My Eyes Changing Color

Why do my eyes change color all day long?

If  hazel eye color is caused primarily by interference effects rather than  by pigments, so they vary depending on the lighting conditions." but when the muscles around the eye contract or relax changes  the shape of the eye opening. which affect the amount and angle of the  light hitting the eye. Since this can be caused by changes in mood when  The face constantly makes voluntary and involuntary expressions mood can  effect eye color. Not  sure what the article I am quoting means by "Appears" to change color.  My eyes change from Blue Grey to blue when I am calm and various shades  of Blue Green when I am excited. Very intense emotion can cause my eyes  to change to a Sea Green with blue/green tint. See article How Can Eye Color Change With Mood?

Why do my eyes change color with my mood?

The iris is the part of the eye that carries the color. It is a muscle that expands and contracts to control the size of the pupil. The pupil gets bigger in low light and smaller in bright light. It also changes shape based on what you are doing, shrinking when you are doing close up things such as reading.The cool thing is that when the pupil changes size, the pigments in the iris compress or spread apart. This changes the eye color to a degree.The pupil can change size with certain emotions, thus changing the iris color dispersion and the eye color. You’ve probably heard people say your eyes change color when you’re angry, and that probably is true.

Why do my eyes change color?

as a health care practitioner... I have several cases of eyecolor changing upon my patients... but they have changed eyecolor naturally in a long due process... like it changes every 15-22 years.

Well on your case... your info is not yet well detailed, though i want to tell you that... changing colors of the iris is due to gene alteration of the cells there in your iris... on other words... its because of your DNA. No answer has been found why do these cells alter their genetic make-up.

Iris also contains melanin. If the body is exposed to UV rays... melanin production increases... Your skin becomes dark, but other melanin containing parts of the body, takes time before they can produce melanin to protect the body from UV.

Whites have less melanin... Look at the hair and the skin.. So light pigment is seen.. and so are the eyes. But look at the brown and black people.. they have more melanin... Look at the hair and skin, more pigment is seen and so are the eyes.. It's really uncommon to see a black man with blue or green eyes... and a blonde with black eyes...

Can your eyes change color depending on your mood?

The answer is yes here is whyChromatophores: ability of plant or animal to change it's color.Tanning counts grey hair does not- Irida Chromatophore: Specific ability to change eye colorHeterochromia : having multiple colors (skin hair eyes etc.., a black and white cow would have Heterochomia) Dose not specifically mean the ability to change color.Heterochromia Iridum : Having multiple eye color (an eye specific Heterochromia)- Complete Heterochromia Iridum: 2 different color eyes- Sectoral Heterochromia Iridum : different colors in one eye. ( like a pie, or dot)-Central Heterochromia Iridum : multiple spikes of color in the eye. * Hyperchromic Heterochromia Iridum: extra or over laping iris spikes of color in the eye. * very rare yet most likely to be an Irida ChromatophoreA very rare person who is an Irida Chromatophore may have different color Iris spikes visible at different openings of the iris. This would make the eye color change with emotional states, energy/fatigue, or lighting. The most rare of them can temporally and dramatically change the color for a few minutes by starring at certain colors.A person who has Central Heterochomia Iridum, an who would like to see if they are one of the few can get 3 pieces of paper one brown one blue and one green. They can pick one (That is not the current eye color) and focus on just that paper for approx 10 minutes then look in the mirror. if there is a change you could be Iridia Chromatophore with ability to change by color focus.

Is it possible for eyes to change color?

For roughly 10$ U.S. You can use Flora Strips from a costume store to temporarily tint your eye a different color for about an hour.AlsoChromatophores: ability to change color (non specific generalization)  - Irida Chromatophore:  Specific ability to change eye color  Heterochromia : having multiple colors (skin hair eyes etc.., a black and white cow would have Heterochomia)   Heterochromia Iridum : Having multiple eye color  (an eye specific Heterochromia)  - Complete Heterochromia Iridum: 2 different colors for each eye.  - Sectoral Heterochromia Iridum : different colors in one eye. ( like a pie, a ring, or dot )  -Central Heterochromia Iridum : multiple spikes of color in the eye. * Hyperchromic Heterochromia Iridum: extra or over laping spikes of color in the eye.  * most likely to be an Irida Chromatophore  A person who is an Irida Chromatophore may have different color Iris spikes visible at different openings of the iris. This would make the eye color different with mood or lighting. A very small percentage of Irida Chromatophores have been documented to be able to change eye color on command or at will. Some have been able to be trained to do this. For references check thw following: Rippley's records, Barnum&Bailey records, Stan Lee Supperhuman, Guinnes Book of world record, Long Island Circus Freeks an Entertainment History, Harlequins of Paris Freakish and Unusual Skills (A Historic look in to an origin of the modern Carnival)

Why do my eyes change color when i cry?

everyone has color changing eyes just some people do not notice it. if you have a lighter eye color (all you kids with grey and blue) it is very noticeable, people with brown eyes will not notice it as much.

it is caused by the change in blood pressure. when you cry you'll notice that your face feels hotter and it turns red it's because all the blood starts to move outwards towards your skin. more blood goes to your eyes too and they become blood shot. the extra blood in your eyes is what makes them appear greener.

mine turn bright green like a leaf when i cry.

What does eye color change mean in a dream?

Your dream appears to have to do with thoughts of attractiveness and perhaps attainment that would be appealing to others and to your advantage in some way.

Consider whether you may be facing changes or challenges and hold a desire to do well before others as you advance in life. Are there people you care about seeing you at your very best? Do you have a sense of some things you would like to change about yourself? It would not necessarily be to have blue eyes - that is more figurative in terms of change from 'what is' to something strikingly different and could relate to any number of things about your person or personality.

What counts here is visible impact - what is it that you might be in pursuit of at this time? Consider these points - they may help in your understanding of this dream as you reflect on your daily life and the feelings you may have from the dream.

All the best to you.

Why do my eyes change color on a full moon?

They don't. The Full Moon has no effect on the human body.