My New Female Rat Is Really Timid

Really cute female rat names?

I know i keep asking but im bored hahah.

I have two female rats, one is older than the other. She is a dumbo dark grey variegated (which means a black heat, white body with black specks) She is sooo sweet and always wants to come out of her cage and be pet. The other is a dumbo all grey with a white tummy and white paws. super cute and sweet but still a tiny bit timid.

They need really cute names! Possibly a japanese name. Something unique! thank you!

One of my rats is bullying the other, getting really bad.?

I bought a rat a few months ago, then found out i should have more than one, so i got another, which was really shy and timid, then i got another which is just fine. My original rat used to be really outgoing and curious and independant and now when i let them out to run about the shy(not so shy now) rat is bullying the original pretty badly, its not play fighting anymore and he chases him about CONSTANTLY, i feel really sorry for the original rat.

They're all the same age roughly and i'm new to rats. so i don't know what to do. Any help would be lovely.

How to get my timid pet rat to let me hold her?

The best technique I've ever used was so simple: lay very still on your bed and let them run around on you. In time when they become more comfortable you can start moving your body in non-threatening ways (scratch your nose, flex your foot). When all goes well, start sitting up and offering them treats to come toward you. Some unsweetened applesauce on a spoon keeps them from bolting with the goods. When you see don't seem so scary anymore start putting them on your shoulder and walking around. The fact that they're already familiar with your body will probably help minimize fear pooping haha. Another great method to use is the "down the shirt". It speaks for itself - tuck them down a sweater while you're on the couch, etc. and she'll learn to love your warmth and come out for visits.

I constructed a playpen that I can sit in with my rats and play but if you can't do that, hog the bathroom for a couple hours and put out some boxes and tunnels and bring treats. They're bound to have a blast! You've got a great partner in your other rat to teach her you're friendly, rats tend to behave by example.

Remember to pay as much attention to them as possible. In the morning, open up the cage and speak to them while offering some veggies. Soon they'll beat you to the door for a big good morning!

Why is my new rat breathing so fast, like his heart is beating out of his chest!?

I've had 1 rat for 3 months now, and she's wonderful. When I first got her there were no problems, just a little sneezing and that went away. I know your not supposed to have 1 rat so I bought another one about a week ago from the same pet store I got her from. She is very scared and timid and I thought she may be sick, so I brought her back in and they said she was fine just move her cage away from your other rats. I did that and have been taking her out as much as possible even with a couple bites and poop galore. She just sits there shaking mostly and crawls around slightly.

My main problem is that weather shes out or in she is breathing super fast and shaking. Her body even jerks from it. Don't say TAKE HER TO A VET because my dad wont let me. I was jsut wondering if there was anything wrong or if she just needs more time.

Is it alright for rats to occasionally scratch eachother?

They should not be separated. Rats are very social animals and she would be miserable if taken away from her sisters. Rats do fight with each other, however, partly because it's a way of interacting, partly because of disagreements about food or space, and also because of a desire to show dominance. I, too, have three girl rats and one of the girls is smaller and gets picked on. She shrieks and gets occasional scratches, but she gleefully goes back to stealing food and chasing the other ones soon afterwards. In the animal hierarchy, the more dominant female is aggressive toward her in order to remind her who is boss. I'm afraid that a certain amount of fighting and scratching is inevitable with rats. I wouldn't worry about it unless there is serious injury.

My rat is suddenly very scared of me?

mine did that just the other night. I let her out often and she usually does fine. I just tap my fingers on the floor and they come to me. But the other night one of them ran from me and hid. She did the same things yours did so I haven't let them out of their cage since because I had such a hard time catching her. She was freaked out for about 2 days but I kept opening the door and petting her, offering her treats etc. and she was find again. But I still haven't let her out again yet. Female rats are like that... skittish and nervous. My male rats are the opposite... very friendly and lovable and never run from me. they are more like puppies. Females are just like that. Just keep working with her... offering her treats first, then have her come to your hand to get the treats, then pet her, etc. She will be ok. The main thing Im concerned about though is that you mention only one rat. If she doesn't have a rat buddy, she will not be a "normal" pet rat. They become depressed and have health problems and eating disorders and live shorter lives. They can not live alone. She has to have a rat buddy to live with. yes, you can play with her and spend time with her, but its not the same at all. You cant spend as much time with her as a buddy can... to play with, sleep with, eat with, talk with (in her own language). Im serious, its very important for you to own 2 rats that can live together. It will make all the difference.

Is Carefresh Natural bedding making my rat sneeze?

A lot of people recommend carefresh, but for rats I think it is horrible, despite what other may say. Rats have very delicate respiratory systems so you need to be careful about their bedding. It should not be dusty, can't have phenols, and no chemicals or anything. This leaves very few options since pine and cedar are toxic, and aspen is usually too dusty, so most people go with carefresh.

When I used carefresh, if I reached my hand in the bag my whole arm would be covered with dust and then after I put it down there would be a huge poof of dust in the air. It was terrible, it made my rats sneeze all the time and I will never use it again.

The best would be either another type of paper based bedding like yesterdays news or just put down fleece (then its easier to litter train them so very easy to clean out and cheaper this way).

Rats do get some sneezes from their new home though, since their senses are still adjusting the the environment. If you change bedding and it still does not clear up in a week it is cause for concern and you may want to take her to the vet.