Names For A Male Ferret

Names for Male Ferrets?

Names that go together! Like Bill and Ben (the flowerpot men) Ant and Dec, Gandalf and Dumbledore, Ron and Harry. Sherlock and Watson, Baloo and Bhageera, Tom and Jerry, Mac and Cheese, PB and J, Salt and Pepper, Thor and Loki

Or Cosmo, Arthur, Gizmo, Toby, Shark, Wheezy, Weasel, Panda, Joey, Bear, Sammy, Felix, Roy, Kai, Tye, Timothy, Lucky, Cody, Isaac, Carter, Cooper, Coby, Summer, Ghost, Shaggy, Grey, Bran, Robb, Rick, Jon, Theon,

You can also use your favourite movie/book/cartoon character names c:

Male ferret names anyone?

I like Boggart for a ferret, that's funny.

lol It's usually better to wait until you get the animal. Often times you can think of a name then that suits them better. That's what I do. I usually DO pick names before I get a pet, but they rarely pan out. ^^;

I have two ferrets, Ren and Cooper. Ren means "party" in Japanese, and Cooper after George Cooper, the king of Thieves in one of my favorite books, he had a big nose and was full of mischief like my ferret, so it was perfect. =P

Common is fine, so long as YOU like the name. Bandit used to be a popular name for ferrets because they're sneaky little thieves, and commonly have a banded face like old world robbers. I'm not sure how common it is anymore, but it IS a nice name for a little trouble making furball.

Loki is a good name, the god of Mischief. Less common for ferrets, but probably still a known one. ^_~

I met one named Ifrit once, they said he was a real fireball. lol Ifrit is one of the fire summons in a lot of video games if you didn't know.

Rikki, like Rikki Tikki Tavi.


Perhapse you should think of names of characters from favorite books, games, movies etc. That usually works for me. But I still think you should wait an see, though it never hurts to pick out a name beforehand.

If you had a ferret what would you name it?

I’ve owned (and named) lots of ferrets. Some of the more fun names were:Jellybean and Lollipop for a set of two ferrets (boy and girl)Three ferrets I called the drink mix — Bacardi, Chardonnay, and Black Russian (Bacardi was a chocolate male, Chardonnay was a champagne female and Black Russian was a dark sable male)Meringue-atang — because he was an albino and such a monkey!Eric the Red Eye — an albino male with the typical red eyes that albinos have.Jabberwocky — my current crazy male ferret who scratched and bit when he first arrived.Storm — an extremely active silver male.Torque — for a chocolate male that was wound just a little too tight.Night — for a very dark sable female.Avalanche — a male albinoTweak — for a traumatized male that came into the shelter. He was afraid of every movement and would stare at you and shake.

Names for a male hooded ferret?

slink, paws, nibble, drake, saturn, venus, rocky, ROCCO, buzz,stretch, blaze, Eizo, Altair, Esteban, steven, Cynthio,Timbuktu stanly Furrfu

What are some good names for a male albino ferret?

We got him a couple of weeks ago and nothing has came to us yet. He's a little on the chubby side. He's very very active and playful though. And has like a crazy/nutty personality. He's about 7 months old. He is also a albino ferret. Anyone have any suggestions?? Thanks so much everyone!!

Ideas for clever ferret names?

We are looking for some clever/inventive ideas for names for a second ferret...
Our current one is named Viper, so we are trying to find a name that has a nice ring to it when they are said together or not so common name. We are planning on getting a male, but female names are welcome just in case we change our minds! :)
Vortex, Vinny and The Professor are just a few names we are considering.

Name for a male ferret? Biblical?

My friend is getting a male ferret, (not sure yet of the color) and she would like a bible name for him? any ideas? if you have ideas that arent biblical, we'll take what we can get. Thankyou!

Evil/scary female ferret names?

I like Elvira (could call her Elli for short) although I don't think overly feminine names would suit a ferret.
Perhaps Fang, Onyx, Scarlett or Karsi (which means pain/suffering in Finnish), Narcissa?

Creative name for my new ferret?

I am all set up and ready to bring my fuzzie home I am just waiting for the pet store to get some babies in. I am looking for both male and female names that are funny and kind of sound snooty and pretentious but with a shorter version to call them. For example something like Winston Farnsworth the Third, you know names like that. Jeeves, etc.... LIke a 'show dog' kind of name or a butler in an old movie. I'll give points to the person who is most creative in coming up with the names that helps me name my new ferret.