My Mother 65 Years Has Been Diagonised By Doctor As Having - Anterior Horn Cell Disease. The

If the brain has no pain receptors, why am I experiencing headaches?

Brain does not have pain receptors so there cannot be pain in brain. Headaches are caused by receptors outside Brain.Most commonly headaches are due to Overstretching of Dura-Mater.Let’s see what is Dura-mater…Dura mater literally means durable (dura) mother (mater). It is hard layer that covers the brain. It serves the purpose of protection of precious brain from injuries along with skull bones. There are other coverings of brain too such as arachnoid, pia-mater.Image Source- GoogleAny cause which is leading to stretching of dura can lead to pain. Apart from dura, meningeal irritation, nerve irritation can also cause pain.You can identify the site of lesion by localization of pain.Feeling pain near eye, cheeks and frontal lobe areaCause can be stretching of dura of anterior region.Dental pain, sinusitis - irritating Trigeminal nerve.Feeling pain at the neck or backCause could be Stretching of dura of posterior region.In this way, you can have idea about the site of origin of pain.PS(Migraines are not described as it is already described in brief in other answers.)Persistent headaches are indicators of neurological evaluation. You must go see your doctor for headaches.Stay Healthy. Stay Happy.