My Mom Wants Me To Delete My Instagram

Ex deleted me off Facebook, Instagram?

Soo basically my ex and I broke up a good few months ago he ended it badly and then I had deleted him off everything cos I was so hurt.

Anyway we got back together 2 months ago and then the other day we had a stupid fight and he decided that was it again, I presume he wanted me to beg down the phone but I was stronger so I didn't. I said sorry for the fight and he said I don't want this it's never gonna change (all these stupid fights) and I said if he can't handle when were bad then he's not worth it, and I deserve so much better someone who actually likes me. And I ended the convo by saying that I won't ever ever talk to him or contact him again, he sighed and was about to speak and I just hung up. Anyway minutes later I went to just unfollow on fb not delete and he had deleted me, blocked me on Instagram and snapchat? Why he was the one who ended it?

Should i not block my mom on instagram?

So im turning 18 in two months and im a guy by the way. My mom uses my aunt to spy on me with facebook but i dont even use it so i dont care. Then she made an instagram and i immediately blocked her. She got mad but got over it quickly. Now today she made another instagram and i blocked her again. I know she is just using it to watch what im doing because i know for a fact she would never upload a photo. Im a responsible kid who she trusts so i dont understand why i cant have a little privacy. She got all pissed off at me today because i blocked her. Im not trying to hide anything but i know every time i upload a picture all shes gonna do is talk about it. And god forbid i upload one of me and my girlfriend she will be asking me 100000 questions. Am i wrong or right to block her?

My dad is asking me to delete my Instagram account since he found out about it. How can I convince him to let me keep it?

My recommendation to you is this:If you want to be able to have an Instagram account, the first step is to talk to your father about it. Now, you need to come at the conversation as maturely as possible. No shouting, no blaming, no crying, no pouting and still no shouting.Lay out the reasons that you feel an Instagram account isn’t going to be a big deal. Write down bullet points if you need to! Let him know that you don’t object at all to him monitoring your account and communications on the site. Offer him your log-in and password on a piece of paper. Remind him that you have not and will not do anything that would break his trust.If he offers you rules for usage, accept them and move on.Here’s the tough part. You’re 16, and he’s your dad. If you can’t convince him through reasoned and mature discussion, it isn’t going to happen and you’ll have to accept it for the next 2 years.Just remember that tears and fights don’t get you anywhere!

My dad made me delete instagram!?!?

Cause he wants to protect her cute, lil daughter from the ****** up internet society. Maybe you posted some nasty pictures. Thumbs up for your Daddy. Go ahead. Learn playing a piano;)

Mom follows me on instagram?

Hello. Im a 15 year old girl, I made an Instagram like 4 months ago. And I've been hooked. My mom made an Instagram like a month ago. And she followed me. I then knew its gonna go downhill now. She's very into everything I post or write. I have to think twice when I post a picture by myself or with someone because she'll start annoying me if she doesn't like it. I have to think twice about what I put as my Instagram caption, bio, profile pictures, what I comment when others comment on my photo, ect. It's getting so annoying and I feel like I'm trapped. All I use is Instagram, no facebook, no twitter, nada. I mean I love my mother will all my heart but she bickers over unnecessary stuff. I blocked her like a week ago, because I couldn't take it anymore but then 10 minutes later she came up to my room and said.. "Why did you block me? Wow, im your mom!" And I made an excuse because I felt bad and said, "I didn't block you... refresh there must be something wrong." And by the time she did that I unblocked her. For example, a few days after that. I was at my best friend's house and one of our male friend came along and I knew him, my mom knows a little about him too. All she said about him before was "he's cute". By the way, my friend's parents was home, in case you're wondering and he's just my friend so we took a picture and thinking it would be "alright" knowing my wouldn't really care I posted it up and then the next 5 minutes she called me yelling saying, "Get home now!!!!!!!!! Why are you with boys?" Wow. I'm with one male friend, yet she goes nuts. And that's only ONE example. I honestly can't take it, I want to take pictures for MEMORIES. And it seems like it's quite impossible with my mother watching my EVERY move on instagram! What should I do?? Thank you!!

