Need Help About A Friend

My friends are such cowards i need help?

It's a really enviable characteristic to be able to deal with those tough situations like you do. But every time that a problem arises and your friends runaway, taking care of it yourself just reinforces their behavior. They learn that you'll take care of the situation and they won't have to. An obvious problem arises: if you don't deal with the situation and they don't either, then bigger problems can develop. First, if you haven't already, you should talk to your roommates about how it's not fair for you to have to deal with all of these awful situations and that they aren't doing their fair share. If they persist in running away from every problem, then you should try offering a reward for taking care of situations. Like in the party situation, you could have told your roommates that you'll buy drinks (or whatever) for whoever gets them out of the house. While it's not ideal to bribe them for something they should already be doing, it may help, and each time they take action, it'll become easier for them to take action again next time.

If none of that works and you feel strongly about this issue, then I suggest resorting to threatening to move out (but only if you really mean it). You deserve to have roommates that will shoulder some of the load.

Bad hygiene friend . i need help ?

Shaving is a personal choice not a requirement. Your friend may not want to shave or may have a parent that does not allow her to shave. While it will likely get her made fun of if others notice it is still a decision between her and her family. It may be something you want to try to casually bring up, ie tell her you don't like your current razor brand and are looking for a new one and ask what she uses. When she says she don't shave casually ask her why not. If she says she isn't allowed leave it alone. If she says she just doesn't you may want to give her some of the benefits of shaving but don't push.

The body odor is another issue entirely. I assume you are relatively young and still in school. My recommendation would be to go to one of the counselors or a trusted teacher and explain the problem to them and ask them to talk to her. This will help make your friend aware of the problem (she really may not realize there is a problem) and keep her from being mad at you as she won't know you are the one who told.

Do we need friends in life?

I don't know how one defines a “friend” anymore. One thing I have understood for sure is that friendship is a phase, it ends one or the other day(by end I just mean people move to places or change colleges and are no more a part of your everyday life) and there is nothing to be sad about it because that's how it is.Most of the times you may fade away from each other's life but if you are lucky enough you might have few people with you who are just a call away from you and will listen to you patiently not just to give a reply but to understand your situation and what's going on in your life. And those are the kind of people are that supposed to be kept. If you call such people as friends then, hell yeah! you need to have friends. As long as such people help you grow, support you emotionally, understand your thought process and give you advices that genuinely help you become a better version of yourself ,you definitely need friends.If your definition of friends is a group of people you want to do drugs with,discuss people and not ideas,gossip about “that girl” or “that boy” etc I would say no you don't need friends. Because these “friends” will never help you grow.Solitude is another friend who doesn't pressurizes you to please him(I already apologize to feminists for using him) or keep him entertained. You can learn a lot from solitude,like loving yourself, exploring your capabilities. It's a savior when you need peace of time. The best thing about it is that you already know your problems and your situation so you don't have to spend time in doing the small talk before the actual talk! But solitude doesn't provide you with it's perspective so it's just you and only you.Human beings are social animals so it would be unfair to say that xyz great leaders and inventors liked to be alone so should you. For the tiny amount of time I have spent on earth I have learnt that there will be various occasions where you will either need someone desperately or want to be left alone to heal by yourself.So,do we need friends? It really depends on your definition of friends and your situation. But they do come in handy most of the times,so we need to choose them wisely.Hope that helps.

I think my friend is a womanizer, i need help?

alright theres this girl that i like and she likes me Im going to ask her out. and right before i do my friends always sits by her rubs her and touches her hair. He assured me he doesn't like her and i told him that he needs to back of a little. he replied by saying hes not doing anything wrong. Also theres another girl that is practically my sister because i always stand up for her when her brothers dont. she just went through a very bad break up that left her desperate for affection. once again he is always stroking her skin and he hags her like 30 times a day and tells her that he loves her. (when he says he loves her it just means to him that their best friends but i dont think she feels the same way) after this i asked him if he even likes her and he said no like he was disgusted that i even thought that. he also does the same thing to another girl at school and she doesn't like it but shes afraid to tell him that. all of my other friends are tired of him not respecting women and flirting with girls he doesn't even like and the girl i like.

so my question is what should i tell him, because i already told him he needs to respect women more and he just laughed

I am always there for my friends but when I need help, I realize there is no one around. Why is that?

When your friends talk about their problems, you are willing to help. You offer your help. When you are having problems, you may mention them, and no one offers to help. You may not ask for help. Most people don't think to offer help. Most people also don't think to ask for help. When people ask for help, it's ok to say no if you don't want to help. When you ask for help, understand that no one is obligated to say yes. When you help people, you are internally keeping score. You are thinking that this person now owes you. And when you need help you expect them to repay the debt. The fact is, you offer to help with no strings attached. The fact that you do have strings attached and you don't mention it makes you a really untrustworthy person. I would not want you as a friend.

I need help. My friend is being abused by her parents and I've talked to her, but it's not getting better. What can I do?

A2A You can help her but you're choosing not to. In your comment you said you can't help her, that you can't bring yourself to help her.Go to an adult that will listen and is a mandated reporter, whether that be a teacher, a guidance counselor, someone that is required to report abuse and tell that adult all about the abuse, everything that you know. If two people are present that's even better. Sometimes if you only are talking with one adult that adult will deny that you ever told them anything even though not wanting to be involved is what causes an abused child or children's death. In other words if the child(ren) is/are not with the abuser the children cannot be hurt by the abuser.Tell what you know about the abuse to a mandated reporter and if that person doesn't do anything then go to another mandated reporter and keep talking until someone listens and does something to stop the abuse.You are going to save a life and it is none of your business what happens after you tell. It's your responsibility to tell that your friend is being abused and that there's another child being abused in that family it makes it worse especially when they need medication and they're not getting the medication because the parents are not being parents to the children that they have.Without thinking about anything else but the abuse tell a mandated reporter what you know is going on. If that person does nothing then keep going to more and more people until something is done to stop the abuse.Saying that you can't do this is an excuse because you can open your mouth and tell what you know to be true to a mandated reporter and help these children.

I need help with a friend who is using tarrot cards?

My friend, I understand. I didn't realize most people thought Tarot cards and Ouiji boards were harmless. They are not. They are introductions to the occult. Didn't realize people didn't know that. I see your concern. Your friend is obviously searching for answers, as anyone without Jesus would. I would tell your friend in a gentle way that you are concerned about it, and how you feel. That way you have done all you can, and the rest is up to your friend. :)

What should you do when your friend doesn't want to help you?

Oh, been there, done that! And did it again.I have a tendancy to step in and help and then get stiffed when I need something. Or am so busy helping others, I neglect what I should be doing. (Like answering questions on Quora this morning. Ahem.)I would examine this friendship and think about whether or not you want someone in your life who treats you like that. Obviously you feel used.The other thing is, find out why if you continue to do and do and do while getting nothing in return. (If you do.) Learn from that and keep your relationships on a more or less equal footing.It is nice to do things for others, but if it is not reciprocated, stop and find new friends. I try to remember to not do something for someone if it is not my responsibility to do it, regardless of their hard luck story. Let others handle their own responsibilities. And you handle yours. Favors are fine, but not to the point where you know that you are being used. Or enabling others and neglecting your own responsibilities.

I need help with a friends funeral. The family has NO money.?

Try their church or Social Services (welfare). I am sorry I can't be of better assistance. I am sorry for your loss.