Need An Answer To Question

What is the question that doesn't have an answer?

Thankyou for A2A..:)There are uncountable no. Of questions​ whose exact answers no one know. So lets start-Is the universal finite or infinite?Why does anything exist?Why does time exist?Why is future unknowable?What is the purpose of death?Can we live forever?Why we sleep?How can you hear yourself think?What would you use to dilute water?What is the speed of dark?Now some random unanswered question:What does 'OK' actually mean?Why do we say ‘bye bye' but not ‘hi hi'?If someone can't see, they're blind and if someone cant hear, they're deaf, so what do you call people who can't smell?If you stole a pen from a bank then would it still be considered a bank robbery?Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, "I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here, and drink what ever comes out"?Why is it called pineapple, when's there neither pine nor apple in it?Who are that ‘4 people' mom always talking about?If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?Why is it that rain drops but snow falls?If you have an open mind why don't your brains fall out?What came first the chicken or the egg?Why don't you ever see baby pigeons?Why is the alphabet in that order?Last but not the least, why are you thinking about the questions if you have no answers..;)

What needs an answer, but doesn't ask a question?

I was gonna say a stubborn person, or a man who is lost...

but I like the answer from the guy above me: a telephone

Need an answer for this basic maths question?

total value of the stock traded is 2,500*$12.50 = $31,250

earns 0.5% commission of the total value of the stock traded
So 0.5% x $31,250

To convert 0.5% to a decimal, multiply it by (1) to convert it.
0.5% (1/100%) the % top and bottom cancel, leaving a decimal
So 0.005

Then you have
0.005 x $31,250 = $156.25

Here's some other samples to see how units help you with conversions:

Need some ideas! i need to answer this question but not sure which direction to go with it.?

Some scholars say that the highest value in Western Civilization today is promoting the many-sided creativity of each individual, rather than training persons to be highly specialized experts. Do you agree with this perspective? Why or Why not? What could be the negative aspects of promoting individual creativity as the highest value?

i was planning on saying that one needs to be both. any ideas?

Does every question have an answer(s)?

Why not? There are different types of answers. Good ones. Bad ones. Exceptional ones. Atrocious ones. Short ones. Long ones. Answers of all descriptions are present. Finally there are right answers and wrong answers. There are quite a few questions which do not have a wrong answer but then most of them do. What's the difficulty in providing a wrong answer for a question?Then there are scientific and philosophical questions whose answers we don't know yet. That doesn't mean that there's no answer. It's just that no one knows it. They'll be answered soon.

Why do people answer questions?

I cannot answer for other people, but I can answer for myself.This is a bit of a life’s story, so if you don’t like that kind of thing, I warn you now.I grew up with a father that never gave me a single word of positive feedback in my whole life. His feedback was always purely negative. I guess you could call it emotional abuse.When I went to school, I got positive feedback from the teachers because I was able to answer questions easily. This positive feedback became addictive.I grew to the point where answering questions was my greatest pleasure in life, because the vast majority of my positive feedback came from it. As a result, I grew to love school and thought of it more as entertainment.Due to that conditioning for 13 years of my life, I still consider answering questions one of the most rewarding things possible to do with my time.Side note:When I first went to college, I did not go because of job prospects or money. My motivation was answering difficult questions. I got the pleasure I wanted for the first year or so. Later the teachers would not allow me to answer the questions they asked in class, which was my main reason for going to college in the first place. I assumed it was because the other students were not understanding the material taught and I was the only one answering the questions in class. As a result, I got depressed, and eventually dropped out of college.I have finally dealt with the emotional abuse and the corresponding toxic shame. I have now (years later) returned to college with the main motivation being money. I still love answering the questions though, and I still seem to be about the only person that answers questions in class. The difference this time is my #1 motivation, even if the teachers end up not letting me answer questions anymore, I still have my #1 motivation to keep me going. This time answering questions is just my #2 motivation.

Is there always an answer to a question?

Only in the trivial sense that any response at all to a question could be considered an answer.But if we want to know whether there is always a correct answer, or a plausible answer, or a consistent answer to a question, then no.There are logic paradoxes that can take the form of questions, and no answer is logically consistent with the question.There are undecidable questions in mathematics.There are also questions no one knows the answer to. The answers may exist but human knowledge have not yet reached them.

Hi, i need the answer for the question based off of the book i think its called "The Dark Walk"?

"She was twelve and at that age little girls are beginning to suspect most stories: they have already found out too many, from Santa Claus to the Stork."

What kinds of stories has Julia learned to suspect? Why?

What doesn't ask questions, but needs to be answered?

A telephone. U have to answer a phone when it rings but it doesn't ask you questions!!!