Need Help For Human Rights

Why do we need feminism when we have human rights?

Original question: Why does the West still need feminism? Women enjoy all the rights here.The importance of human rights can’t be overstated. We have wonderful declarations and international agreements.However, as long as women and other marginalized groups continue to suffer from discrimination, violence and suppression despite these mechanisms, we will need feminism.Also in the West.Let me mention some examples.Finland is a Nordic country that’s usually well-known for women’s rights. However, we have the questionable honor of being EU’s second most violent country for women: 47 percent of women in Finland have experienced physical or sexual violence at some time since the age of 15. Nearly 70 per cent of victims of domestic violence and intimate partner violence were women.Victims of domestic violence and intimate partner violence by sex in 2010 to 2016 in Finland(Source: Statistics Finland)As to the opportunities in the society, there have been several studies about hidden bias in labour market. It has been shown that gender, race, ethnicity and sexual orientation influence one’s opportunities of being hired. When two applicants are otherwise equal, the male has a statistical privilege over a female, a white person over someone who belongs to some other ethnic group, etc.Intersectional feminism takes into account all the different basis for discrimination.It’s an ideology that aims at changing the societies in a way that human rights would materialize on the level of legislation — but also in practice.For example, it’s not enough to have laws against violence; what is also needed is resources for establishing refuges, legal help, councelling and other services for victims of violence.Societal change is slow. Often it requires a paradigm shift. Resources have to be directed to education of new generations who will then be able to bring about a real change.Human rights are the goal, and feminism is a tool on the way there.Unfortunately, we are still far from achieving that goal.

I NEED HELP QUICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Civil Rights)?

I have a project in modern america on the civil rights movement and
ella baker, fannie lou hamer, viola liuzzo, rosa parks, and jo ann robonson

Examine the rolls of women like ella baker, fannie lou hamer, viola liuzzo, rosa parks, and jo ann robonson in the civil rights movement and explain their influence in shaping and affecting the struggle for civil rights. what was the significance of the change?

The question i dont understand, can you help?

Human Rights essay topics?

Same Sex Marriage
(These are the VERY cliché topics)

Capital Punishment
Child Labour
In that respect, the rights of children

and the list goes on...

I would also urge you to consult your local library, or to look up the Human Rights Doctrine, and try to see if we, as a world, have accomplished or fulfilled any of the criteria. A little hint, we haven't.

What are some human rights denied to the colonists while under British rule.?

Under British rule, the colonists didn't have freedom of religion, and they had to pay taxes to Greta Britain. They also didn't have the right to set up their own governments. The colonists weren't represented in the English Parliament so they didn't get a say in the laws which governed them. That's why one of the most famous sayings from that time period is "No taxation without representation".