My Thighs Are Super Round From All The Muscle Build Up Help

How to get thick thighs quick?

My advice is simple (and very effective things):

Beyonce has said HERSELF that to keep her thighs nice and beautiful, she does many many squats. Just do some squats whenever you just watch TV or have free time!

My advice, is to WALK WALK WALK. That's how I got my legs and butt. I swear. I use to walk almost all day to get beautiful legs like Beyonce's. I'm Asian, I'm supposed to have those scrawny Asian legs, but when I started walking a lot, they ended up thicker, and I have a nice big butt (haha). But It's not bulky either. Also when your walking, sometimes it's good to do kicks when you're walking. Or you could pretend that you are marching, making sure your feet hit the ground really hard in the middle of your walks.

Bike ride. I wouldn't just suggest jogging, because it's just straight out boring, and I hate when people always look at you when your jogging by. So I just bike rode. When you want to pick up some groceries, if your market is nearby (and your not planning to get too much) you can hang your light grocery bags on the bike and just bike ride to the store on days that aren't busy.

Unfortunately, I began to hate my thick legs and started wanting scrawny model legs instead of athletic, nice, Beyonce legs. Therefore, I'm trying to get off the thickness. *Sigh*

EDIT: The other women who responded to this, who believe that the thick legs you want are made out of fat and cellulite don't know what they are talking about! Beyonce's sexy legs are from muscle! Therefore she has a beautiful hour glass shape. Therefore, don't gain fat, gain muscle!

Can someone have thick/muscular legs without their thighs touching?

The only type of women I have seen whose thighs are not touching, are thin women.
The ones whose legs do touch, are either curvy or athletic with super muscular legs.
I'm 17yr old thin girl and I'm interested in body building (not that extreme bodybuilding)
So I was just wondering if when I start working out on my legs and they start to get muscular, does that automatically mean that my thighs will eventually touch?

My thighs are rounded in the front?

I don't understand why my thighs are like this. They're normal everywhere else, but when you look at my legs from the side, my thighs appear rounded somehow And realllly bugs..Is it because of lack of exercise or what? Will alot of running get rid of it, or is it muscle?

How can I gain weight in my thighs, hips, and butt?

what you can do to gain weight in a certain area obviously is not certain but.. I have a few tricks that might help to gain more weight. Gaining weight usually isn’t just in one area… more than likely you will also gain weight in your stomach and breasts also… what you can do is eat more fattening, unhealthy foods. eat tons of fast food! trust me.. it works. but.. to also help maintain the butt looking lifted and not saggy is by also working out! I used to do 50–150 squats with weight. using weight will help promote the muscle faster.. giving the appearance of a bigger butt. you can also try shapewear while you’re in the process of gaining all the weight.

Does climbing stairs tone, firm your thighs and butt?

Let me put it this way, if, when exercising, you feel the burn in your thighs in butt, then it is working out those muscles! The best way to target muscles for exercise is to listen to your body, it will tell you if you are working the right areas.

Like all good things in life, if they're worth having, they're worth working for. Exercise works, but is not super fast (in many peoples standards) Muscle takes time to build, there is no healthy way to speed up the process - so you must be patient. Give it two weeks of 20 minutes daily exercise on that machine and I bet you'll start to notice a difference.

Just keep at it, it will take the time, but it will be worth it in the end. Best of luck on your butt =)

Every Freakin muscle in my body is sore from swimming what to do?

Swim some more! Yes it may hurt now, but after you have done it for a while it will stop hurting. If you stop swimming for a little while and then go back and swim some more it will just hurt all over again. I would try some of the other pain relievers people suggested. The only way to stop the pain is to get better at swimming, so it won't hurt anymore. I don't know if swimming is the hardest sport EVER, but it is one of the toughest. It isn't surprising that its hard for you because it uses different muscle groups than that of land sports. It also requires different endurance. I think you will become a really good swimmer just give it time. When I started swimming when I was 10 all the people I swam with people who were 10 times faster than me. I was sore just like you are. I thought resting was good, but my coach told me it would just become worse if I did that. I also get sore after I haven't swam for a few weeks. I just keep on swimming. Just give it time. After you build up the endurance, it won;t hurt anymore. I hope you stick with it! Anymore questions just ask and I'll answer!