My Friend Worried About Her Help School Related

When should I be worried about my female high school friend's alcohol drinking?

You should be worried if the friend is drinking alcohol in quantities that are more than the occasional drink. A lot of parents will offer their child a glass of wine or a can of beer once in a while, but if your friend is drinking on a regular basis, then it’s an issue. Consumption of any strong alcohol (vodka, whiskey, etc.) is a red flag. If you’re worried, report to someone who can do something about it (i.e. a guidance counselor) rather than trying to solve the problem yourself. If you think your friend is addicted, it’s really important to get them help soon.

I am worried about a friend's health. What should I do?

If you are in the U.S., you can tell a teacher or you can Google Child Protective Services in her county of residence. Just share your concerns and what you’ve witnessed, and the CPS counselor will follow up by talking to her, privately. Usually, the counselor will come to the child's school, speak to the principal and they’ll pull her out of class for an impromptu interview, to see if there's a need for further assistance. They'll review her grades, talk to her teachers, review any behavioral issues that might be related to her job. If it's decided that there is a valid reason to investigate further, the counselor will contact her parents. This is usually done with discretion, that is, the counselor will inform the parents that their office has received reports of concern relating to her work obligations. They'll never comment on who made the initial report.Your friend's parents are probably violating labor laws by forcing her to work, especially those hours. Typically, a teenager who _wants_ to work has to request a work permit from the school's administration office. The potential employer reads over the labor laws listed on the permit, signs an agreement to adhere to those laws in employment of the minor. Finally, the principal has to sign it, because time spent at work is time spent away from school books, so it's presumed one's grades might suffer if one is working.Good luck to you in helping your friend. She is very fortunate to have you looking out for her.

How do I help a friend who is struggling in school?

Wow. I should appreciate the concern you have for a friend. I was like that in most part of school. I wish I had someone to help me, someone like you to get me through school. There are many ways you can help her. 1. Make her read her paragraphs to you. Ask her do they make sense? Will you speak that way? If no then ask her to write it the way she thinks is correct. Correct her kindly saying, 'Oh how silly of me, I think I made the same mistake. Thank you for reading it out loud or I would never have found out.'2. Come up with fun activities for the weekend. I know you must be very busy. Watch a movie together and write an essay on what she saw. Tell her where she made the mistakes. Write it with her so that she won't feel left out. Take her out to a museum or a park and show her the beauties around you. Make her learn about things she never thought she would learn.3. Introduce her to book reading. This is one thing I found very helpful. Reading books not only will help her imagination but will also help with the paragraphs. Start with small books like Enid Blyton's Famous Five or Secret Seven. Read it with her. 4. Show her the fun side of other subjects like Biology. You can look up different pictures of microorganisms that are beautiful and pretty. 5. Try to explain her the lesson that she did not understand. If you do not have that class then check if it's something you will be able to make her understand. See if your parents or her parents will be willing to do it in a fun way. When I was teaching a student match I tried to teach with play dough which was really fun. 6. Remind her of where she wants to go. To reach her goal she needs to work real hard. Give her examples of people who are brilliant because of their hardwork. Be the reminder.7. Check if she has any distractions. Try to talk to her what is bothering her and stopping her from being a good student. Sometimes students just want to escape the bad things that are running in their mind or life. Ask her if anyone is bullying her and report it if so. If not tell her and help her get rid of distractions.You are a good person and a good friend. I hope I helped.

My son has no friends. I'm worried about him. What can I do to help him be more social?

It’s hard to make friends sometimes. I honestly have struggled with it a great deal. As a kid Ibwas kind of nerdy and we moved around a decent amount.Here is what I do, though. Maybe it will help him.Dont be afraid to talk to complete strangers. Say hi. Compliment something that you genuinely like about their appearance. Talk about the weather.Go places where people you might have things in common with would hang out. For me this is being in the outdoors. So I would go to a park, the springs, or a beach. I have a lot of friends who made friends playing magic the gathering. I have other friends who meet new friends at musical events.Dress like you want to. Okay, especially because this is your kid and I’m guessing he is a teen or younger, most likely, make sure he feels comfortable in his clothes. My mother would not buy me the clothes I wanted as a kid. I know you can’t necessarily go buy a whole new wardrobe, but make an effort when you can to make sure it’s something they like. My mother knew I liked to wear all black. So she bought me pink and khaki. Don’t do that. Your appearance does tend to attract like minded people. I eventually wore baggy sleep shirts and jeans to school because I didn’t get along as well as I would have liked with the preppy people my clothes attracted and just wanted to be left alone. Now I wear rainbows of color and most of my friends are free thinkers of some sort. I met one friend who I instantly knew I would be friends with because she had blue hair and a fairy on her purse.Bug people to hang out with you. No, not stalk them, but put in the effort to get them to hang out. Friendship is hard. People may not realize you like them, or they may not realize how much you have in common. People get busy and forget or can’t the first few times you ask. Keep trying. You are awesome and eventually they will see it or specifically tell you that they aren’t interested. If the first, you made a new friend. If the second, you now have more time to find new friends. I cannot tell you how important this is. “Well if they liked me they would call.” They might very well be thinking the same of you. Call and find out.

