My Twin Sister Is Prettier Then Me

My twin sister is WAY prettier than me?!?

You know what you should do ?

Start dressing a lot more fancy than she does and become her exact opposite (: .

Pretty come from the inside not the outside so you have to fix your confidence first try taking a hot shower and do you hair and just listening to your ipod on high and dance around your room that ALWAYS makes me feel so much better about myself and sing to the mirror .

In reality you guys look the same anyways so the person that said that she was prettier it's obviously taking favorites .

My twin sister is so much prettier than me?

Okay, I know I shouldn t compare myself to her, but I m so insecure. How can I not even compare myself to a beautiful girl that I see more often than I don t. She s so pretty. She has a pretty face and she s skinny and etc. I have a round face and I m kinda chubby. Chubbier than her anyways. And I m heavier than her. I m only taller than her by an inch. She can eat so much junk food she stays super skinny. Whenever I eat I turn into a whale. Okay not like that but you know what I mean. I don t know what to do. Everything I do, she does better. Any advice...?

My twin sister is prettier than me!!?

Ok so i know I'm the ugly twin and I have been told lots of times at school and by her and it does hurt my feelings and now I have 0 confidence i have confronted her about it because she always makes fun of me calls me ugly , I'll always be alone , no one will ever love me and were 14 btw and when i tell her some thing she says aww does that hurt ur feelings and laughs but yea any advice for dealing with this **starting freshman year in like 4 days and expect it to get worse**

Is my twin prettier?????????????????

bella: i didnt call all of you retards i only called the person who said it was me in both pictures a retard and by the ways i know im a retard.....
and PS. my sis isnt actually gay i just said that cuz im mad at her right now for personal reasons......the first one is me by the ways.

Everyone says my sister is prettier..?

I've always been jealous of my sister, she is 22 and I'm 15, people say we look alike all the time though but 2 months ago I overheard my grandmother saying my sister is prettier then today I was "sleeping" on the sofa and my mom told my sister that she is prettier than me, they didn't say it in the same room as me but I heard her say it.
It's makes me feel like **** because I've always thought she was prettier and it's even more horrible that my MOM AND GRANDMA said she was more pretty :/
Her eyes are like a very bright green and my eyes are just ugly. :(

My twin sister is better than me? PLEASE READ :(?

Oh my gosh... I feel really bad for you... No one should be neglected like that!

Okay back to advice! I honestly think you should confront her, she is your twin sister so you guys should have a pretty good bond. If you tell her how you feel and why, she'll probably understand. You should really stand up for what you love. I hope everything goes well!

I wish you the best of luck!

ps. I know this was short but I think it could work!

My sister is prettier than me and it's killing my self-esteem. What should I do?

I should go ahead and say my sister is also prettier than me. And it used to give me a bitter taste in my mouth.I am the youngest one in my family, and as siblings, we look after each other. Well, normally the elder ones were in charge and had the responsibility to protect and provide the younger.So since I was a child, I was bitchy and demanding and I wanted things to go my way, including people’s affection.Everything went well my way for first couple years of my life, until I came to an age to realize who is the prettiest of all. I still tried to fool myself that I was still the best, and the most beautiful, and that’s why I am my mom’s favorite child. But that trick did not work so well with outsiders.My sister is astonishingly beautiful and everyone liked her. All the boys in schools and college. She had many male friends came to the house and hung out. Some of them were handsome too. And all of their attention went to my sister.I didn’t take that so well.I was jealous with her look. I tried to get people’s attention. I hoped my sister’s male friends liked me more than her. When they were trying to talk to my sister, I jumped into the conversation and started talking, trying to make them like me.I pretended that I didn’t care about her followers. I also acted mean to my sister. I hated the fact that I had no follower while she had a bunch of them. I hated the fact that she didn’t need to try so hard but people still liked her. I hated that she was a ball of joy, while I was grumpy the whole time.I wish I could tell you somehow I figured it out and I started to treat her well, but in fact I didn’t. Not until I grew up and I managed to nurture myself and my self-esteem.My sister is still breathtakingly beautiful, but she didn’t have a good marriage. She divorced and is a single mom while I am living happily with my husband. I feel sad for her.You see, if you love yourself enough, you will not need to worry about people’s affection. And you will not even care about the look. It is not about how pretty you are, but it is about how happy you are.Enjoy your time with your sister, feel happy for her pretty look while you still can. And DO NOT think about yourself as the uglier, which reduces your self-esteem as you are doing right now. Focus on what you have, build your confidence and knowledge.You are loved. You are pretty. And you know it.It starts with you.

Why is my twin sister so much prettier than I am? We are twins...?

I don't know for sures which one you are because I think both girls are equally lovely. You both have features that any girl would kill for and I think you are being much too hard on yourself. The beauty is equal, so whoever said that thing about the prettier twin is a total idiot. Why are you going to listen to a blind person? As I said, you are both beautiful... not pretty, BEAUTIFUL. Feel it, appreciate it, and love it!

How does it feel to be a twin brother/sister?

Some people say it’s like having a built-in best friend, but I think that gives the wrong idea. My twin sister and I are best friends, yes, but not in the kind I have seen in other teen girls. There is less giggling, less…I dunno…almost like the difference between two people newly fallen in love, and an old married couple. We don’t even talk that much, because we already know almost everything about each other. Also, when we fight -which is very rare, but does happen -we really fight. BUT there are things that my sister understands about me that no one else does. She knows what’s important to me and how to encourage me best.

Everybody says my sister is prettier than me, in front of my face at times. What advice can you give me in order to feel better in this circumstance?

First of all, that sucks and I’m sorry.The truth is comparing sisters to one another is a terrible thing to do. I have a sister who is prettier than me, she’s got a natural tan, got beautiful skin ( I had really bad acne for forever), green eyes, and lighter brown hair with natural mermaid waves.SHE KILLS ME.But she’s my sister and I love her with all of my heart. I could never hate her or make her feel less than. So when the people say she’s prettier than me, I just have to suck up my pride and agree.I do believe it, and at the end of the day I just have to say, so what?Why is it easier to look at insta models all day and agree they’re prettier, but not my own sister? What’s wrong with realizing my limitations as a human being?You will find your own things that you will champion over your sister. Maybe you’re smarter (MINE) or more successful (ALSO MINE lol) that you can take stock in and provide the boost you need for yourself. But growing up comes with some hard realizations. Your beauty, or lack thereof, is one of them.