My Kids Inherited Traits From Someone Not Related To Them

Do kids that are adopted inherit any traits from biological parents?

Fortunately or unfortunately, whatever the case may be, kids absolutely inherit their biological parents' traits. That is what DNA transmit, not only physical, but also intellectual and various other abilities. However, Being a great baseball player doesn't guarantee that his child would even like baseball. Athletic abilities can be nurtured, fortunately. I believe couch potatoes would not necessarily have babies who would eventually become couch potatoes themselves, not if the kids are raised by disciplined parents who lead by example.

Will my child inherit these traits?

I am Hispanic, white skinned and brown hair. My husband is British, has green eyes, brown hair and has an accent. I have a regurlar voice but my husband has an accent so that means my child have one too?

Can someone please answer my questions related to evolution and natural selection?

1. If you teach a children to look both ways before they cross the street, this action will help them survive. Is this an example of natural selection?

2.An athlete breaks her leg. Years later she has a child who walks with a limb. Is this an example of evolution?

3. Does evolution means good change or a bad change?

4. When we talk about evolution are we only talking about animals or humans also? since its been said that, the best traits will be passed on but when it comes to humans, even if a human has a dissability that dissability is still passed on to its offspring regardless if its a good trait or not

Is Stupidity Hereditary or a Learned Trait?

If an intelligent couple has one child, will he inheret their intelligence trait and with the child growing in an intelligent environment help stimulate this trait? Same thing for stupidity? What if the "Stupid" couple have 10 kids, will they all inheret the parents stupidity and growing up in a stupid environment stimulate that trait? Seeing how the more intelligent a couple is, the less children they have, won't this outnumber the Intelligent ones and ultimatelly wipe them out leaving only stupid people to rule the world?

Can a child nautrally inherit promiscuous, highly sexual traits from their parents or ancestors?

FOR EXAMPLE, if the grandma was a long-time hooker and the mom is an adulterer who loves to sleep around, would the child have a high chance of becoming a sexually promiscuous person like them?