My Friend Wont Come To My House

My parents won't let me go to my friends house!!!?

I'm literally about to bawl my eyes out again even tho I already 12 and I wanted to go to my friends house.okay so my friend and I were chatting on fb yesterday and she said she going to k's house (k is my friend) then I said I wanna go because k used to be my good friend last year and I miss her and wanna see her again to hangout so she told k that Im going and I asked my mom if I can go then she said yes so basically k knows I'm going to her house and everything so today is when all of this **** dad is so overprotective he never lets me do anything fun with my friends no sleepover no today we were talkin about it I told my mom am I still going then she yes I think then my dad was in the same room and he was with us since he's super over protective he said no like he always does then we started fighting and I was like screaming this " how come you never let me do anything fun I always have to stay in this stupid boring house I'm sick of not being able to do anything and have to lie to my friends about not being able to do anything with them!!!!!!!!!" and I kept screaming and going off I had to let my anger mom said that they can come to my house of they want but my house is boring here's nothing to do and I wanna go to there's and I kept asking my mom why can't I go she's a nice girl and I kept screaming and stuff and I went in my room and started crying and I'm typing this right now and my friend thinksim going I'm sick of lying to my friends about not being able to go I'm sick of it I wanna go so bad but my parents are to overprotective I'm sick of my life I wanna have some fun but its always a no no no and it's mainly my dad maybe if my dad wasn't like this then I could go but nooooo I have to stay locked up in this stupid small house doing nothing when I can be with my friends and this isn't the first time I have had chances to go to my other friends houses but it's always my dad who says no!!!! I'm crying right now and I have cried a lot so far I don't know what to do anymore and I'm not selfish I just wanna have fun with my friends for once just at least once what can I say to persuade them please cheer me up

Best friend wont come over to my house?

So i met my best friend (lets call her S) freshmen year of highschool. We are starting junior year in a couple weeks. I thought this summer was gonna be awesome and we were going to hang out a lot. I thought wrong. I had always asked her to come over throughout the summer before sophomore year and she always said her mom wouldnt let her because she didnt know my parents. So i suggested that her whole family come over and just hang out by the pool and get to know each other. So she said her mom doesnt like meeting new people. So after that whenever i would ask if she wanted to come over she could ask her mom. And her exuse was always that her mom was in a bad mood and she couldnt ask her yet. She asks for me to come to her house but its hard for my parents to trust them because they refuse to meet my parents. I was home schooled for a while so when i started high school in a public school i was excited to do things with friends and be normal. But S can never come over and it kind of hurts my feelings. Because usually when you bug your parents about stuff long enough they give in. And i dont even ask if she can spend the night. Like just start out with a couple hours or something. So its making me wonder of she even wants to come over at all. So we had been talking before school ended and talking about all the stuff we were gonna do. I just needed someone to vent to since ive tried to tell her all this and she just keeps making excuses. Does anyone know what i should do? Sorry this was so long but i havent talked about this to anyone but my family members and i had to explain it well or no one would think it made sense.

My friend won t go home?!?

My friend has been staying at my house for a couple of weeks and I really ******* want her to go home. She is CONSTANTLY up my butt and following me around like a puppy. I tried the whole being honest with her and some how she still managed to make it my fault and say me wanting to be alone didn t make since. I can never get a minute alone with her. It s like having a friend over and having to serve to their special needs constantly. I tried talking to my dad about it he tried talking to her about it. She left for a couple days and came back. Yes her life at home is bad. Well.. It s not THAT bad where she needs to be at my house 24/7. Her parents just drink a lot and they re really loud and funny. Now my mom is coming up for the weekend. I wanted to go see her without my friend tagging along but she just invited herself. She was like "oh I can t wait to see your mom I haven t seen her in awhile."
When I tried to tell her I wanted to be alone she told me that wasn t normal and I m just making up excuses because I don t want to hang out with her. She ask me what I m going to do while she s gone and said that I m just going to sleep.

Why won’t my mum let me go to a friend’s house?

Dear Friend,It seems like your mother loves you a lot and is protective for you.Its not bad visiting your friends house but if you mother is not letting you go means she might not trust someone in her house of perhaps you friend.She might have a thought that they will or your friend will cause you big pain in future.If you want Your friendship to last long make your friend come to your house once your mom starts trusting your friend and had a satisfaction that you wont get hurt in any way she will let you go.Trust in your moms ways to protect you as She is Gods angel sent just for your protection. She was the sole person protecting you from the time of birth, she might be constantly thinking that how can she protect you or make you strong for the world when she might not be around to protect..I would just say one last thing You are lucky to have such a mom trust me on that!

