright red blood. He saw his vet yesterday who did x-rays and was optimistic that he would be fine, but that was before the blood. He has not vomited once and is taking pepcid to calm his stomach. He will eat if I feed him and I have been feeding him small amounts of his food, yogurt and rice since then.

Is the blood from straining or something more serious like a bone has become lodged and is perforating his intestine? I will be calling the vet in the morning.

What should you do if you discover your dog has eaten chicken bones?

Some veterinarians will say it can potentially be fatal, and some say it is pretty much a non-issue and will laugh at you behind your back for being seriously concerned about it.Answer: It varies, since dogs vary in how they eat. We all have seen dogs that take a long time to eat a meal, and several dogs will pretty much instantly inhale anything edible you put in front of their face, and so on. If you’ve noticed your dog doesn’t chew food thoroughly, it might be a problem because there might be large and/or sharp bone fragments. If they tend to take longer to eat and it seems like they chew food thoroughly, probably not a problem since the bones will be in tiny fragments that will do little harm to their throat and intestinal tract.Either way, the only thing you can do is feed them a couple slices of bread (or any food that is soft) and wait it out and observe their behavior, check for blood in stool, etc. If they stop eating and become lethargic and whatnot, take them to a vet if you’re worried. But there is only a very small chance your dog will die from eating a small portion of chicken bones, so, unless they ate an insanely large amount of them and/or become noticeably lethargic and stop eating for several days directly following the day they ate the chicken bones, you probably have nothing to worry about.