My Stomach Curves Inward How Can I Fix This I Look Malnourished And I Really Don

My Stomach curves inward how can I fix this I look malnourished and I really don't eat that much?

I think the only way you can fix it is by eating better.You should get some eggs(some are 1.00 at walmart) and they have a lot of nutrients.Hotdogs(1dollar at walmart),bologna for sandwiches(1 dollar at walmart), canned food(such as beans,fruits,vegetables or tuna fish) and bread(you can freeze bread and it will last longer) are also good choices. Those things last really long and are pretty cheap.They have some beans for a few cents at walmart, you just have to look hard for them. I think that if you can,you should try to supplement egg sandwiches or bologne sandwiches for ramen as much as you can.If you can't afford any of the above options,out of all of them eggs are the best option,because it has the most nutrition value out of all of the other options and you can do a lot with them.Eggs taste awesome when boiled ,cut up and mixed into ramen with seasoning. You can also make double sided eggs with them,fry them,put it in tuna with seasoning,make an egg sandwich out of them by boiling them and separating the yoke from the egg and mixing it with mayonnaise. Then you can spread the yoke unto bread and cut up the white part of the egg and put it on your sandwich. I understand your situation, because,when I was a kid I had to eat nothing but straight ramen, because of poverty.

If you have ever had (or known personally) someone with an eating disorder, what do you think caused it?

For me personally, it was a mix of many things.I grew up as a fat child and was bullied for my weight constantly, body and weight comments from family and friends, my mother is obese and for as long as I can remember has been dieting on and off, societal beauty standards, depression and general self hatred, pro anorexia websites for sure had an influence on me, my older sister being skinny and praised for it, but the need for control and perfection was a big one for me.Some science also suggests that eating disorders can be passed down through generations like depression or addiction. [Edit: while I don’t think my mother has a full blown eating disorder, I do believe she shows some signs of disordered eating.]Growing up I felt I hadn’t no control over anything around me, I experienced traumatic events that were violating to say the least. I couldn’t control these scenarios, but I could control my own body and what I choose to put in and take out.But that’s the sick twist with eating disorders, you feel like you’re in control but it’s a gross false sense of control, the disorder controls you. The control you think you have was lost the moment the disorder dictates how you live your life. They are no longer choices you make, but things you need to do to avoid feeling suicidal, at least in my experience.Sorry for my mini tangent.

Why do cats sit in a bread loaf position?

You mean like this, by tucking their four limbs under their abdomens?(Sample picture of my cat, Naonao)I'm not quite sure. The only thing I know is that this is not a position they acquired through imitation.I adopted my cat when she was three months old. Before that, she lived with her cat family (more like a feral cat colony) which treated her like a loser because she was malnourished and introverted. She didn't have much interaction with them. Nor did she learn any "useful" behavior or skill from them, including meowing. A few months into living with me and my parents as the only cat in our family, she somehow "developed" this position by herself. I remember her first sitting like this one evening when we were having dinner. My cat first watched us a couple feet away from the dinner table with mild interest. The next thing I noticed, she sat one the floor, magically hiding her legs under her belly, as if the legs never existed. We laughed at her out loud, calling her "a handicapped cat".Now that I think about it, this loaf position might just be one of the hundreds of yoga-like positions that cats feel comfortable in, even though in our human eyes they're super difficult to achieve. In this position, cats are probably able to rest their limbs while keeping their heads up, observing their surroundings in expectation for food or attention.

Someone told me that I should not wear shorts because my thighs look awfully fat and shouldn’t have side dents. How do I slim down my thighs and legs? Are there any special leg workouts that could help me?

These are perfectly normal shapely legs, really, just rock those shorts but do make sure you get the right size and length. A short that’s too tight does no-one’s legs justice. The 'dent' you're seeing at your knees is not fat but your quadriceps muscle. People who use their legs often (e.g. walking in the mountains, skiing, strength training, running) and are slim to average tend to have more noticeable quadriceps, both men and women, but they might also be naturally slightly more developed. You can train your body to build muscle and lose fat, but the shape your muscles take with training is largely genetically determined.I can’t really see your figure in these pictures, you can find body shapes online to compare to if you want advice on which clothes might work well for your figure. Well of course you can wear whatever you want instead, it just may help to know that women (and men also) have various shapes and yours might be different from that person who made that comment. If your hips/legs are wider than your shoulders you may be a pear shape, but in the top picture your hips don’t seem particularly wide, you look like you may be a ruler shape or even slightly V, but from that angle it’s difficult to see.