My Mom Gets All Depressed When I Want To Hang Out With Friends

How can I help a depressed friend that doesn’t want to talk to anyone?

Just be there.Don’t try to draw them out, don’t try to offer them advice. Depression is a crafty and insidious enemy, and you will not be able to fix them.Let your actions show that you care about them. No matter how many times they say no to hanging out, invite them the next time. Just the thought that someone wants them around can be enough to help them push back the darkness that day.Tell them the truth.Depression often goes hand in hand with a sort of social hyper awareness. Every casual “semi-truth” will be replayed again and again until that evil little voice has twisted it into “they lie to me because they know how fragile I am, how pathetic, how worthless”Depression is a matter of perception. It is a lens through which that person sees the world, it skews everything into something dark and ugly. You can’t change their lens. But you can be something beautiful to look at.

My mom gets depressed because I don't hang out with her?

My whole family lives together along with my boyfriend. My parents are both 60, I have an older brother who is 30 and another older brother who is 25. I'm 22, and my boyfriend is also 22 and we all live in the same house. Maybe you think this is sad, but whatever. We do it because the economy is bad and we all put our money together. My dad is disabled and my mom only makes 11 dollars an hour at her job. Anyway, ever since my boyfriend moved in I spend almost all of my time with him, because, well, he's my boyfriend. We spent a lengthy year apart in a long-distance relationship and I'm happy he's here now. However, my mom is rapidly going into depression. My dad is away on a trip for a few months, but even if he were here to keep her company, it wouldn't be good company because all he does is yell and scream at her. She hates her job with a passion, it makes her cry to go to work in the morning.

Today she told me that her life is so boring and her sole purpose in life is to work and be bored, lonely, etc. She says no one invites her anywhere and I have Chris (my boyfriend), while she has no one to do anything with. I do invite her places when I can, but the fact is, we're all poor. We have no money to go anywhere. She also expects me to hang out with her and spend all my time with her. For example, the moment she comes home from work, she asks me to watch TV or a movie with her, make dinner with her, go places with her (even though we don't have any money), and if I opt out and just go upstairs to my room, she says, "You're leaving me?" :( and I feel awful. She doesn't expect this of her two older sons, only me. My brothers go places with their friends all the time and she doesn't expect them to hang out with her.

I just don't understand it. I get she might be lonely because she hates her job and my dad yells at her, but why is it my obligation to keep her content? I want to, sometimes, but a lot of the time she's crying, depressed and upset and says "No one loves me!"

I don't know if any of this made sense. V_V I just wanted to vent.

Also, I'm starting school soon and she's totally against it, she wants me to go get a job and hand over everything I make to her. Sigh.

I don't want to hangout with my friends anymore?

Just a question, have you talked to your mom or dad about how you have been feeling because that can help and if it doesn't you can talk to some other people that you trust because sometimes it can help if you just talk to some one. I have been in the same situation for a while and i didn't tell anyone for about 6 months and it got worse and worse so i talked to my sister first then my mom, then the doctor and my dad and now i feel better than i was a couple of week ago or you can just vent out to someone that you trust.

My mom doesn't have any friends anymore and is trying to hang out with me and my brother. What the heck is going on?

Sounds like she is lonely and looking for company. Have a talk with her and gently let her know she needs to get out and make some friends of her own. Maybe at work or church she could invite some women over to lunch. If she plays a sport like golf or tennis she could maybe take lessons or join a gym. Vounteering is a great place to make friends. Go easy on her. Let her know you love her and want her to be happy.Set aside some time to spend together as a family. Go out for ice cream or to a movie. You all need some bonding family time but she does need her own friends too.Just saw the details. Forget work. Try to get her to meet the neighbors.

Why doesn't my mother let me hang out with my friends?

I am currently in high school i am in the 11th grade i am 17 outta the 3 years i have been in high school i only hung out with one of my friends once. My friends ask why don't i ever do anything on the weekend or after school. I cant really answer their question because i don't no why my mother never lets me get out on the weekend. It isn't good to be in the house all day on the weekend i need to get out once and a while. It starts to get depressing sitting in the house every weekend and not spending time with my friends. It wouldn't be that bad if my mom took me out to places like the movies,park, beach or the mall but, she doesn't do anything at all. I don't drink, do drugs or have sex. I get good grades a's and b's and my teachers think i am a good kid. I don't hang out with the wrong crowd. My mom always says i should get some air but, she never lets me get out the house. My mom never did this to my other siblings but, my siblings lived with their fathers. we have the same mother but, different fathers. I am missing out on my teen experiences these years are supposed to be fun. I have tryed to have an adult conversation with her like asking what can i do to gain her trust but, she never gives me an answer she just starts yelling for no reason even my older siblings and father try to talk to her but, she treats them like children. It is not good to block me off from the world because i am almost an adult i will going to college and get a house are apartment. I need to get out and be per-paired for real life. High school years are post to be enjoyable. My friend asked if i wanted to go with her to this anime on saturday. I told my friend i would have to ask my mother for permission first. When i got home from school today i asked my mother if i could go to the anime thing and my mom responded with NO!. I asked my mother why and she didn't give me a reason, my mom does this every time any of my friends invite me anywhere movies, park, beach etc. I keep missing out on things because of my mom. I find it ridiculous that i have to be 18 to hang out with my friends i have cousins in middle school and elementary and their parents let them hang out with their friends.

Should I stay home today when I'm depressed?

Sure. Its what we call a “ mental health day” to recharge your batteries and take care of yourself. Treat yourself to anything that makes you feel better, whether that’s a long walk on the beach, an hour with a great book and a nap, a phone call with a supportive friend, or eating nutritious snacks and binging on your favorite Netflix series. The important thing to remember is you are staying at home to shake up your routine to “ TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF”. So no sitting around and worrying about things you have no control over, your family stressors or work. And no cleaning the house!Now, you say you are “ depressed”. Depression is an illness that is diagnosed by a mental health provider. It has criteria that need to be met in order for you to be diagnosed with it. For instance , a person needs to have signs and or symptoms for a duration of time, so many days a week, and their daily functioning usually is imparied in some way. That’s putting it simply. In other words its not just having an off day once a week. That is something different and probably involves changing something in your environment. If you are depressed, feeling sad, blue, hopeless or helpless , having trouble concentrating, sleeping or eating, not feeling or experiencing any joy, haved dropped out of usual activities you once enjoyed or have had trouble being social when you once were, you should be professionally evaluated. Depression doesn’t get better with time , usually it takes changes in peoples behavior and thinking patterns. Some people need to go on medication to assist them to feel better.Good Luck!

My mom makes me feel guilty when I'm with friends?

I don't really have many friends...I usually only hang out with my boyfriend and like 3 other girls. I was bullied a lot when I was younger so I have a hard time trusting people. I hardly go out with these friends also...for example, over summer-break I only went out about 4 times with the girls and most weekends with my boyfriend (he was building a school every weekday). I guess I'm just not a big people person.
However, whenever I would be out with my friends, my mom would always makes me feel really guilty! She won't talk to me and basically ignores me when I get home. If I haven't gone out with friends she talks and talks and we have a nice time.
I feel really caged in because of if I'm with my friend's I'll feel bad that I'm not at home making my mom feel better :( (she has had bouts of clinical depression by the way). I used to go to a school that had dorms, and I would only go home on special occasions, and I felt so free and happy... but now that I go to a school close enough to live with my parents again I feel so caged and guilty whenever I'm hanging out with friends :( What's wrong with me? What can I do to stop feeling so horrible when I'm out?