My Friend Told Me I Have To Start Looking More Things More Seriously

My family and friends tell me I look so serious and tired. How can I look happier?

You will think I'm crazy but try this. Make a list of all the persons who have ever wronged you.Forgive them.If you like, once you have done this, set fire to the list. There, that is gone.Second. Spend the next two weeks being thankful and grateful for all you have.Third, if you still feel tension or resentments, figure out what they are. Say hello. Tell them you hear them and accept them.Go back to being grateful.Lastly, every time you are judgmental, about anything or anyone, write it down. Do this for a week.Try to give up being judgmental. Instead of judging, be curious, or simply watch and observe. If a judgement pops up, listen to it, look at it, let it go.For myself, I've found that being grateful and curious and not being as judgmental has made a profound difference in my life. I can feel it when I walk down the street. Other people remark that I look different. Certainly I feel different.

Husband having lunch with a female friend without telling me.?

You should definitely be bothered. He should have told you what he was doing, explained that she was just a friend, maybe even arranged to bring along another friend as a chaperone. He had a right to go see an old friend, but not conceal it from you. You had a right to make his life miserable for going and he knew that and was trying to avoid it. It sounds like he is up to something.

There are a number of ways to handle this, depending on your personality and situation. The most direct would be to contact the friend and have a polite chat with her. At the very least, you should start keeping a journal about things like this. Get a copy of the email or at least write about it. That way if you ultimately get divorced, you will have evidence of infidelity and you will get EVERYTHING. Start checking on him. If he says he is working late, call his office (not his cell phone) to check. Get a detailed listing of phone calls from the cell phone company. Check his credit card receipts and keep copies.

At the same time, if you want to keep him, don't withdraw. Snuggle up closer. spend more time with him, and touch him as much as possible.

How do I make myself look less serious?

lmaooo this is the funniest thing ever. I had the same thing and was getting it alot when I was in 3rd and 4th grade (Im in 10th grade now). Anyways try laughing and smiling alot more. For example those videos below should kick start your happiness. I just laugh my *** off a lot and I enjoy it more than masterbaiting..... well not really but emotionally i do lol. Yeah but laugh and smile alot and start talking to some girls (that you actually like not some fatass from 5th period). AND GO TO PARTIES!!!

How does skinny-shaming affect people? Do they start seeing them being thin as a problem or something they don't like about themselves?

Skinny shaming has never ended for me. I just learnt to deal with it somehow.I have always been underweight. My height is 170 cm and my current weight is 47 kg. I have never weighted more than 50 kg. I am naturally skinny. I am reminded of that regularly. A new acquaintance within a few hours of talking to me: “Oh you are so thin!” EVERY parent of every friend of mine when I come to their house: “Oh you are so thin!” Relatives seeing me after long time: “Oh you are so thin!”Sometimes these comments are said in disgusted voice, sometimes with envy, sometimes with care (“You will look healthier if you put on some weight!”). In the end of the day they all freak me out because they point out my body as if it is thing, something everybody can discuss freely. I am so much more than my body. And I really do not think that my humble figure deserves that much concern. I am healthy, I eat and exercise properly. I am OK!It took me long time to distance myself and my own self awareness from what is being said about my body. As a teenager I felt constant need to apologize as if my thinness was a disease threatening people. It is a hurting discovery that, despite the fact that I feel so good and comfortable in my body, people are willing to point out how wrong my body is. This shame of my own body tortured me for many years and I am still over coming it in some or other way.What helps? Exercise certainly does. When you see how you become stronger, more flexible and active, you care so much less what others say. You see your beauty with your own eyes, anything else hardly matters. I also filter my friend circle. If, for whatever reason, somebody cannot stop talking about my weight, I distance myself from them. Mature and polite people do not behave like those. I want to be with friends who love and appreciate me. Anyone else may leave.As a thin person for long time I thought that other people had some right to discuss my body. I thought if I looked so weird, of course, it was okay for others to mention it. I realized it is wrong. Nobody has a right to judge my face, my weight, my body. I am the one who decides what is good for me, not they. Since I understood this simple truth it’s been much easier to reduce skinny shaming in my life.

How do you tell your friend that she looks like a whore?

my friend is an awesome person and i tell her everything but she wears tons of make up and trashy clothes and inside she really isnt like that how do i tell her to change that aspect in her life

I think my friend has body dysmorphic disorder?

It doesn't sound like body dysmorphic. More like an eating disorder. With body dysmorphic the person is focused on usually one fault - or what they deem to be a fault. Like a nose too large or uneven breasts etc. They check on the fault all day long and look in mirrors and fret to the degree that it interferes with their lives.

Your friend sounds like she may be developing an eating disorder. I would show the txt to her parents. Tell them you are concerned and ask them not to dob you in. In the long run you will be doing your friend a big favour.

People say I'm too serious?

Countless people have told me that I'm always very serious and that when I'm not talking, I can look intimidating. Some of my friends have even said that I seem intimidating even when I am talking to them. At first I thought it was just a few people that had this perception of me, but now more and more people have said it and I'm starting to get worried. I am a little quiet by nature and am not extremely outgoing at first, but that doesn't mean I'm so serious that I can't be approached by someone. I honestly am a very nice person. My true personality is not one that is intimindating and serious but I don't seem to be exuding that to the outside world.

I might be overthinking this but I am constantly told this. Has anyone ever told you this / how can I become more approachable.

Is being too serious a turn off for girls?

I like being serious so that I seem like I can't be taken advantage of by other people and so I seem tough. I also am very quiet most of the time. For example, I work at a grocery store, and I look pissed and serious all the time and one time, a guy went through the register when I was bagging and said, "why are you so serious? Try smiling." When I didn't, he mentioned how quiet I am, and the cashier girl agreed with him. To get him to shut up, I gave him the "I want to kill you" smile.

Girls tell me I have a nice smile, but I don't want to make anyone satisfied, so I won't smile. I think I appear stone-faced most of the time and I walk very rigid and straight, like a soldier, according to my friends. I only laugh when I am around my friends, and I regret laughing after I do laugh.

It's just that people in general piss me off and annoy me, and I don't want to have anything to do with them.