Need Help With Volunteering At A Secondary School

Activities since secondary school?

They just want to know your background. Volunteer work is experience. They want to know since secondary school because they're trying to get a feel of who you are. They want high school and college.

Should secondary school students engage in Boy-Girl Relationship?

yes, school is for social development as well as academic development. Kids need to learn about relationships, what works, what doesn't, etc. As long as children are taught morals and are supervised, I see no problem with it. However, secondary students should not be allowed to be in bedrooms with doors closed, out of parents sight, etc.

If I didn't do much volunteering in high school, how can I gain some experience before I transfer from my community college to a four-year university?

Though you may not be considering a volunteer experience for purely altruistic you would not be the first person to find the experience truly life changing.  Many people volunteer because they are moved by a cause, or because of a personal experience, but there are many others that volunteer to gain valuable experience and to learn more about their community.  Whatever the reason there are a few things to consider and below I list a few.Choose volunteer opportunities wisely. What do you want to gain from volunteering?  Are you looking to develop new skills?  Is one of your personal goals to complete a 5k?  Knowing what you’d like in return for your contribution helps to narrow the list of opportunities.Find something you’re passionate about. The more you can connect with the cause you support the more likely you are to continue giving.Invite your friends. Most everything is more fun when done with others.  Not only do you get the benefit of sharing your experience with others, but you may find that they share great ideas and inspirations as well.Set aside time for volunteering.  We all live extremely busy lives and if we keep putting it off for tomorrow it will never happen.  Find a time on a day that is most convenient for you to give back and stick with it.Also, consider internships as they can give valuable workplace experience and offer great references.  Extra-curricular activities are also key when applying to top-rated schools.  Being able to show that you can maintain grades while playing basketball, for instance, shows dedication and good time management.

Do volunteer hours help university applications in Canada?

Most Canadian universities look at marks only when making admission decisions. So no, you shouldn’t do more volunteer hours if you don’t want to.There are a few exceptions. UBC is one and the change is quite recent, within the last three or four years, due to the sheer volume of applications they receive from the over-90% GPA crowd. UBC has started to ask for a short “personal profile”, which is a little like an American admission essay. I’m going to say again that this is unusual in Canadian university application processes. UofT (Toronto) Engineering also requires a personal profile; but other faculties at UofT are marks-only. If you want to mention your volunteer work, the personal profile is the only place to do it.To find out if your preferred university is one of the exceptions, take a look at their application form; they are all on-line now. You can start an application at no charge. In most cases there is not even a box to write in your gold medal in the Provincial Soccer championships or the thousands of hours you spent volunteering.I’m going to give another example from BC since I’m not familiar with the details of any of the Ontario colleges and Universities.Langara College (Vancouver) takes a different approach. They have a minimum GPA standard and as long as you meet that, you’re in. Grades only. And it’s first-come-first-served. So if you apply first, you could actually get precedence over someone with better grades. Thus, the smart kids get their college applications done in October (as a backup) and then apply to their universities whenever the deadline is. If you don’t get into UBC, then you go to Langara for a year and later apply to UBC as a transfer student.You should do something worthwhile with your spare time. But it is up to you to make that decision. Don’t do it just to make it look good on an application. Do it because it is something you want to do.Hitting the books hard? Some universities say grades aren’t everything | Toronto Star

What are the most helpful ways that I could volunteer my time?

Many philanthropic organizations will sure appreciate a helping hand. You only need to figure out what skills and talents you have. Then, find out what are you most passionate about. These simple steps will lead you to the place where your help could be more effective. A good place to start is by finding out the needs of your community. For example,the local church, Salvation ARMY, police department, hospitals and convalescence homes.  However, to help somebody else you do not necessarily need to be subscribed to any organization.  Our communities are in great need of Big Brothers and Sisters who can mentor the youth, as well as to aid the elder people who do not have any body in their lives.  Volunteering one's time as little as shopping the groceries for somebody unable to do it makes a great difference in that person's life.

I messed up junior year and high school? Please help!?

Don't rule any of your college out just yet. While your GPA is part of the equation, it's not the deciding factor. Colleges will take into consideration the level of classes your are taking, test scores, your extra-curricular activities, volunteer work, and of course, your college admission essay. Try using a college planning tool like (sign up for the free account), as it has some pretty cool tools that will help identify colleges that match your needs, but will also give you your odds of getting in to any school on your list. It also lists the average incoming scores and GPA for students and what factors are very important, important and considered in their admission decisions. You sound very bright and very motivated, so I have a feeling you will be just fine when those college acceptance letters start rolling in next spring.

English help?! So confused. Sorry for the long answer.?

Students in many elementary and secondary schools wear uniforms. Arguments abound for and against school uniforms, but teachers in schools that have adopted uniforms as part of the dress code often find that they help foster a democratic school environment and can actually be a positive influence on the learning environment.

First, uniforms lessen obvious socio-economic differences between students. When all students wear the same style of shirt or pants, skirt or blouse, those who can afford the most trendy and expensive clothes are dressed just as those who cannot. This is true at any grade level. Secondly, classroom behavior often improves when students are dressed specifically for school. Not only do teachers enjoy having their students dressed neatly, parents often discover that they save money on clothing bills, because uniforms eliminate a need for large wardrobes.

Additionally, uniforms can solve other problems at the high school level. Clothes are often worn to identify membership in particular groups or teams, resulting in the alienation of students who do not belong to those groups. More sinister is the use of particular items of clothing worn to instill fear in those who don't share the same clothing style. Some teens wear clothes a little like knights wore armor—as protection, as a way of keeping others away, even as a way of hiding behind a well-crafted image.

School uniforms can help diminish the symbolic power of clothes to incite anger or provoke a sense of danger—and foster improved classroom behavior. Ironically, for classroom teachers, having students wear uniforms can allow the teacher more of an opportunity to get to know students as individuals. Uniformity in clothing style, it turns out, does not hinder teachers from discovering their students' personalities or their talents.

From the persuasive passage, which of the following presents the weakest reason for adopting school uniforms?

Choose 1 answer

A. Uniforms diminish obvious socioeconomic advantages.
B. Uniforms can help alleviate student feelings of alienation.
C. Teachers enjoy looking at students who are dressed neatly.
D. Parents often find that they save money on clothing bills.
E. Uniforms help diminish the symbolic power of clothes to incite anger.

Answer is D right?