My Liberal Friend Is Planning To Get A Job. Is He Becoming A Greedy Conservative

As a conservative, what do you wish liberals understood?

I wish that everyone, both liberal and conservative, was able to understand what “unintended consequences” are.10 Fascinating Examples of Unintended Consequences - Toptenz.netLiberals often think that if the INTENT of a policy is NICE, then the OUTCOME of the policy will be NICE.Liberals are NICE. Their NICE eyeballs look out onto the world a see a place where we should all be NICE.But being NICE often has negative consequences.Like letting a child molester or a rapist out of prison is NICE because we want to believe that everyone has some good in them. We want to feel that the person can be rehabilitated.But in reality, 92% of violent criminals will commit the same violent crimes when released from prison.So letting criminals out of jail after a few years is NICE and is also EVIL.Another big delusion is that a politician must have STRONG support to be elected.Sometimes politicians get elected because the opposition got bored and stayed home.America is a nation of centrists, that's why we have close elections. They shrug their shoulders and vote for whoever they sort of like better.Trump can get re-elected even if not one single person in the USA likes him. We have a binary party system, so if the voters dislike Trump less than they dislike Hillary (or whoever), then he'll be re-elected.In a binary political system, a politician is turned either on or off by the voters, like a light switch. Whether the individual voter adores him or hates him but hates Hillary more, the pro-Trump vote counts the same.In the last election, the greatest number of voters voted to stay home and watch Dancing with the Stars on TV. 42% of the eligible voters voted for Dancing With The Stars, 26% voted for Trump and Hillary each. In a pure democracy, the cast of Dancing With The Stars would be president.That's what makes Trump Derangement Syndrome so hilarious. After the election, everyone twirled about in confusion and "realized" that their neighbor Timmy who voted for Trump is a secret FASCIST.It's not that Hillary was an unlikable candidate and ran a horrible, disjointed campaign and got beaten by a blowhard. The fun and exciting version is that "Trump activated his white supremacist base." The same people that elected Obama twice are apparently white supremacists. LOL.I’m not a fan of Michael Moore, but he nailed it:

Do you consider yourself Liberal or Conservative and......?

When was the last time you volunteered your time for a charity for which you got no benefit.

As for me I volunteer to cook at two shelters, I am the ONLY volunteer who is not a Con from a local church group.

If you consider yourself Liberal yet never sacrifice yourself, are you REALLY Liberal?

Why do people perceive conservatives as being tougher than liberals?

You're talking about, questionably 2 or 3 people. I won't even address the idiocy of your examples, but will say this; how tough do you have to be to sit around all day on your butt and collect welfare in a house that industrious people like me are paying for? How tough do you have to be to sign for a college loan and then whine about having to pay it back? How tough do you have to be decide you don't need health insurance and then beg others to pay your medical bills when you get sick?

See? Self reliance and self sufficiency is ALWAYS tougher than being dependent on the prosperous and self sufficient to take care of you. And THAT is ALL of you 'liberals', not just 2 or 3.