My Mom Is A Criminal What Do I Do

My mom is dating a criminal drug doing jerk how do i get rid of him?

tell him your uncle is a cop

My mom is a drug addict and criminal.?

It's true that jail is a revolving door for many criminals. They just go in and out all the time, and the justice system just does what it can. Sometimes these criminals are in and out of jail before the cops can even finish writing up the report. They really don't know what to do with hardcore drug addicts since they have no real place for them to go and many either refuse and don't want to stop using drugs. It's just becomes a vicious circle of doing crimes to get money to pay for the drugs and trips to jail only to be released on time served since the jails don't have enough space or money to keep all these people in them, and there is not enough rehabs anywhere to give people help even when they really want to stop doing drugs. I agree with you whole heartedly.

What can you do about it? Nothing much my dear. You can scream from the rooftops whatever you want about your mom and until she does a much worse crime than she has been and getting caught at it to where she will do real time, you are stuck with what you got in life which isn't much. She should never have been allowed to raise any children at all, but it is what it is.

You are getting older now and your mom is really toxic to your life. I think you are definitely on the right track to making your own life a much better happier stable one. Please just focus on you and reaching your goals and forget about your mom. You can cut ties with her soon as you are 18 and should do so. Go to college and focus on yourself. In order for them to prosecute her for anything, they would need good solid evidence and even then it might not be more than a slap on the wrist if convicted. You will learn all about that if you become an attorney. Using drugs and even DUI's is not considered much of a crime in many cities. I saw this one guy who had like 16 DUI's and never spent more than 2 days in a jail. Then he finally killed someone while driving drunk which did finally put him away. Then everyone want to know why he was still out on the street. That's a good question for the judges who gave him a pass after the first one. I wish you the best and hope you do make a much better life for yourself than you mother ever gave you. You certainly deserve it and you can do it if you really work hard and stay focused. You know what drugs and drinking too much does to people, so hopefully you have learned a lot about never using them.

My parents treat me like a criminal. how do i prove to them i'm not lying to them?

They just need some time to get to know him a little better, didn't they ever teach you not to jusge a book by it's cover well you need to talk with them and tell them that is just what they are doing. My husband also did some proson time and I'll tell you what he is a better man than any of the guys that I'd ever dated in my life. Let your parents know that you are serious about this guy and it would make you feel a whole lot better if they would just support you in this decision.

Does Agent Hotchner ever smile in Criminal Minds?

My mother, brother and I have been watching a lot of Criminal Minds lately, mainly the second and third seasons on DVD. I haven't been watching Criminal Minds very long, but I've been wondering, is Hotch always so solemn or does he ever crack a smile? My mom told me he half-smiled when JJ showed off her baby... any other instances? Season and episode it's in would be greatly appreciated, thanks!