Need Help Coming Up With A Name For My Game Idea

I need help coming up with a video game reviewer name for youtube. Any ideas?

So I'm making a youtube channel, but a can't think of a good name. my channel is going to be about video game reviews like ProJared and PBG. But the difference is that I'm still fairly new to gaming the gameboy advance sp was my first handheld and the wii was my first console. Now I'm going back to older console and seeing if there still fun for people who have never experienced them before. I came up with the name Pixel Punch, however its more of a name of a show and not a name for a person. any one have any ideas?

I need help coming up with a good name for a MMORPG avatar, any ideas?

Bestifer = Beast bringer
Daemonifer = Demon bringer
Elementifer = Element bringer
- change ~fer to ~fera for feminine

You can anglicise these by changing ~urgus to ~urge if you prefer:
Daemonurgus = Demon crafter
Pneumaturgus/Spiriturgus = Spirit crafter/summoner
Geniurgus = "Genius" crafter/summoner, (genius is the local guardian spirit of a place)
Elementurgus = Element crafter/summoner
- change ~urgus to ~urga for the feminine form.

Theurgus = Summoner, but it seems to already have some presence in the gaming world.

I think any of the above words would sound particularly good with a personal name in front.
Some personal names could be:
Daevellus/a = Little Daeva
Miratus/a, Mirellus/a = Two names from the same root as 'Mirage', maybe good for a Kaisinel follower
Sapientia is the Latin word for wisdom, but I can't think of a good name made from it for a Lumiel follower

What is the name of the person that comes up with a video game idea in a company?

Even the creative director does not necessarily have that privilege guaranteed as a part of their position. This isn’t really a job, it’s a fantasy, and a huge part of the work involved in starting a game project is convincing anybody to work together with you on whatever concept you’re trying to sell them. In my experience, nobody is less excited to hear about a new game project than game developers. Some concepts sell themselves, some grow organically from the team’s efforts, some are discovered by accident in building a different game. Any way about it, actually building the project occupies an overwhelmingly larger part of your time than imagining a project.

Need some cool attack name ideas for an online story/game?

I'm writing about a knight in a fantasy 'choose your own adventure' story/game, but I have a hard time coming up with cool attack names (if you want to describe what that attack would be, that would be helpful too, but I can come up with ideas on my own). Need help, and I'll even give you some credit (not just the person with the best answer, but from others as well) at the end of my story. Thanks!

PS: I've asked similar questions like this, and people have given me answers like "Come up with your own ideas, or it's plagiarism". Just to clarify, this is an ONLINE story I'm writing, on someone else's website, so it's not like it's going to get published as an actual book. I'm not stealing ideas, just asking advice.

Who comes up with ideas for Video Games?

Who in a video game company originally comes up with ideas for video games that the company will then make? Is it a specific persons job or does someone just say "hey wouldn't it be cool if we..." and they make a game based on that.
Could someone tell me how it is this part of video game making works?


My ideas are crap XD But I'll try my best to come up with a couple of decent names for you!

Semaj (James Backwards)
Nejos (Pronounced Ne-Yos, just a mix up of "Jones")
JJ (If u want to keep it simple)

Also, what kind of music do you like producing? That could help me and others give you more ideas.

How do you come up with game ideas?

The vast majority of my work as a game designer or producer has been in implementing other people’s ideas, particularly when working on a sequel or licensed property.In the few times where I’ve had the opportunity to come up with my own ideas, I’ve used novels, movies, television shows, other games, college courses, current events and life experiences as sources of inspiration.My starting point is: what experience am I trying to create for my player? That is, what do I want players to think or feel while playing my game.Once I’ve determined the experience I want my players to have, then I move on to either what setting will support that experience? or what game mechanics will support that experience?

How do you come up with a name for your indie game studio/company?

I think in an ideal world, a name is a reflection of who you are. For us, coming up with a name was a long process of brainstorming, bouncing ideas off people, Internet searches and the like. For Self Aware Games, the idea was that we wanted to make games that were social - and with the advent of iPhones, they could be games that knew something about you. The idea of the name "clicked" when I doodles a little animation of the silhouette of a phone emitting an outer glow (like lighting up the screen with the phone facing away from you) and then having a pair of eyes "blink" open. With Wonderspark, we wanted a name that was about making something new & surprising. We wanted to convey a sense of delight and positivity. The magic moment came when our artist was designing the logo. For us, our goal is to build something no one has made before. But to do so as an indie requires that you mitigate some risk by also rooting your game in the familiar. So one new idea, uncertain, bouncing around forms the W, and a bold circular stroke, assured & familiar, traces the outside. Where the W and the circle collide, a "spark". Our games combine the brand new and the well established. I couldn't imagine a more perfect logo for us. So do think about who you are. What makes your company special. What you want to bring to the world. And have your name reflect that in a way that is meaningful to you.

Game ideas for a housewarming party?

Here are some ideas:

1. Play a game in which couples have to see how they well they know each other; kind of like the dating or newlyweds game

2. Have everyone make a circle of chairs. Have one person come into the middle, introduce themself and say something about them/something they like, etc. Whoever has the same characteristic/interest gets up from the chair and moves to a different position that is not near their original position. You can start off by something general like "Hi. I'm holly. I like sports". I've played this before and i had such a fun time

3. musical chairs haha

4. Play charades; Put the guestnames in a hat and pick two names from the hat who have to work together to act out something in charades. You can also write the ideas on a hat as well. some examples may include acting out a scene from the movie Titanic, or something

5. This is kind of like charades: have six volunteers stand in a line. You give a message to the first volunteer who acts out the message to the next person. They cannot talk. This goes on to the last person who has to guess what the message is. Tell all the guests and first volunteer beforehand what the message; make sure the other volunteers do not know what it is. This game can be really funny. You can even make the guests come up with a message

6. Make two rows of people facing each other. Have one person/you ask a question and tell people to move one of the rows one space to the left or three to the right (make it up) and make the people who are facing each other introduce each other and answer the questions. For those people in the end of the rows have them go to the other side or something. Here's some examples of questions: What are your interests? What was your most embarassing moment? How are you friends with the host of the party? etc.....

Have fun at your party!