My Dog Has Taken A Fall And Hurt Herself.

Should I allow for my dog to lick herself?

its cleaning its self

How do i support my dog when she has seizures?

If your dog is having more than 1 seizure a month or if the seizures intensify at all then you should have your dog on medication period.

There is no substitute for seizure medications. Dogs can live long, happy lives with anti-seizure medications.

Now as to how to help ....

Write down the time of day, how long it lasted and what exactly happened to your dog each and every time in detail. I would also have a camcorder charged and ready so that when and if it happens again you can video it and show it to the vet as it would be very beneficial for the vet to actually see what is going on with him.

During a seizure dim the lights and turn off any noise, such as radios and the TV. You want to keep everything as quiet and calm as possible. You can gently pat the dog’s sides and abdomen while speaking softly to your dog.

During a seizure.. Although very emotionally draining on the owner to watch, the dog is in no pain and after he has recovered will not even know that anything has happened. It is the same when a person that has had a seizure, until someone tells them they had one they have no idea one has occurred. However keep in mind that with each seizure brain cells are killed.

While your dog is having a seizure you can rub some Karo Syrup on the dog’s gums..(I don’t recommend pouring it down the dog’s throat as the dog could choke.). it helps to bring the dog out of the seizure and to recover sooner. This is for smaller breeds that are apt to be hypoglycemic.

While the dog is having a seizure you can place an ice pack on his lower back.. it helps so that the seizure is not that strong and that the dog will come out of it sooner and recover quicker ... here is a link to help http://www.canine-epilepsy-guardian-ange...

When your dog has come out of a seizure and can eat can give 1 tbsp of Haagen Daz vanilla ice cream in case the dog was hypoglycemic.. the ice cream will help the dog recover sooner. Haagen Daz Ice cream has no preservatives which is best for the dog as it is all natural. The reason why it works in a dog that may be hypoglycemic is that the sugar crystals are frozen and slowly dissolve at different intervals to bring the sugar level back to a safe level.

Speak with your vet about getting her on Phenobarbital

How do I pull a dog's loose tooth and should I?

If it’s very loose you could pull it with the same methods you would use in humans. If it’s not very loose leave it alone and have the dog examined by a vet .. if your dogs teeth are loose your dog is likely to have serious gum disease and accompanying bone loss in the mouth . Please get a dental cleaning for your dog and have a veterinarian assess the health of his mouth.

Took my dog hiking and now she can barely stand still?

I took my 1 year old golden retriever on a 3 hour hike in the mountains and the next day she is unable to stand still because her legs are wobbly. I'm thinking she is just very sore because she doesn't exercise that strenuously often but I seem to be fine even though I don't exercise that hard either. She walks very slowly and just lays down and doesn't move much. How should I help her heal faster and is this simply just soreness? How long before she is better again?

My dog is 15, has well controlled heart failure and arthritis, but is getting weaker & growing a bit confused. She is still herself & still enjoys food & attention. She is my first dog. How will I know it's time to let her go?

I’m sorry you’re going through this. It is inevitable for pet owners, but never gets any easier.Enjoy her as much as you can and try to spend time doing the things you know she enjoys, even if it is just time rubbing her ears and hanging out.I think you will know because usually the pet will begin to show signs of distress and pain. Or in her confusion she begins hurting herself by falling or walking into walls. Often, when pets begin to feel that their time has come they will stop eating, too.Our neighbors had a small dog with Cushings’ disease. She had been very overweight for some time. She was blind. She had limitations. But she still could hear and enjoyed going out with her people on walks. She had begun to have accidents on the floor in the house, but her people cleaned up after her and while frustrated, they carried on. Their daughter kept fighting when they talked about putting her down. The little dog was 16 and had been part of their lives since the daughter was 12.But, their daughter was visiting one weekend, and the little dog was confused, and hurting herself in her confusion, and then crying for some time afterward. They couldn’t comfort her, she didn’t want food, their ability to help her was virtually nil. Even their daughter agreed that the time had come to let their beloved dog go. Fortunately our vet in town is wonderful and she was kind and helped them all, dog and people, through this transition. It was good the daughter was present, too, and witnessed how much distress little dog was in, and so they were able to make that decision. They were sad but don’t regret the choice now (about 6 months later).I’m so sorry you are having to struggle with this. I wish you the best days to come with her, and when you reach that place you can be at peace with it. Best wishes.

My dog is too protective after surgery?

I had surgery aug 12th and ever since I have gotten home my chihuahua Sachi has taken it upon herself to 'protect' me. She's always within 5 feet of me and usually laying on my lap by my sling. Everytime someone comes near me or adjusts my sling and polar ice wrap she freaks out and barks or if I'm in my room she freaks out if someone comes in. I was just wondering what would spontaniously cause her to be like this if she's never been like this before?