Nasea Vomiting Gastrointestinal Issues 2 Years After Chemotherapy

How do I prevent vomiting and nausea during chemotherapy for breast cancer (patient operated for breast cancer)?

When I was going thru chemotherapy I did not vomit once! I had eight rounds of aggressive chemo for triple negative breast cancer! The anti-emetics that I took were Zofran and Ativan. Yes, Ativan! Not only does that help with nausea it also helps with the anxiety. I was also able to talk Emend which is taken if I remember correctly, one week before chemo. But check with your doctor on that, it worked great! Before chemo always eat a high carb meal like Oatmeal and have a plain Greek yogurt for protein if you can eat it. Applesauce is good to. But eating before and snacking on crackers during chemo will help with nausea. Also, after each treatment be sure to drink lots and lots of water! My chemo nurse always told me “we put it in you, it's your job to flush it out”! So drink up. Definitely NO alcohol though, I just had to say that ;-). You will probably have weird food cravings too after each chemo, I did. Just try to eat good when you feel like eating okay, that's so important. If you just can't stomach solid foods after chemo then make some nutritious protein smoothies and use spinach in them for the iron for your red blood cells. Your red and white count will go down, but mainly your white! One last thing, I never got mouth sores during chemo either because I took 1000mg of L-lysine everyday on an empty stomach and I still take it to this day for my immune system! It works great, take it, you will be glad you did! I wish you all the best!

Does marijuana help nausea and vomiting?

ok so i have a stomach bug, ive been throwing up all day and i feel like crap. I do smoke quite often, and i normally feel better in most ways when im high.
I know they give cancer patients medical marijuana when theyre going though chemo, as it can help them to deal with the pain, and eat (as the chemo makes them vomit a lot)
so i was wondering, if i had a cone, would it make my stomach feel better and stop me throwing up?
answers asap please, im sick of throwing up.

How to get rid of constant vomiting/nausea?

My mother is a type 2 diabetic. Smoker. And has had multiple surgeries for the following; gallbladder, kidney removal, and stone removals. She has been in and out of the hospital for over a year now. They keep giving her more meds/prescriptions only to have the same problem: vomiting, nausea, weakness, dizziness. She complains about pain in her chest.

So I got my first chemo treatment...?

late last week. When are all the side effects (like hair loss) going to start kicking in? I'm 16, live in Japan and have APL leukemia, and I'm currently on ATRA as a joint treatment. I do know that some people don't experience hair loss as I was told. And thanks for your help. =)