My Stomache Is Gaining Fat What Should I Do

Why do I have skinny arms and a fat stomach?

When a person gains fat the fat is not distributed equally over their body. Instead certain areas gain fat quicker than others - For men it’s typically the midsection, and for women the hip (this changes for women as they age) .These are the areas first to gain fat and the last to lose it -which is why the fat in these areas is commonly referred to as “stubborn”. As the body puts on fat it will begin to store fat farther from the center and into the extremities at such as the arms.The two likely reasons why you have skinny arms and a fat stomach may be -You haven’t gained enough fat - so your stomach is just ahead of your arms at this point. If you happen to be asking this question as your losing weight, then know the arms are one of the first places to lose body fat. Keep up the work and your stomach will follow as you get leaner.Genetics - While humans tend to gain and lose fat in a predictable order and distribution, this is subject to change based on genetics. For an example of this just consider the woman who gains fat in all the ‘right’ places vs the one who doesn’t.Warning:As one of the other commentators mentioned abdominal fat is dangerous. Abdominal fat is a bigger risk factor for conditions such as diabetes, metabolic disorder, fatty liver disease, atherosclerosis etc, than a person's overall fat due to its proximity to vital organs.If you happen to be looking to lose fat and narrow the waist, you can refer to my article How To Train The Core For A Smaller Waist and use that as a guide for getting started.

Why does all the fat i gain only go towards my stomach and not the rest of my body?

Stop eating potato chips and start eating fruits like pineapples , peaches, apples. I eat them and it makes me feel ten times better. i work out 3 x 's week too but I also eat alot of protein and carbohydates. Everything junk food goes to your stomach if you aren't active. I have a strong stomach since I do ab crunches alot , I got almost a 4 pack but I do have to do some cardio once a week though but thats me . I think you have to do cardio exercise 3-5 times a week if you wanna lose your big stomach. I am tryign to gain weight but I do not wanna gain alot of fat some but more muscles than anything !!! Eat healthy and you will be rewarded !!!

Im getting fat...only on my stomach?

Water is your answer. Water, running, and crunches. I'm not gunna go into the healthy things you should eat and the bad things you should stay away from because it may seem that you might not even do it cause u like taco bell so much. But running will burn body fat and crunches will focus in your stomach. Dont just do crunches because you will start to build up muscle and it will make you seem to have a bigger stomach. Sorry to not have helped you so much but that's as most of what u can say knowing you can't go to a gym. And don't forget to drink water. Atleast 6-8 cups a day. Run for a mile or two. Do crunches untill you start to feel a burn or pain in your abs.

I haven't gained weight, but my stomach is getting fatter!?

I kid you not. I have been 108lbs FOREVER and I have noticed my stomach is getting be honest I'm a bit grossed out by it, but I am still the same weight I was before I suddenly put on a stomach....How do I get rid of it?
And no I'm not pregnant if anyone asks.

How do i gain weight everywhere else but my stomach?

when you gain weight you first gain it around your stomach then your arms and legs. you cant control where you gain weight.

Im a weightlifter when i go through my bulking phase in winter i gain fat fat on my stomach then the rest of my body and its the same with every other person

Why am I still gaining weight?

I have been exercising to two videos on Gabriella Whited s YouTube Channel (about 15 minutes of muscle building in the thighs, butt, and stomach) every day without skipping, and I ve been eating a high protein low fat diet for almost 2 weeks now and at the beginning I lost 2 lbs but since then I ve gained 4 lbs of fat and my stomach is 1.5 inches wider??? Am I doing something wrong? This is making me so depressed :(

Is it normal to gain belly fat when going through puberty i'm 14?

you have to remember that your female organs are in there too. Guys don't have a uterus, ovaries, etc. so they never get that little tummy area.
AS you go into puberty, those organs get bigger, as they a re suppose to and need space.
Watch those dancers and other female athletes. Most have a small tummy area you can see. It is normal for a woman to have it.
Like boobs and having broader hips than a man.
Look around at all your friends and other girls at your age. Unless they are so thin to be emaciated, they will also have a small tummy area that sticks out just a bit.
You can exercise it so it is toned and firm but your insides simply need the space.
It is normal