Why my friends don't want to come to my house ever?

If they've never been to your house then it can't be that! No offense to your parents or anything but it might be them. I make excuses so I don't have to go to a friends house because it's boring and I don't like her friends. Make sure there is lots to do and they won't be bored!!!

My one friend won't come over to my house even just to hang!!!!?

well u cud always do something thats cheap and fun and not at either of ur houses. u cud go somewhere. the movies the library the aquarium the amusement park. or if those arent options, u cud just amuse urself at ur house. or hers. i do agree that trampolines get boring but so does a playstation. maybe u shud toss those ideas. do something uve never done before. make a tinfoil sculpture. make some life sized self portraits using only fingerpaints. write a story together. go running. start a babysitting service together. go find cheap crafts at the dollar store. or beat the summer heat and have a water fight. or shaving cream fight. or pudding fight. host a moviethon in ur living room and pick the movies with a blindfold. play chubby bunny. have a picnic or a campout. be creative!!!!

Why doesn't he come to my house, but goes to his friends house? Every time i ask him to come by me, he says something like ' he doesn't go to anyone's house', but he goes to his friends house, and another excuse he uses is he has to work.

I regret to inform you that he is not interested in a relationship with you. Did it ever cross your mind that he might be a closet gay and not interested in dating girls in general? Anything is possible.As s former undergraduate music student, I met many gay men. Not all gay men act effeminate. One gay partner takes on the role of the female, the other partner the role of the male in that relationship.In any case, do yourself s favor and look for a normal acting guy who will come to your house. Regardless if the reason he won’t come to your house, this guy’s behavior is too strange in my book.

My friend's boyfriend won't leave my house. What can I do?

Why won't he leave why won't he leave your house don't ask him nicely give him an ultimatum tell him to get the f*** out of your house telling you I'm comfortable with him being there he needs to go be with his girlfriend you don't want to be with him and if he continues it you will have to call somebody to get him out of there don't let him push you around don't have somebody in your home that you don't want there my God will be hanging around forever I mean you can be nice about it and ask him what the hell's up why he won't leave because eventually you're going to get so mad trying to take a plate and hit him over the head with it and come to get out or call your friend tell her boyfriend will not leave your house I'm sure she can get him out or even your mother daresay I your dad if you had to resort to that but just have your mom come over for a cup of coffee or something and she'll see the situation and I'm sure she will be able to help you expedite his exit

My friend has been crashing at my house and won't leave!?

I have a friend who has been residing in my home for the past two months now..soon to be three. One day she came over, and never left. Gradually, she would go home and get clothes and they would pile she has a whole closet full of her shyt in my room. We are both 18 and I live with my mother and she was living with her father so its not like she doesn't have a place to go. She just told me that she feels more comfortable in my home. She eats a lot, drinks a lot, uses me and my mothers feminine products, and everything else in between..shes basically living with me and sleeping in my queen sized bed which I am NOT used to. Its so hard to shake her loose. I always have to come up with some elaborate lie on the days I want to be alone and I shouldn't have to seeing that it is my house. She never says thank you for my family's generosity and never even offers to clean, and I am so sick of it. I feel used and the funny thing is, I don't really even consider her a friend but I just can't say anything when usually, its hard for me to keep my mouth shut! How do I go about this? Please help!?

How can I politely tell a friend that I won't invite them into my house?

If you sense something is off then it likely is off. Good thinking.Here is what I would say: I am in the middle of doing some rearrangements in my home for the next few months. It is not convenient for me to have guests right now. If she says “what”, just say I will show you when I am finished. We are always doing some “things” to our homes. That is normal behavior for us ladies. She knows that. That is not a lie. I moved my furniture 5 times in one year before I was satisfied.OR. You could get really honest and say I don’t invite folks over until I know them really well.Have you been to her house? If you have, this will be a tougher scenario to carry out as you have breached this and been to her house. She expects you to reciprocate soon. Very soon.If you have not been to her house, then you can use either of the above and be okay.I am suspicious as to why she is eager to go to your house. That sends up red flags to me. If you have not been to her house then it really sends up red flags to me. Lots. My Mind goes to so many things these days.If you talked about your home in your conversation and are proud of it, she wants to see it. She is curious. Very curious. If you have not talked of it, then think twice.If you have been to her house: You say, I know I have been to your house and I really appreciate that very much. Thank you so much. We will go to my house. Just not right now as I have things to do.She will likely say: Oh I will help you. Say: Oh no that’s fine. I have it under control.What comes to mind is this! Is she looking for a place to live? Hummm.