My Mouse Is Now Working Suddenly Curser Stopped Moving What Should I Do What Should I Do Any

What should I do when my mouse is not working properly in Turbo C++?

To get access to mouse back :-Press Alt+F. File drop down menu will be displayed.-Press Left Arrow key.-Select repaint desktop.Tadaaaa. Your mouse pointer access is back. Enjoy.!As a programmer it’s my advice to move to better ide like Codeblocks as it is more user friendly.Thanks!

How to fix a blinking mouse cursor?

My mouse cursor all of a sudden started doing this thing where it constantly blinks very fast when I am moving it and the moment I stop moving it, it disappears until I move it again. This only happens in my internet browser and not on my main screen or in word documents and such. Can anyone help me please? I am running on Mozilla Firefox

Touchpad mouse not working? Asus laptop.?

Go to the asus site and get the latest touchpad driver for your system and operating system - use a plug in mouse - or if that doesnt work a replacement touchpad is not expensive or difficult to fit.

Laptop cursor won't move?

I have a Compaq laptop with Windows 8, and my cursor just suddenly stopped moving. I can both left and right click and use my keyboard still, and I have checked to be sure I didn't accidentally lock it. It has done this before, but it has always started moving again shortly after. It has been immovable for longer than usual, and I am working on something important right now and would very much appreciate some advice on how to get it working again.

My mouse cursor won't move. A little orange light shows up on my touchpad. How do I get my touchpad to work again so I can move the mouse?

Tap twice in the corner of the mouse pad where that little orange light is. You should see a brief overlay showing it's enabled. Tapping twice again will disable it.

Mouse scroll third button not working?

I bet you have cats.

Hair, dander and dirt have accumulated between the spring and ridged area on the inside of the scroll wheel. This happened to me. Instead of tossing it I took it apart.

Use a safety pin and carefully remove the gunk. You should be able to see it. Try not to dislodge the two stiff metal wires holding the wheel down (it's a pain figuring out how to reinsert them).

To be safe, take a good look at how they hold the wheel in place. If all else fails, decent mice are down around ten dollars nowdays.

If you just want a quick fix, try filling a container with soapy water, submerge the mouse (no lie, this usually works) and vigorously shake it for a couple of minutes. SHAKE OUT WATER AND LET DRY COMPLETELY BEFORE PLUGGING BACK IN. This should dislodge the gunk, but the gunk will be floating around inside the mouse unless you open it and pull it out.

Whichever method you feel most comfortable with.

Save the planet, fix instead of dispose.