Need To Help A Friend

Bad hygiene friend . i need help ?

Shaving is a personal choice not a requirement. Your friend may not want to shave or may have a parent that does not allow her to shave. While it will likely get her made fun of if others notice it is still a decision between her and her family. It may be something you want to try to casually bring up, ie tell her you don't like your current razor brand and are looking for a new one and ask what she uses. When she says she don't shave casually ask her why not. If she says she isn't allowed leave it alone. If she says she just doesn't you may want to give her some of the benefits of shaving but don't push.

The body odor is another issue entirely. I assume you are relatively young and still in school. My recommendation would be to go to one of the counselors or a trusted teacher and explain the problem to them and ask them to talk to her. This will help make your friend aware of the problem (she really may not realize there is a problem) and keep her from being mad at you as she won't know you are the one who told.

How far should I be willing to go to help a friend in need of help with anything problem wise?

I base my help of friends on my ability…am I able to do what is needed?Last time I helped a friend I was really in no position to do what she asked financially…I Had the money but if she did not pay me back it would have been a major loss for me as I was saving my my own apartment. I reasoned that my major loss paled in comparison to her homelessness….I gave her the money and trusted…I TRUSTED…that she would pay me back and she did. I have bpd so having to trust someone causes insurmountable stress for me. I am working on it and I'm glad to have helped her because she has no idea of my diagnoses nor how much she has helped me by allowing me to help her and trusting she would come through.

To what extent should one help a friend?

To the extent where YOU as a FRIEND, DO NOT, cross the line. While doing that, telling your friend to not to cross the line as well! Do not let your friend keep on borrowing money again and again and never paying up for it..yes, give him or her far amount of time but after that stop helping him or her. Tell your friend not to do drugs, as much as a friend should tell and intervene. If the friend replies, its his/her, money, then don't intervene again because its falling in deaf ears as his or her ears are full of other "good" friends voices and ideals. If your friend says he or she wants to jump or kill herself, be there for her or him and try not to leave his or her side, when things get to either life or death, do not ever leave your friends side, come what may. Help your friends with class notes or study materials for exams or getting in sync with the class, even if the friend doesnt help you when the time comes but you be a friend to him or her but if you see he or she thinks it's your duty as a friend, to help him or her out of sticky situations in life, forget them, leave them, these kind of friends can never learn a lesson from life through help, do not bring yourself down along with that friend. If that friend thinks he or she knows it all and has a ego the size of a football field, then leave that friend because it doesnt really matter to him or her if you stay or go, he or she is too full of it to notice. If your friend is going through a breakup or personal anguish, be there for him or her. But dont over do it by breathing down their neck and holding them accountable for everything after that particular problem occurs, everyone has a different way of seeing life, and dealing with certain situations, its not necessary it has to be your way, give them some space to figure themselves out, you don't need to figure it out for them, you have a life of your own, live it and solve your own issues.There are many other instances of extending your friendship and these are but few. Hope it helps!Best of luck!

This might save my best friend, but I need some help?

My friend just turned 18 and he went on tinder, this cute girl liked his photo and is 28 years old. He told me that they wanna hook up and her friend wants a 3 some. These girls low-key look like pornstars and I'm nervous for him because this might be a setup or they might Stds. I warned him but he won't listen, these girls have been calling him and sending nudes all night to him. You think this is set up or he's fine? Plus he wants me to hang with them after he's done having s3x.

I need help my friend is in a deep depression....?

a friend of mine has is depressed all the time, he doesn't care if he lives or dies...he won't go to any doctors or talk to anyone .... it seems like he's in pain all the time ( mentally)...I try to talk to him and show/tell him all the things he has to be greatful for and that he should be happy but he tells me that being happy its easier said than done........I tell him to think about all the people who love and him ...what can I do to help... how can I help him see all the fun in life... all that life had to offer.. how do I get him to enjoy life and have a will to live.. I want to help him find something to live i don't think he will commit suicide because he is a muslim and he said he would never do that because that is the greatest sin of all... but it just seems like hes just waiting to die... I want to help him want to live...I want him to look forward to everyday.. its so sad .. I want to help him find happiness..I just want to help him.....HELP.. and suggestions?

I am always there for my friends but when I need help, I realize there is no one around. Why is that?

When your friends talk about their problems, you are willing to help. You offer your help. When you are having problems, you may mention them, and no one offers to help. You may not ask for help. Most people don't think to offer help. Most people also don't think to ask for help. When people ask for help, it's ok to say no if you don't want to help. When you ask for help, understand that no one is obligated to say yes. When you help people, you are internally keeping score. You are thinking that this person now owes you. And when you need help you expect them to repay the debt. The fact is, you offer to help with no strings attached. The fact that you do have strings attached and you don't mention it makes you a really untrustworthy person. I would not want you as a friend.

What should you do when your friend doesn't want to help you?

Oh, been there, done that! And did it again.I have a tendancy to step in and help and then get stiffed when I need something. Or am so busy helping others, I neglect what I should be doing. (Like answering questions on Quora this morning. Ahem.)I would examine this friendship and think about whether or not you want someone in your life who treats you like that. Obviously you feel used.The other thing is, find out why if you continue to do and do and do while getting nothing in return. (If you do.) Learn from that and keep your relationships on a more or less equal footing.It is nice to do things for others, but if it is not reciprocated, stop and find new friends. I try to remember to not do something for someone if it is not my responsibility to do it, regardless of their hard luck story. Let others handle their own responsibilities. And you handle yours. Favors are fine, but not to the point where you know that you are being used. Or enabling others and neglecting your own responsibilities.

I need help. I’m trying to do well in school but my friends are terrible influences. What do I do?

Hello. I live in the UK. In the UK I have really important exams called GCSEs that are coming up in 69 days. Im passionate about my education and I do want the absolute best grades possible. But my friends are horrific influences. I really want to help them because I love them and these qualifications stay with us forever but they’re not listening to me. For example, my friend got a 2 in her exam (an F). I will NEVER judge someone for getting bad grades, or has happened to me before, the only thing that maters is if you identify your mistakes and learn from them. Instead of talking about how she’s can improve, she literally was talking to the boys in or class about how much boys should masturbate in a week and about sex! And they also spend so much time talking about sex and they make really uncomfortable comments towards me. They were talking about BDSM in school and talking about whether they’re Dom’s or sub, and they said to me “ I bet (insert my name) is into BDSM, it’s those that you least expect.” And that made me feel very uncomfortable. Our exams are in 69 days! We have 11 subjects that we need to master in order to get top grades. They don’t want me to study or to improve in school, they just want me to look pretty and get a boyfriend and talk to boys. One of them stops me from studying, they’re always like “why are you spending so much time on your homework” and “why are you actually listening in class” and “why are you going to study” it’s really stressful.