My Kitten Loves Me But Hates My Mother

My kitten hates me? ?

It sounds like you've gotten some great advice from other members here, but I wanted to also make a few suggestions.

Because your kitten was so young when you brought him home he may be slow in adjusting to things. Kittens generally stay with their mothers until weaned at around 8-10 weeks. Some kittens wean sooner, but they are still learning socialization skills from their mother and siblings. Your kitten may be shy due to the limited socialization, or may naturally be more stand offish.

There are a few things you can try to do to make your kitten more confident around you.

1. hand feeding. If your kitten doesn't go crazy for dry food, then get some special treats, or ham, chicken, or canned food. If he won't accept the food from your hand, place it on the floor (counter, couch, etc) near you to lure him closer. Continue until he is right next to you and then see if he will take the food from your hand.

2. Play time! Set aside 20 minutes a day for one on one play time. String toys, crinkly toys, stuffed animals, laser pointer (watch his eyes!), etc.

3. Grooming! Kittens bond with their mom and siblings through grooming. Take some time to brush, and pet your kitten. If he is hesitant try rubbing his chin and cheeks. There are glands just behind the cheeks that release pheromones that relax your kitty.
4. Feliway. This is a great product that releases pheromones (like the ones mentioned above). Use the diffuser, or spray a small amount on door frames, beds, and scratching posts to help your kitty relax.

Be patient, and don't rush things. As he gets older you should notice a difference. And don't forget to get him neutered, that will also help his disposition. Good luck!

Why does my kitten hate me and love everyone else?

I have a kitten that had to be adopted because its mother abandoned him when he was 4 weeks. I have been his main caretaker and made sure he was fed kitten formula every few hours until he was weaned. I have cuddled him and cleaned him when he got poo on himself....I have just basically really taken excellent care of him in a loving nurting way and tried to mimic what a mother cat would do. I have never EVER struck him (or any of my cats for that matter) I have always given him attention and played with him regularly. But in the last week he has totally rejected me.
Example: He fell asleep and I picked him up to hold him and cuddle him while he slept...then later he woke up a little bit and saw my husband across the room and jumped out of my arms and went to lay with him. When other people pick him up he purrs like crazy and lets them pet him. But if I pick him up while hes awake he struggles to get away and scratches me. He wont purr for me at all. Its like he decided he hates me but loves my husband. I am the one that took care of him around the clock when he was tiny. We've had him about 7 weeks now so hes about 13 weeks.
What is the deal? What can I do to get him to rebond with me. He used to adore me! I feel totally rejected by this little guy. We have two other cats who love me and follow me around and prefer me to my husband. I dont mine the kitten loving my husband more I just dont want him to hate me. My husband feels bad for me cause its such a bummer that I put all this love and attention into this kitten and now it totally hates me!
Things I have tried: Im the only one who feeds him so he will atleast see me as his food source. If hes out of food my husband tells me so the kitten will see me filling his bowl. I have tried just ignoring him and letting him come to me...he never did.
Ok so any cat experts out there know whats up with this rejection? Sorry this is so long but I wanted to explain the situation well.

My kitten used to love me like a mother, but now she hates me?

She doesn't hate you. She's just growing and being more independent. If she doesn't want to be picked up, then just leave her alone, give her space. I promise she'll cuddle and hang around with you. My oldest "whines" everytime I pick her up. She's going on 3 now. Been whining like that for two years now. I just pick her up, kiss her, hug her, then put her right back down. And I leave her be. When I sit to watch tv she automatically comes and cuddles with me. And at night I wake up to her whiskers tickling my face 'cuz she's cuddling so close up to me! It's the cutest thing!

Trust me, she still loves you. She just wants independence. You'll find the less attention you give her, the more she'll seek it out in you. I mean, don't neglect her, but just give her space. It's no biggie. You'll see.

Oh, and remember, the biggest thing with cats: Everything on THEIR terms, not ours. LOL.

Why does my kitten attack me and bite me like he hates me or is angry?

I would think that he is just playing / play hunting. Kittens just love to play and will chase anything that interests them even if its your hands, toes, feet. I have been at the receiving end of many kitten attacks. Sometimes it seems as though they are angry as they grab you and start kicking with their back feet but its not anger, its excitement and their way of both subduing their prey and fighting. Just remember that this is all instinctive behavior and not deliberately aimed at attacking you. How do you react when it happens? Do you shout and smack or do you calmly remove yourself? The best option is to remove yourself calmly. Any threatening or aggressive behavior on your part is likely to result in a poor relationship with your cat. Encouraging them to chase fingers, toes, feet and hands will also give them the message that its okay to do it. Eventually they do learn that its not appropriate as they would with their siblings if still with their littermates. You could try a sharp ouch or squeal, as though you were one of their siblings play fighting and see if it helps too.

My cat loves me but hates everyone else?

It could be just his nature. One of my cats is like that. We call her our stiff cat.
I know she loves us, just doesn't like to be held. She will follow me and ask to be petted, but as soon as I pick her up she'll hold her legs stiff against my chest and squirms to get away, once she is down she will stay close to me, doesn't try and run away or anything, just can't be nursed :(
She was like this as a kitten and so is her mother. Missy is now 4 and I don't expect her to change.
Just accept that this is your cats nature and love him regardless and he will show you love back in his own way :)

What should I do? My dog hates cats, but I want a kitten!?

Hi there,

I know what it is to want a kitten and not be able to really get one.. when I was a child, and wanted a cat, my mom wouldn't let me get one. My dad and I both loved cats so much, but my mother was a cat hater, actually.

So I had to wait until I moved into my own apartment and the first thing I did, of course, was to get two kittens, both adopted.

I think that it would not only be unfair to the kitten to be in the same house with another pet that despised him/her, but also quite unfair to your dog. So my suggestion is to wait. No matter how well your dog is trained, she will resent the "intruder" and the kitten will feel it.

As a cat lover, I am sure you can understand that. And know that ultimately you will be able to have as many cats that you can afford and take care of. I do suggest, however, that being around cats is a great idea. Since you love all cats, why not volunteer at a shelter, or a vet's clinic to help take care of them. Cats in shelters in particular need love and affection. You can make a huge difference for them in taking care of them and petting and loving on them. I did that for a long time so that my need to be around them was satisfied until that time that I could have my own. I know it is not quite the same, and I feel for you.. but I do so strongly feel that right now is not the best time.

Owned by cats for over 40 years
Member: Cat Writer's Association

Cat hates me normally, but loves me during heat?

My cat has hated me since she was a kitten 10 years ago. I was 5 years old then and I didnt know any better, I told my mom I wanted her to sleep with me when we first got her. and when i woke up, she had pooped on my bed! I figured spanking her was the right thing to do, (since at the time when I did bad things, I got paddled) so I spanked her a few times and I got in trouble. Ever since she has hated me. She loves my dad, but she is neutral with my mom, and hates me. I cannot even pet her without her ears laying back. The most I can do is let her lick my hand, and sniff it. More than that and she tries to attack me. But the funny thing is, when she is in heat, she wants nothing to do with my dad or mom, and just comes back to my room and rubs up against me, jumps in my computer chair with me, lets me pet her, lets me pick her up, and most of all, she follows me around! No matter where I go she follows me, and is purring the whole time. I've tried almost everything to try to get her to like me while she isn't in heat. Anyone know why she hates me when not in heat and loves me while in heat?