My Friend Really Annoys Me When She Calls Me Out

My friends are really annoying me?

I have one friend who is very insecure and likes to talk about people behind their back, and then I have another friend that is way too secure and thinks that everyone loves her.

My first friend is always calling herself the ugly duckling and making pitying remarks like that. I tell her she's pretty but she just disregards it and starts insulting me and talking about other people. Once, she told me that I should never shave my head because I wouldn't even be pretty if I shaved my head. This was very random and strange, and honestly it hurt me.

My other friend is very bossy and very social. Now that we are freshman in highschool, she thinks that she is really popular. She's always saying hi to guys and being like 'so and so is my best friend.' I'm glad she is making new friends, but the other day she said that one of my guy best friends was her best friend, and then she's said "I'm like best friends with everyone!" and then giggled.
I know for a fact she hated this kid last year and was really mean to him, but is all of a sudden best friends.

Plus, she is always taking things that I say and directly saying them to other people. Like when I'm not around, she will repeat my joke that I told to her, and then I will hear about how it was so funny by these other people. I try not to let it get to me, but she is driving me nuts (she is a good person but she has some personality issues).

I just feel like I attract really bad friends because a lot of my friends are like this, and I just want a drama-free life. Both of my friends are very self-absorbed and are always talking about really shallow things like who is going out with whom and their problems. I am a quiet person, and I only have about 5 close friends. I love all of them dearly despite their flaws, but It is really starting to take its toll.

Emo friends really annoying me now!?

If your getting really worried about them, then tell your parents and then you have somebody to talk about it with. Also get both your friends together and tell them how worried about them you are. If they don't listen then tell them that there parents need to know about it.

Because it's very serious and they could kill themselves. I know there emo's and thats mainly what emo's are. But loosing them would be absoloutley awful. So tell your parents first and then go from there.

Good luck and i hope everything turns out ok :)

My friend keeps calling me a spaz and it really annoys me?

My "friend" calls me a spaz and it annoys me but we all have the same friends and than if i say anything my other friends will be like , "you are so mean!" But sometimes when she makes me really mad i say stuff like, "have you looked in a mirror lately?" and she hogs my best friend becca and is always laughing and saying her and becca's inside jokes to becca when i am around and i feel excluded. What should i do?

My friend is really annoying and rude, what do i do ?

Sometimes i think her hitting could end up in something serious. One time, in the middle of the street (she dont remember) she came up behind me and put her arm around my neck and squeezed it so tight i couldn't breathe, i told her to let go and that i couldnt breathe, she said 'i dont give a ****'. So basically she kept it there until i almost passed out, she wouldnt have let go if this man didnt come and throw her off me.
She doesnt mean to do it that hard, otherwise she wouldnt do it that hard. Is there something wrong with her ?May sound dumb but is she like Lenny from of mice and men ?

How do you deal with annoying friends?

It is true that in today’s day and age (technology), dealing with annoying “friends” (even if they are even friends to begin with) is hard to do. Even if they are not physically there, they will use other people to represent themselves just to annoy you.I was in a bookstore yesterday accompanying my daughter buying some gift items for her bf. Apparently, I got myself a ream of paper for myself, and as I approached the cashier, this guy with a baby appeared from nowhere, who seems to be a friend to the bookstore staff started yelling incredible insults towards I don’t know who. I am assuming that it was towards me as I was the only one who just approached the cashier. And all the staff were laughing as if chanting for the guy. And mind you, he was not buying anything.And when I walked away, the shouting and chanting stops. while they entertain other buyers too. But I still noticed this guy looking at me with a scheming smile while he watched over his baby walked around the store.In all honesty, I tried not to visit that store as much as I could as I noticed the same scenario over and over again. I have a membership card that I stopped using so that I could appear invisible to them. But the insult never stops. Yes it has been going on for many months if not for years.So in summary, I just simply tried to extend my patience and tell myself that these are narrow-minded people and should not confront them in anyway possible. I know that someone is controlling them.Perhaps one day, I will lose it, but will never feel sorry if that time comes.

