My Mom Wont Let Me Go Anywhere With My Friends

My Mom Doesn't Let Me Go Anywhere W/ Friends?

Maybe you can enlist the help of another relative who could talk to your mom for you? It doesn't seem that your talking to her is doing any good. This is a tough one because even if you go to a relative for help your mom may get angry because you went outside of your immediate family, meaning her.

Maybe instead of talking to her you good write her a nice letter telling her how you feel. That way she couldn't interrupt or argue with you and you have the chance of completing your thoughts If you do this, make sure you word it very carefully so she won't use it against you later if you slip up and say something mean.

Im 15 and my mom won't let me go anywhere?

Honey you and my daughter it sounds are a lot in the same boat.My oldest daughter is 12 almost 13 and she has a younger sister that is two about to be three in a week.I do make my daughter do a lot around the house only because I want her to be an independant woman when she gets older. So I am trying to teach her the ropes now.I would also like for her to make a good wife one day.She asks me all the time to do things with her friends and I always tell her NO.The reason is because I love her so much and dont want to see anything bad happen to her. I want hre to finish her education and become something one day. And I dont want her to become involved in drugs/alcohol. Or be influenced by her peers into doing something that she'll regret the rest of her life.And that we cant take back. When you grow up honey you will understand we "mom" are only doing this because we love you and want the best for you..I know thats hard for you to understand but one day you will be thankful that you have a mom that cares as much as she does..It will get better,and all the things that you are dying to be able to do,you will have your chance as you still have a long life to live sweetie. Take care and always remember your mom loves you and moms know best for our children. We were your age once..were only trying to look out... Stay safe and good luck

My mom NEVER lets me go to my friend's houses or ANYWHERE!?

It's so annoying! Even when she knows the mom, knows where they live, and even when I have nothing to do like my school work is all done and everything! She never lets me go to my friend's houses! And even with regular public places to! like maybe i want to do something fun... like go to the movies with my sister and mom, she never lets me go!!! so ALL I DO EVERY SINGLE DAY: go to school, come back. computer for the rest of the night and my school work. and then on weekdays- i spend all my time on the computer. its not fair! my brothers and sisters can go places!! i mean i have my cellphone and im 13. when my sister and bros were my age- they can go places with their friends! all im asking if i can please go to my friends house! just to hangout! :(
what can i do! im so bored with my life!

My mom won't let me go out with friends?

Im 16 years old, (17 in a month) and my mom won't let me go to the mall or anywhere with my friends from school. She says it's not safe and I could get hurt or killed. It's really embarrassing when my friends ask me if I want to hangout and I have to say no automatically because my mom won't tolerate me having a social life. I live in a fairly large county of 400k.
And someone usually does get shot everyday here but same with any other city or county in America.
How can I convince her to let me go out ?
And what do you think of this situation personally?

I'm 16 and my mom won't let me hang out with my friends. What should I do?

Is there a reason?At 16 you need to have some freedom, so that you know how to handle social situations as an adult.Sit down with your mom when neither of you are angry or emotional and discuss the situation.“Mom, I really enjoy my friends and I want to spend time with them. Yet, when I ask for permission, you frequently say no. What do you need to see from me in order to feel comfortable with me spending more time with my friends? I’d like to take notes as well, would that be okay?”Let your mom talk without interrupting her. Use ‘active listening’ as she explains to you what her concerns are. This would be saying, “I see,” “Yes, I understand,” as she states her concerns. Take notes. Then repeat back to her what she said, “So, to be sure that I understand this, your concerns are Foo, Bah and Blah. Is that right?”Hopefully, she’ll agree.Then come up with a plan together. “Mom, I love and respect you, and (not but) I want to be able to honor your concerns and still see my friends. How about we come up with a plan we can both live with.“One concern is that you don’t know my friends. How about we invite them over for pizza and a movie next week. You can meet them and we can be here where you can supervise us.”“Another concern is that you don’t know where I am. How about we load a GPS app on my phone so that you can track me? Also, I’ll check in twice whenever I’m out, once when I arrive and right before I leave, would that work for you?”See how that works? It’s going to feel really weird when you first do it. Alien. But stick with it anyway. Don’t get frustrated or angry if you disagree with your mother. Write it down. Repeat it back. Acknowledge it.Practice with your friends at first. Perhaps during lunch at school.

