My Feeling Change Constantly

Is it normal to have constantly changing feelings about your girlfriend?

One minute I feel like I love her and the next I feel like she's just an average person.. sometimes I even get angry at her because I think she's too immature.. but then other times I think of her as my best friend. Why are my feelings constantely changing!? We've been going out for 4 months now by the way.

My boyfriend seems to change his feelings about me constantly. What should I do?

Break up w/ him. You deserve someone stable not playing games & he should be old enough to verbalize what he wants & doesn't want.Wasting time w/ him will be a huge regret once you move on. He needs to figure out what he wants instead of stringing you along.I hope you don't stay just to end up getting hurt by his constant changing emotions.

Why do my feelings constantly change towards my boyfriend? One second I’ll want to be with him, the next I’ll feel nothing towards him and have a heavy chest.

Do you feel like this towards other people? I am not a professional, but speaking thru experience I bought of two possible reasons. 1) you all are pushing a relationship that would perhaps work better as just friends and 2) perhaps you might be bipolar.I live with manic bipolar disorder and before my meds, my close relationships suffered because of my mood swings. One day I liked my friends and family the next I was writing letters ending friendships and running away from home. It wasn’t until 4 years ago that I was diagnosed and put on meds and attended therapy that my life took a turn for the better.After going through about (NOT JOKING) 30 boyfriends, I have found the one and we have a wonderful child together. My relationships with my family is better than ever and have developed a stable group of close friends.Get evaluated, it could change your life.

Why do my feelings constantly change?

So every time I become attracted to a guy and I start talking to them I think I really like them, honestly! Then as soon as we begin dating or either him or I admit to liking each other, I no longer find the person attractive or like them any more. I keep hurting guys and I'm not a player and I don't want to lead anybody on. I just want a fun, low maintenance relationship. I'm 16 and I've told my mom how I feel and she says I'm just being too critical. I try to look at the best in these guys but it doesn't work. The smallest things turn me off to them.... any ideas how to avoid/fix this?? I'm tired of stressing:/

How could someone’s feelings change?

How could they not? Stagnation is not a good quality for anything. At their core most people are the same their entire lives….. but feelings? Feelings are transitory.It sounds to me like you are possibly heart broken. If so. Stop dwelling. Go get a new passion; hobby. You can't control others. Most people can barely even control themselves. If you want to get this person back there are plenty of books you can read to try and do so. Some say go out and make yourself into the best version of yourself possible. Some say to surrender yourself to that person completely; putting them first and subjugating yourself for their love. I say stop with the self pity, what-if’s and what did I do wrong fixation. Is any person worth causing yourself so much misery? NO. You have one whole life to live. Go fill it with things that bring you joy. Simply cross this person off that list and fill the list with 10 more. Build happiness into your life around yourself; not around someone else.

My level of motivation is constantly changing, it makes me feel like I'm somehow made up of different people. How can I stay focused?

I stay focused by comparing myself to other people, famous people. Famous work-alcoholics. I don’t care what other people say or think. I’m ALWAYS comparing myself to famous successful people, when I’m doing something important, and need that motivation. Apparently it’s “wrong” to compare oneself with dead/alive homo-sapiens, and you MUST be yourself. To HELL WITH THAT! Yes when doing mathematics, I sometimes compare myself to famous mathematicians like Newton, Carl Friedrich etc.That’s my motivation, …….”would (successful person) do or stop here?” The answer is always no. I might compare myself to “great” people, that doesn’t necessarily mean i want to be like them. All I need is their sense of purpose. Their drive, incentives and rationale. I certainly don’t want to be them, most “successful” people miss out on living their lives. Always working til they die. And we praise them for doing all the work for us. Lol.Yeah I’m talking to you Isaac Newton, thanks for discovering\inventing calculus (whatever) together with Gottfried Leibniz. I bet it took a lot effort, and toil on your lives. Newton i hear you had over 3 nervous breakdowns, at-least you mathematically explained how gravity works. A for effort, F for dabbling in alchemy.Compare yourself to the best, occasionally compete with them. Just don’t try to be them, be better. Cause most of them are/were flawed, and have/had a pathetic, and miserable lives. People just choose not to notice, are in awe with the good parts, and try to ignore the deformities. Well i don’t. I see their flaws, and take only the good parts, which I then reverse-engineer to fit my hardware.

My boyfriend´s feelings for me and our relationship change all the time, is it normal?

I would be worried if they didn't.Every day is different.  Stress levels change based on what is going on.  Happy days come and go.  Bad days come and go.  Are you exhausted today?  If I am exhausted and I get nagged, I am not happy at that moment.  I think the relationship is currently taking more work than it is worth.  (At that moment.)  My feelings are changed about it.  Is it normal?  Yes.  Very normal.However, home is home.  Home is in the arms of my wife who I am currently in a pretty down mood about.  I don't feel close because my feelings are changed at the moment.  Does that mean I love her less?  No.  Does it mean that I am not generally happy about my life?  No.  I am happily married.  I still love this woman.  But right now, she is getting on my last nerve.  That is when space is required.  Batteries need to be recharged.  Understanding actually goes a LONG way.  Empathy for each other is almost a requirement for a successful marriage.Because, I don't know exactly why she is nagging me.  Maybe stress at home or her work is driving her nuts and me not 'helping' her fix stuff causes her to nag.  I don't like being nagged.  And because of the built up tension from the day, she pulled aggro to herself.  Did I mean to project my bad day into our reaction?  Not really.  Did she mean to do it herself?  I hope not.  But it happens.A relationship state and feelings are like a living breathing thing.  It will change constantly.  In some cases, without our consent or knowledge.  Just remember, do you love this boy.  And does he love you.  Feelings are fleeting.  Love is dedication.  I can love my wife and currently loath the feelings I am having for her at this moment.  Totally normal.

How can I handle my constantly changing feelings and emotional needs?

You just do it.Suck it up and deal with life. That’s just life.You can either not deal with your problems or do or deal with 25% or deal with only 25% today and 25% the next day and 50% the next day.Only you can figure out how to handle your own emotions and feelings.The best way is to recognize why you have them.Accept that you have them and why you have them because they are your emotions.Then decided what you will do about them.

I really want to change my name, but i feel guilty?

I really hate my first name.
My mom LOVES it and she constantly raves about how shes always wanted a daughter with my name, how its special to her, blah blah blah.
I really want to change my name to Mia.
I would feel guilty though, breaking the news to my mom.
I'm afraid she would take it personally.
any tips?

I'm Constantly sick to my stomach, Sensitive to smell, Feel like throwing up, Could it be my diet?

I haven't missed a period.
I think it may be my diet. I eat very unhealthy.
Lots of ice cream, cereal, pizza, fast food, things like that.
It's been going on for a while now. Like months.
If this is it, how could i change my diet to stop this?