My Mom Is Constantly Insulting Me And Making Me Feel Unwanted.

What should I do if my mom constantly makes me feel like crap?

Wow there is a lot going on. I would love to know if you are a teenager or are you an adult. In either case I feel that you should definitely seek some type of counseling. This will help you whatever the situation is.As far as your mom, she obviously has her own things going on emotionally that have nothing to do with you. Our parents come with their own baggage into our lives and we can’t take responsibility for it, nor can we fix it for them. They have to want to get the help and find out what their reasons are for doing the things they do.Her treatment of you is not okay. There should be more sensitivity and respect there. Go to counseling and work on yourself, and you can suggest to your mom to do the same thing but you can’t force anyone to do anything. The only person you can fix is yourself. I would like to suggest that if you can make your own appointments and scheduling , that you do it yourself for now, until things get a little better.You have to build up your self esteem, and become more confident, and you you will start to see a more positive change. Take it one day at a time.Deborah-Letsdishgirl

My husband makes me feel bad for wanting sex!?

Is there any chance he's depressed? I know that both men and women experience a big decrease in their libidos when they're stressed, but it's not as commonly talked about for men as it is for women.

All I can say is that it HAS to be addressed, because obviously sex is a big part of a marriage. I'd sit him down and tell him that it doesn't have to be a huge, dramatic fight or discussion, but you just want to tell him how frustrated you are and see where he's coming from. If he refuses to admit anything is wrong or abnormal, then it's up to you to decide whether you can live with the dramatically decreased sex in your marriage, whether you want to give an ultimatum of counseling or a divorce, or whether you want to take a trial separation and see how things go from there.

One of my best friends is in your position as well and she only has sex about once a month (if that!), and she practically has to beg for it. She's probably one of the prettiest women I've ever seen and guys are always drooling over her, but yet her husband isn't interested at all. It's so weird. She has decided to put up with it for the long haul but let me tell you, she's not happy about it. She constantly feels lonely and like their relationship is lacking something, even though the other times away from sex are great. I think the only solution is to demand a change (or at least an open discussion about the situation!) and see what his response is.

I want to die?I feel hopeless and unwanted?

The people who are making you feel like crap are most likely crap themselves, it is a shame your young though because you can't really go out and adventure to meet people worth knowing, be patient, life will get a lot better for you because you obviously have a lot of potential if bitter people are annoying you, this is just a hiccup in your life.

How do I cope with how depressed my mom makes me feel?

Moms are tough! Even if you have a good mom, they represent a huge force in your life and to think that everything that comes from them is going to be good, or that if you are hurt by them it is all your fault (which some of the answers assume) is crazy. Of course, your mom makes you depressed. She programmed you! She is the architect of your personality. And being a human that is living in a society is technically SUpressing which we often experience as DEpressing. So even if your mom was Mary Poppins you would still associate depressed feelings with things that she impressed upon you. And most moms aren’t Mary Poppins. Some are even downright awful. What can you do?I’ll tell you what you can do! Write the meanest nastiest letter to your mom you can muster. Write down every complaint about her and the way she raised you that you can think of. Get mean. Get vicious. Don’t hold back. It doesn’t even matter if your complaints are fair. If you feel it, write it down.BUT DON’T SEND IT TO HER.She doesn’t deserve that. Even if she does deserve it, it won’t help anything to hurt her like that. Take that letter into your backyard (or an alley if you are in the city) and light it on fire. Do not throw it away. You need to destroy it. Watch the smoke swirl into the air. Feel your anger evaporate with it. And then it will be gone. All your complaints will be nothing but ash and smoke and then maybe, just maybe you can finally move on, accept responsibility for your own life and be a god damned adult.

My mom makes me feel very insecure about my body...please help?

So, first of all, I am a 15 year old girl. That being said, I ALWAYS feel insecure. Second of all, I'm 5 ft 9 inches and I'm only a 34 A, so theres another strike against me. Thirdly, i have size 9.5 feet so I feel like a misproportioned freak. Finally, I weigh 130 lbs (I'm a swimmer). My mom is 5 ft 4 inches and she always calls me "the tall freak." it really hurts me. She also calls me "Bigfoot." I hate it! And lastly, she calls me fat. She always reminds me that she only weighed 110 lbs when she got married to my dad and she says that I should lose weight. I've told her over and over to please stop commenting on my physique, but she insists on putting me down. She just doesn't get it. What can I do?

(oh, and she and my dad ALWAYS make fun of me and they call me ugly, stupid, and the unwanted child. I don't think I'm stupid. I have all A's in gifted classes and I'm #5 in my class of 265. I'm tired of them trying to get me to be just like my brother who had no social life. It bugs me because I have another 3 years of this (this meaning the fights, the yelling, and the insults. The fights usually consist of them saying something utterly stupid and me explaining why what they said makes no sense. They then get all defensive and start yelling at me. Once, it was so bad that my dad almost choked me. And then, the day after a fight, they feel all bad and go out and buy me something.) I don't think I can live with this much longer without going insane. What can I do?

So, I am spending Thanksgiving alone. I really feel like no one cares about me. How about you?

you matter more than you think. Maybe right now you feel unwanted and like no one cares about you, but deep down you know that there is at least one person in the world who cares about you!

Don’t believe the lies you hear that you’re not good enough, lovable, or valuable. Instead, believe in the love of God who created you and loves you more than you’ll ever know. When you feel like no one cares, simply look up. Take a deep breath. Open your heart and spirit to receive the love, power, and grace of Jesus. He is here right now, and He has never left you. Nor will He ever leave you! Soak up God’s love, for it is deep, eternal, and constantly available to you.