My Mom Checks My Instagram Account?

So my mom often checks my instagram account to make sure I don't post anything inappropriate. I wouldn't, I promise. I know my responsibilities and rules and I will follow them. Plus, my pics are set to private so only my friends can see them. I decline friend requests from strangers and stuff. But my mom constantly checks my account and she told me to delete a picture that I took of my friend because I'm "spreading information" about her. She said not to take any pics of my friends or anybody! She said I had no rights to post that pic. I told her I was just hanging out and we got bored so I took a pic of her! I captioned it "my friend the other half of me" and that's not spreading information! And I'm kinda creeped out by mom doing that because she even checks the comments and who's following me and who I am following. O.O

My parents want to follow my private Instagram account but I don't want them to. What should I do?

I am not sure if this will work, but I have an idea!Change your current Instagram name to something a little different, which your parents might not think about to search in the search bar.Then create another account with the name you had before and make sure that your profile picture and everything else matches the old account. But, don’t delete your old account.From now onwards, share posts which doesn’t have a lot of bad words and that kind of stuff on the newly created account and you can be your ownself on the other account. However, make sure that you have some of your friends as followers and etc. to your new account because if your parents have checked your account before, then they might be surprised on how there are no followers…Make sure it looks just like your old account and don’t forget to change the username for the old account.Hope it helps and you understood what I meant:)

How do I convince my parents to let me get an Instagram?

Well, you need to be 13 years old.My kid wanted instagram so I made some rules for that:The account needs to be closed, meaning you accept everyone following you.I am your first followerNo pictures with you that are not age appropriate, no selfies where you lie in bed.If I want you to remove a picture, you will do so.Bathing suit pictures have to be discussed with me before uploading.Do not accept followers you do not know in real life, if you ever feel creeped out by anyone, come talk with me.So far she has posted a few selfies, some sightseeing from trips, and a lot of pictures of food, mostly desserts.Make an argument for it and suggest ground rules to your parents, that’s what my kid did and we agreed to the terms.

Should I de-activate my Facebook and Instagram just because my boyfriend doesn't want me to be on social media?

No. In fact, I would dump him. This is insecure, immature, and controlling behavior that are clear signs that you’re not headed for a healthy relationship. No one (and this goes towards anyone of any gender) should tell you what you can/should or can’t/shouldn’t do.Him wanting you to de-activate your accounts are signs that he wants to isolate you from other people. He wants you to be focused on him and him alone. This stems from insecurity. He knows he’s a lot to handle or is for whatever reason “defective” and could easily be replaced—which he can.He doesn’t have faith that you’ll stick with him just because you’re exposed to more people. Think about it, though. He’s not just eliminating you from talking to “rivals” but that also includes friends, family, and possibly coworkers. Are you going to throw that away just because he’s scared? Why not just shut yourself indoors and serve him and and foot?I’m not trying to sound like a feminist on a rant but I’ve had to deal with this first-hand. It never leads to a happy ending. Don’t delete your accounts. Delete him from your life. You’ll be better off.

My mom said I couldn't make instagram but I did. She doesn't know. I feel bad. Should I delete it?

You're 17. I think you should let your mom know that you are old enough and responsible enough to do things like that. It's a good idea to actually sit down with them and let them know what you're thinking.
Personally, I probs wouldn't delete it, but I rarely listen to what my parents say.. ahem. If it's gonna eat at your conscience though, then just delete it. No sense in keeping it if you'll just be bothered by it. That being said, I personally think it's a bit bizarre that she's so strict about things like that. Pretty soon, you'll be 18. Which means adult.
If you feel like you need to respect her decisions though, then do. She is your mother.
Those are my thoughts.