My Paranoia Is Acting Up And Im Scared Ive Been Infected With Anthrax Help

Does hand sanitizer kill the bacteria of anthrax?

I ask this because I found a dollar yesterday on the ground in the hallway at my school, and I immediately went to a hand sanitizer dispenser and put hand sanitizer on it.

I am still very paranoid from the terrorist attacks and anthrax scare from 10 years ago. I don't really trust it when I find things on the ground.

I guess my biggest fear is that if there is something on the ground, someone may have left it there intentionally and coated it with anthrax to get someone sick. I have seen many weapons like knifes and handguns just lying on the sidewalk and won't pick them up, for fear that they are an IED or have been used in a crime.
Does hand sanitizer kill the bacteria of anthrax?

Following the bioterrorist anthrax attacks in the fall of 2001,?

a news commentator suggested that people steam their mail for 30 seconds before opening it. Would the technique protect people from anthrax infections? Why or why not?

How would I treat a mishap from using meth when I missed my vein?

You will probably be in a great deal of pain, and you will want to avoid shooting anywhere around that area.  Most people will just make the wise decision to stop IVing altogether.  Rinse the area with water, in my experience, a missed shot will usually form a bump that swell up or it will form a bubble filled with liquid and after this bubble bursts it will usually become a dark spot on your skin, or an abscess.  Either of these is preferable to actually having a serious blood infection which could spread to your other organs and kill you.  Missed shots really suck because even though the drugs are working their way through your system, the panic and fear will not allow you to enjoy the high.  Anyway you will want to take a wet towel heat it in a microwave for a minute and press it against the infected area.  If you have an abscess, put some neosporin on it and cover it with a bandaid so you won't pick at it.   If you have the larger bump you will want to repeatedly apply a warm compress.  This does not usually make the swelling go away but the pain will gradually fade.  You will want to pay attention to it and make sure it does not get bigger over the next few days.  If it does get bigger go to the emergency room and get it drained and the doc will give you antibiotics.  Usually it is not that serious but once you see how the doctor handles it, it is not too difficult to do this yourself at home with some ice, a clean syringe,alcohol wipes, some kind of digging tool and gauze.  Basically there is gonna be some nasty yellowish or brownish looking stuff under your skin that you will have to try to squeeze it all out and that will make the swelling go down.   I do not suggest you try this if you do not know what you're doing.   Most importantly do not keep injecting into that same infected area.  I have known few people to die from meth use, but the one person i do know died this way.

Why is marijuana illegal, even though there is no harm in smoking it?

Why is marijuana illegal, even though there is no harm in smoking it? At least one in ten people have serious problems from smoking marijuana. In addition to that here are some general problems that are harmful.Weed blocks memory formation while the brain is still developing until age 21. It causes cognitive impairment. That is why states that do make it legal make the buying age 21.THC messes with your balance, posture, coordination and reaction time. It includes walking, talking, makes you clumsy and driving a car very difficult.Smoking weed increases depression, especially in young people who have a genetic vulnerability to mental illness.My own personal experience with my adopted son, Michael, proved this to be totally true, including his two biological uncles, one who died due to weed being his gateway drug that lead to an overdose that killed him. His other uncle is currently in prison due to drug charges.My son had also ODed twice that I am aware of. He is in jail right now for failing his drug test. He is on probation after being in prison for 8 years for stealing because he used the items to sells to buy drugs.I taught high risk high school students for 18 years who regularly used marijuana and then used other gateway drugs and many had severe mental health problems and issues including the things I am listing here for readers. It always went hand in hand together!I met one of my former students in prison while visiting my son. His charges were drug related that started out by using marijuana! My husband and son were my witnesses!Smoking weed has been proven to increase intense anxiety, fear, distrust, or panic are all common side effects of 20–30% of all users.Users who smoke large amounts of weed may experience psychosis hallucinations, delusions, and loss of the sense of personal identity.This information can be found in any reasonable research.So to say that smoking marijuana is not harmful is not a correct statement!I suggest to all young people to please do not smoke marijuana! It is not conducive to your health! There IS side effects you don’t want. Also you don’t know if you will be one of those 1 in 10 people who cannot handle marijuana at all and sets off your hardwired genetic vulnerability towards mental illness! Don’t take that chance! It is not worth your difficult life or possible death!I wish all of you good physical and mental health!

Should Cipro, an antibiotic, be used when stepping on a rusty nail?Get answers from millions of real people.?

First off, I am a healthcare provider specializing in infectious disease and my husband is a pharmacist.....

1. Cipro should NEVER be given to children; you are correct. There is ALWAYS another option.

2. Rusty nail=potential Clostridium tetani (tetanus). Cipro will not treat tetanus infection.

Does your child have a current tetanus immunization? If so, then not to worry about tetanus infection. If your child has NOT been immunized, then you need to get him back to the doctor (a different one) NOW.

Intramuscular immune globulin is the IMMEDIATE treatment of unimmunized individuals exposed to materials likely to contain Clostridium tetani. Therapeutic options include penicillins, metrondiazole, or vancomycin.

I repeat...if your child has not been vaccinated against tetanus, then you need to get your child back to the doc NOW for treatment. Your child could have been exposed. If not treated, one in three people infected will die.

Other infections besides tetanus could occur, still cipro should NEVER be used. Something like penicillins or cephalosporins should be used if other infection is suspected.

Shame on that doctor! Please find a new one. Take care!

Im so scared to get my exam results tomorrow? i can't sleep, and its 4am =.=?

First, its going to sound really geeky, but i studied like..i have never studied before for these exams. Im only a freshman, but i really wanted to end the year off with good results.
I've been fine up until 12am where I remembered about getting exam results back, and 4 hours latter, I can't sleep. It sounds dumb, but im checking online to see if i answered things correctly. GPA so far is like...a 3.90 but in the second semester, i missed allot of school because i traveled abroad for a music competition and then a confrence. Its all academic, i know, but because of these trips, i missed allot of class, which caused me to struggle in a couple assignments. I went from getting A's and A* to A-'s and B+ which stung!

idk..i feel really paranoid. I guess i feel like because i slipped a little, ive somehow jinxed my exams?. If i dont do would truely break my heart. Like i would feel like all this work was done for nothing and no matter how hard i study for exams, ill never get what i put in.

I'm scared that I might have Naegleria fowleri?

I may be over reacting but I'm just a paranoid person health wise, so I was mopping a floor with a sponge type mop with water (it was pretty dirty from the mopping), a tiny part of the sponge broke off so I picked it up and threw it away. I washed my hands after that. About half an hour later I kinda picked my nose and then realized that I had contacted dirty mop water with that hand. My hand was dry after that but I'm just scared that the water might have contained the deadly Naegleria fowleri, which enters the brain through smell receptors in the nose. It sounds ridiculous but is it possible that a few could have survived my hand washing and made their way through mucus to the smell receptors? Could they survive on the mop when it dries out then re-flourish when water is applied again? Im hoping for an answer from someone who preferably has some knowledge of the amoeba im talking about. Thanks