My Hair Going To Be White So Soon. How To Overcome On This

I am an Indian teen guy, and my hair is becoming white. What can I do to get rid of it?

I got my first white hair at age 15, so I think I have some idea how you feel. By the time I was 21 I had a fair number of white hairs scattered over the top of my head, where they were quite obvious to everyone, and over the years I got more and more. Now at age 58 the topmost layer of my hair is almost entirely white although I still have some black hairs underneath, especially at the back of my head.Here is what my hair looks like:If you have just a few white hairs you can ignore them (my college roommate plucked hers out with a tweezer, not recommended), but ultimately you have three choices: you can shave your head, you can dye your hair for the next 30-50 years, or you can accept and embrace your white hair.I began to dye my hair in my late 30s and continued for seven years. Eventually it just became such an annoyance that I decided I had to stop. When you dye your hair you have to start worrying about things like roots: how many weeks has it been since you applied dye? Are your roots showing? If I go on a business trip for two weeks do I need to move up my touchup schedule to attend to those roots before I go, or should I wait until afterwards and go on a business trip with white roots showing? Etc.Frankly I found it exhausting. I wanted to just live my life.But once you start dyeing your hair it is hard to stop. If you just stop cold you get a kind of skunk stripe down the top of your head as your roots grow out, and it takes months and months (if you keep your hair short) for the color to become even all over your head. What I did was go to a salon for "corrective color" - they bleached my hair thoroughly and then conditioned it and gave me blonde highlights. I lived with that for nine or ten months before my natural silver color grew out completely.So those are your choices. I recommend just letting it grow in and embracing it. White hair can be beautiful. I like mine a lot and I get a lot of compliments on it. Good luck!

I'm 22 and my hair are turning white very quickly. What must be the possible reasons for this?

Visit a good dermatologist as soon as possible. He'll be able to help you. The hair fall might be due to various hormonal changes or genetic so it would be better if you get professional help on this matter. Please do not pluck grey hair. Plucking grey hair will not cause three or more grey hairs to grow back in its place. However, plucking is not an advisable activity because it can destroy the hair follicle and possibly lead to bald patches. Finally, I would tell you not to worry. It's a common thing and there are plenty of options these days to fix this problem. For now, I want you to immediately visit a good dermatologist.  Peace.

What should I apply on my hair? Egg white or the Yolk?

Egg whites are much better than egg yolk. It can give your hair a natural shine, kind of like conditioner. I suggest you add it every 2-3 days, so then it won't make your hair completely egg-y. If you think the smell is overcoming your shampoo, then just add some lemon juice. By the way, when washing the egg whites out, don't forget to use cold water to avoid cooking the egg on your hair (EWW!)

Why are black men so fascinated with white women?

It doesn't seem to matter how beautiful, smart, artsy, or clever a black woman is, black men seem to always want to gravitate to the white chick. The white chick can be as dumb as a block of bricks, overweight, or even poor, but somehow they win the prize. I just don't get it. Somebody help a sister out.