Names That Give A Person A Sense Of

What do you call a person who have no sense of humor...........?

A Republican

If a person destroys any sense of your identity, what is your name?

Victim........ Find out why this person did this; research, learn, and heal yourself. Rebuild your sense of idenity and become a new and better you...Then change your name to survivor.

What is the specific name given to a person who has badluck or gives bad luck to others?

How is it possible that everytime a specific person faces bad luck or bad luck is associated with a specific person.. It's a mere chance or let's say probability I don't believe it happens . Well Shakespearean word for such a person is star crossed, in simple terms we use words like unfortunate, mush, ill fated,snake-bitten,jinxed.

Is it rude to ask a trans person their birth name?

I’m probably going to get a lot of crap for this, or collapsed. But I gotta add my two tons to this question.I ran into Brie Ember’s answer, and the pure smugness astounded me.One very important reason that trans people’s names are dead names is safety. It’s not because we’re all weak or sensitive. We have to be fucking strong to go through transition. But many of us live in places where we can get hurt physically for being trans. Especially trans women of color. And if people find out who that person used to be, the insecurity of those people can lead them to hurt us. Even kill us. A name is part of passing. And I kid you not when I say that passing can be life or death to us. That doesn’t make us weak willed or unable to deal with human interaction because according to her comments, all humans are brutal. It makes us courageous for willing to go through life every day knowing someone will uncover who we used to be and bully us. Maybe if society wasn’t a giant cluster fuck and minded their own business about us, revealing our dead names would not be an issue.So as a rule, respect transgender people and let us tell you our dead name when we want to.

Funny/mean names to call people? (only for people with sense of humor)?

I love calling people names!!

Silly billy

Mashed potato head

Loonie bear

Mother fricker

Broom head

Son of a biscuit eating bull dog

Ding dong

Lama mamma from taco land

Frong eating goober

Twad pocket

Ding aling

Nit wit

Doll chanting sushi fish


What is the importance of a name to a person?

A name is an identification of an individual. It eventually acquires a range of qualities to it when heard. Especially when people know you and your characteristics. Those qualities can be good or bad. Take the name “Einstein”, the names exudes intelligence. Take the name ‘ Charlie Manson” it connotes a negativity, uneasiness. So names in general affect us in many ways. Sometimes if the name isn't a familiar one we either are curious or don't care one way or another. With many important individuals their name precedes them. The usual expression is Your reputation precedes you. Precedes means goes before. It is used when you meet a person that has a reputation that is so good , or so bad, that you know about them before you meet them.

What name do you call a person who lacks empathy?

Firstly, do not get misconstrued and mix up “lacking empathy” with “sociopath”. They lack empathy, but it is an insult completely missing the point. Just say unempathetic, cold, unforgiving nature, etc.Look, I mostly felt animosity for when individuals use the terms psychopath or sociopath incorrectly, their not evil creatures, they literally can be better then the average adult person. Look it up yourself, they lack empathy, but use cognitive empathy to calm a neurotypical. They aren’t -drastically- different from a neurotypical, however their mind has been discovered to be wired separately from the usual being.

What causes someone to have a poor common sense?

I know plenty of people who have no common sense.

I believe that it starts in childhood. If they aren't parented well they might be lacking common knowledge. On the other hand their parents might be "eggheads" and be very book smart but have no common sense.

It can be very frustrating to deal with people who just don't seem to "get it". Try to be patient and teach as you go without belittling.


Why are names so important to our sense of self? Explain.?

God changed "Abrams" name to, "Abraham", every time Abraham put out his hand to greet someone and said my name is "Abraham", he was saying, telling them, "I am a father of many nations", and he did not have a child one!
But, by accepting and confessing his name, brought that fact into being.
Gen 17:5 "No longer shall your name be called Abram,
But your name shall be Abraham;
For I have made you the father of a multitude of nations.