I'm almost 16 and my mom won't let me go anywhere, how can I convince her to let me?

I was sexually abused from the age of 11 and raped at 14. As a result, I was terrified that the same thing would happen to my girls and was overly protective of them. Is it possible your mother has experienced something herself and she doesn’t want anything similar to happen to you? It may be time for an open conversation. Do it when you are calm and rational. Be mature about this and willing to openly listen to her point of view and her fears. Say things from your perspective using “I” statements e.g. “I feel like you don’t trust me when you say I can’t go anywhere. Please help me to understand why I’m not allowed to go and see my friends when they are allowed more freedom? I know you love me and want me to be safe but I need to know you trust me because if you can trust me, I will show you I can be trusted.”Ask her what she is afraid will happen. LIsten carefully and allay her fears calmly. If it doesn’t work, suggest going to a counselor together. An intermediary may be able to help your mother understand that restricting you too much is counter-productive.Please don’t rebel but rather work on winning your mother’s confidence and overcoming her fears. Remember this is her way of showing you she loves you and doesn’t want harm to come to you.

Im 15 and my mom wont let me go to a concert with my friend?

-try to explain your agenda for the day so that she knows exactly what you will be doing and that you are safe. for example: you're getting a ride to the concert from ______. Then you will be at the concert. then you will be picked up by _____ and will be driven home.

-assure her that you will call her when you are dropped off and when you are picked up so that she knows are have arrived safely and you are on your way home. MAKE SURE YOU ACTUALLY CALL!

-leave your cell on at all times and tell her you will have it with you so she can call you and vice versa.

-explain that you really want to go to the concert and that you are a good kid who gets good grades and deserves to go. BE RESPECTFUL about it and DONT YELL! trust me that will ruin everything!

Good Luck! That usually works for me!

My parents wont let me go out anywhere! ?

You need to prove you are responsible before they let you go out on your own. Why can't you invite your friends over, or ask your parents to drive and drop you and your friends off at the mall or at the movies? Why not host a friend's night at someone's house? You don't necessarily need to go out to have fun with your friends. Let your parents know that you know they are making these rules to protect you, but you feel like you need more freedom, and ask if they have any ideas to compramise. Good luck!

My parents won't let me hang out with my friends?

Whenever I ask if I can go out or hang out with my friends, they always say "No, we want to have weekend to ourselves." or "Let's just hang out as a family this weekend."

How do I get them to let me be a normal teenager and hang out with my friends?
Then, they all go do stuff and I'm stuck at home doing nothing. I get straight A's and don't do anything bad, but they never let me hang out with friends. I have a four day weekend and a bunch of people had asked me to hang out, but my parents told me that they are always doing stuff for me. . . blah, blah, blah. . . but they told me the same thing last weekend! So now, I'm stuck at home.

My mom won't let me go to my friend's house?

As a parent of three daughters I understand the being protective of your child. You need to have some one talk to her about being over protective and the adverse consequences of that. You should either talk to your school counselor or your doctor. Stuff will happen to you in life but your mother, need to realize that she can't protect you from every thing and that trying isn't' allowing you to grow up and to be able to take care of yourself. So talk to your school counselor or you doctor. You mother is more likely to listen to a professional, You might also want to ask her if any thing bad happened to her at one of her friends houses when she was a kid. That might explain why she won't let you go to any one else's house. The other thing that you have to do is to get her to know the parents and the girls that you want to hang with. The more that she knows and likes them, the more likely she is to let you visit. Start by asking her to let you have the girl to your house a couple of times so that she can get to know her and what kind of person she is. You mother is probably afraid of you being molested or raped a way from home, which is why she won't let you go any where that's not public. Which is what made me think that something might have happened to her when she was at a friends house. Have someone who's a professional talk to her and if that doesn't work ask her to go into family therapy with you. Let her know that she's pushing you away from her and that something has to happen for the two of you to understand each other, before she pushes you to do something that might be major. Kids that aren't allowed to have friends and to socialize with them are the ones who are more likely to hang with the wrong crowds when they get older.