Need Help For Chest Dips. I Am Begginer

Will 150 pushups a day help me get a bigger chest?

150 pushups is a great number and of course will definitely make you strong and increase your endurance.But if you are going for size, then large numbers of pushups is not the best option to take.You want a bigger chest, for that you need bigger chest muscles, and for bigger chest muscles you need to lift heavier weights. Pushups do not provide adequate resistance for your body to adapt (after a certain stage).Sure, if you do 150 pushups when you can only do 10 in one set… the gains will be superb, quick and visible quite early on.But once you reach the stage when you can do 30, 40 or even 50 pushups in one set… then 150 pushups becomes more of a cardio routine than strength training. It would hardly take 15 minutes for you to do 150 pushups.After that stage, you’ll need to switch to weight training… benchpress, weighted pushups etc to continue seeing changes because those 150 pushups fail to remain an adequate challenge to provide stimulus for your body to change.

As a teenaged beginner bodybuilder, how many reps and sets of decline and incline dumbbell flyes should I do if I’m hitting my chest 2x a week?

There’s no real number on what you should be doing for volume. I typically like to do no more than 6 sets and no fewer than 4…so…between 4–6 sets? It just depends on what your programming looks like and the type of volume that is going to suit your needs the most.Since the dumbbell fly is an accessory lift, I tend to do these in higher volume with lighter weight…the purpose here is hypertrophy of the smaller muscles which may become sticking points in more important lifts. My recommendation would be somewhere in the neighborhood of 5–6 sets with no fewer than 8 reps per set, and no more than 20.I understand that this is a huge range…so play with it and see what you respond best to. Some people do great with 8 reps of everything, other people grow more with 20 reps.Don’t stress too much about rep ranges and sets with accessory lifts. The bulk of your programming efforts should be on the bench press anyway - since it is proven (no matter what any dip shit says) that bench press recruits the most chest muscle fibers of any other chest-focused lift.No but seriously…anybody saying bench presses aren’t very good for your chest has never heard of google and doesn’t know what they’re talking about and should be ignored.Follow me on instagram for more content and help at Joe.Lifts.Bro

Calisthenics/Dumbbell workout routine for a beginner?

Basically the title.. I'm looking for an optimal,simple routine for a beginner who is very weak to use based on calisthenics and some dumbbells. My main goal is to become strong, looks aren't that important but certainly not discouraged.

How many chest exercises should one do in the gym? Is it okay to do 5?

First and foremost - the main driver of muscle growth is total volume of work performed (sets x reps x weights). So as long as you do adequate volume of work, whether using 1 exercise or 10 exercises, and this volume increases over time - you’ll do just fine.With that out of the way - When it comes to chest exercises (or any other body part, for that matter) - some exercises are better than others.Some exercises recruit more muscle fibers than others, and some allow you to add greater loads than others. Exercises like the Bench Press (Barbell or Dumbbell) and the Incline Bench Press (BB or DB) stimulate the most amount of muscle fiber, and allow you to add the greatest load. But these exercises take their toll on your joints, tendons and ligaments.But isolation exercises like DB chest flyes, cable crossovers, etc - allow you to get a good stretch on the muscle with lighter weight (thus saving your joints and tendons from excessive wear & tear).The more exercises you add to your routine, the more parts of the chest you can stimulate, and also - the added variety keeps you from getting bored. However, there’s a point of diminishing returns when it comes to adding different exercises to your routine.In the case of the chest, assuming you did:BB/DB Flat Bench PressBB/DB Incline Bench PressDB Flat FyesCable CrossoversPush-ups… you’d get more than enough stimulation across all parts of your chest.More than that would be over-kill - less than that would be leaving some gains on the table.But, as I said right at the beginning - the variety of exercises and the actual exercise selection is less important than the overall volume of work performed.Read this: If you want results in the gym, focus on the important stuffGood luck.

Could a sunburn cause nerve damage? I really need help!?

sure, it will heal.

try some aloe vera gel. it's cool and soothing.

or good old fashioned Lanacaine, although that may really sting for a bit when you spray it on.

sunburn is like any other burn. you've damaged the top layers of skin, so the nerve endings underneath are now more 'exposed'. that's the hurt. but, the good news is that skin repairs itself pretty quickly. you'll probably hurt for another day or so, and all should be OK. You'll probably peel a bit; that's normal.

Why don’t push-ups work out your chest? I do push-ups twice a week, but my chest still isn’t growing. Am I not pushing hard enough? I’ve heard people say to get exhausted each set. How can I tell when I’ve reached the feeling of "exhausted"?

The reason your chest is not growing is because you are not giving it a reason to grow. The reason muscles grow is because you stress them enough to cause microtears in the muscle tissue which you body then builds up to be stronger. If you are not working the muscle correctly then you will not be forcing your body to grow.At 15 reps, you are working the lower end of the endurance range. Training this way causes significantly less muscular hypertrophy than training 8–12 reps where you are barely able to get that last rep up but you are able to recover for another set within around 90 seconds. To do this with pushups you can either put your feet on something like a bench that will raise them off the ground and put more of your body weight on your shoulders and will make the pushups harder (this also emphasizes your upper chest and shoulders more) or you could place a weight on your upper back/trap area to make the exercise more difficult.If you only do pushups, however, then you will be at risk of your pecs pulling your shoulder joint out of its instantaneous axis of rotation which will provide for a painful experience depending on the severity of it. You should balance the pushups with pullups or inverted bodyweight rows or even postural exercises for your shoulders and back if the other two exercises are not options that you can do given your equipment.How to Build Muscle Fast you can read my full article on Red Morton Fitness’ website if you are interested in building a body that is solid, aesthetic, and very strong.Alex