My friend hasn't been eating lunch and im worried about her?

does she never eat? or does she just not have lunch at school? Cause I know plenty of kids (even me)
who refuse to eat ar school, and eat when we get home.
But yeah
if you think it may be an eating disorder
tell her how you feel
and how she looks perfect just the way she is.

Worried about cousin who has no friends.?

Have you thought about mentioning this to her mother (your aunt)? I think it's really admirable that you care so much about your cousin and are trying to devote time to spend with her. 12 can be a really transitional are changing from elementary to middle schools, and often change friends or find new friends when that happens. She probably considers you a really important part of her life, so if you can continue to find time to spend with her, even if it's a phone call or email, just so that she keeps getting that positive attention, I think that would be great for her.

Her mom may consider having her see a therapist if she feels it's an issue that needs to be dealt with (it sounds like she could use some help dealing with the fact that her father is absent in her life). If I were her mother and saw her struggling socially, I would also consider getting her involved in either extracurricular activities, or activities independent (outside) of school. Find out what she's interested in and try to help her explore those interests more...

Other than that, school and teen years can be really tough... You just have to pull through the best you can and if you can help others, like your cousin, that just makes you even more special for caring so much.

I'm worried about my firends.?

It seems that she has lost her self confidence. so, i would suggest to assure her that she is really a good student and we missed her a lot when she wasn't in the school. Make her realize that u like her very much. Committing suicide is an act of cowardice. One who can't face the challenges of life and give in to these only those people commit suicide. Spend more and more time with her as it is her hard time and friends are tested in the hard time. so don't leave her in the lurch. Praise her that she is very intelligent and haven't missed any great thing and can recover the study. try to find out the real cause of her depression and share her feelings as much as u can. Best of Luck to you as well as your friend. Be positve.

A friend hates school and skips classes. I have skipped classes for her before. She wants to take online school, but her parents won't let her. She shows no sign of wanting to change, and it's getting worse. How can I help her? Is it even worth it?

You can’t fix her. You can tell her you are concerned and support her in positive things. She must come to the realization herself that school is important - and she may not. If you skip with her or do other things with her you know aren’t good for her, you are condoning her actions - just don’t. Tell her you care and you love her but you won’t do those things with her because you don’t want to help her hurt herself.

My friend is worried because of her exam tomorrow, what can I do to make her comfortable now?

It is normal to feel sensations of nervousness before a test or a performance. Here are a couple of things to rememberIt not the feelings that are so much the problem it's perhaps more what we decide they mean. Do nerves make us weak or strong? Nerves are not at all a bad thing in most cases - they are the body’s way of getting you prepared for the test (more blood flow, adrenaline etc) so you don’t “snooze” your way through it but rather your brain/body are working quicker than normal.No exams are designed to deceive you or make you look bad - they are there to provide an opportunity to show what you know and show whether you did more/same/less than other people taking the test. Any result you get will be helpful and tell you about how well you are studying and this will make you better for the next test.Once your friend enters the exam is it very likely that her body will realise that these nerves are no longer needed and that she will simply focus on the job at hand - getting as good a result as she can.Wish her good luck from me and I hope she knows she has a good friend who cares about how she feels.Hope this helps

My 15 year old friend was kicked out, what can I do to help her?

Can your family take her in? Can you gather a group of friends for her to stay with?I was 16 when my mom first kicked me out, but I was lucky because her friends immediately set up a support group dividing my living time with each of them, extra expenses, and negotiating with my mom for tuition fees.If you can keep her housed while she finds family or family friends to do that for her, that would be great.If she doesn't have that safety net, she’ll need to find a job. You can help her with school work, talking to the school about her situation, just getting the community to be a little less harsh on her.But most importantly, remind her people still love and care about her.