How do I tell my friend politely that they are annoying?

This seems to be the other side of the coin of a question I just answered about being “brutally honest.”In my experience, friends like this are not intending to be malicious. While I agree with Sapphire Silver’s answer, I disagree vehemently with taking a “blunt” approach. On the contrary, you need to take considerable care and sensitivity when approaching her.If you do “love” her, as you state, and you want what’s best for not only yourself, and her, but also the relationship between you two, you will need to understand the consequences of how you approach her with this.The best approach I’ve ever known is to take things slowly in your approach. For example, a conversation might go like this:[In private, definitely not in public, and not when you are irritated or annoyed.]“[Friend], I need to talk to you about something really delicate.”Her: “Okaaaaay.”You: “It’s been hard to get up the courage to talk to you about this, because I don’t want to upset you.”At this point, she will likely be quite curious about what you have to say, but the “entry price” to learning this is that she will have to not get emotionally riled up about hearing bad news.Assuming she agrees in some fashion (e.g., “You can tell me anything,” or “I promise I won’t hold anything against you,” etc.), then you can tell her that she has some habits that make it difficult to enjoy having her around.I’d avoid words like “irritating,” “annoying,” or “inappropriate” if at all possible. I’d also avoid naming specific instances or moments, which she will want to know about. Instead, try to focus on general behavior (interruptions, non-sequitur changes in conversation, topics of conversation that may not be of interest to those around her such as the singer, etc.). If you give her specifics, she is likely to try to defend those specific actions, rather than listen to the main point you are trying to make.Remember that the purpose of such a conversation is to preserve the relationship between you, even improve it. If that is not your goal, or your desire, then you can feel free to ignore this advice and be as “blunt’ as you wish - you’ll find that you will have no shortage of people who will gladly avoid you if that becomes your modus operandi.

My friend keeps annoying my crush?

Ok so my friend keeps calling my crush's name at lunch and blaming it on me and she keeps threatening to ask him out for me but i don't want to do that yet.its really annoying and i told her i dont like it but she's still doing it.i've also confronted her about it several times but thats not helping.and i really don't want my crush to get mad at me.what should i do?

My best friend keeps calling me annoying every day?

I feel you are a teenager or likewise unmatured child
Maybe she calls you annoying because she likes you
you just seem to like her a lot but she doesnt feel the same about you
i'll give you an advise..... dont be depressed that you are seem to be a very good friend
if you were not then you wouldnt have cried so much.just hang out with other friends or make new friends i bet you are good at that
dont keep this locked in your should tell about all these things to your friends and family and you will feel much better

How can I tell my best friend that she is annoying without hurting her feelings?

There's no need to tell her you find her annoying. That sounds like a personal attack. You said you like her very much, so it can't be all annoying to you (unless you're not being honest with yourself).There's nothing wrong in telling her that boy gossip doesn't interest you. If she finds it fascinating, she assumes you do too. I don't know if you've already tried changing the topic, though that can be exhausting too. What do you have in common?I understand if you find her to be clingy or taking up too much of your time. I accidentally made a fellow Kindergardener cry, because I wanted to change up who I was playing with. The teacher scolded me. I felt so guilty, but now at age 38, I realize that I had done nothing wrong. It's unfair for one person to monopolize all of your time. You decide who can be in your life and to what extent. The least painful is when things work out organically -- a gradual fade into a more comfortable frequency. Certain personalities may force you to be direct about it, though, and those are the personalities that are more likely to put you in the bind in the first place. It doesn't always end well. Other times, it's fine. "It's not you, it's me" works pretty well. You might have to explain how serious you are about your studies or that socializing in large doses exhausts you. It's perfectly fine to describe what your needs are. If the person you share them with doesn't respect that, it's their problem, not yours.Good luck!