Need To Loose Weight Gain Weight Tone Up

How can you tone up but NOT lose weight?

My thighs have some fat on them, but i think theyre toned underneath.
When i do squats i can see the muscles.
i'm at a healthy weight now (130 pounds, 5'8.5) according to bmi charts.
I don't want to lose weight. I just want to tone my thighs.
The rest of me is well toned, but my thighs are where all my fat goes :/

If the best way is running, how long should i go a day and how long before i see results


Should I lose weight first then tone?

Hi there :
First off, the two things (tone & lose weight) happen at the same time. it's impossible to do one and not the other. second a females basal metabolic rate (this is the calories that your body requires to run its automatic processes like breathing, heart beat, digestion etc ) is 1000 - 1200 calories per day. that means that what your consuming is just running those . but you are also doing your training and other activities which burn calories. so what is happening is your body is in what's called starvation mode and it is storing some of the calories as body fat for future use. you need to up your calories by 200 - 400 cal. per day. eat a balance of protein carbs and some fats. (the good fats that is) margarine, vegetable oil , nuts.because some vitamins need fats for the body to use them. also you do need some weight training cause muscle is the bodies fat burner. now i know you are afraid of gaining to much muscle but females do not have the testosterone necessary to build a lot of size. when you do your weight training routine keep your rep range between 12-15 reps, that will give the muscles a leaner more toned look as well as burning more calories.

I have been a fitness specialist for the past 20 years and have helped many people with the same issue that you have.
if you want check out my web site at i up date it all the time with fitness & nutrition tips that you may find helpfull.

good luck at achieving your goals or you can contact me directly if you have any more questions at

How many times a week should I run to lose weight and tone up?

Cardiovascular exercise is the biggest myth there is in fitness. Unless you're talking about sprinting, running will have the opposite effect, especially long-distance running: your body will adapt to be more efficient and lower your metabolism by getting rid of your muscles since muscles use a lot of calories even while at rest. Muscles are too expensive to belong in a body that's being forced to be more efficient. As you continue to run and become better at it, you burn fewer and fewer calories per run.If you wanna lose fat (not just weight) and look slimmer, then you need to lift. Get on a good whole-body weight training program and commit to it while maintaining good eating habits with lots of proteins and veggies without overdoing it on the calories, you'll lose the fat in no time. If you really wanna do cardio, then incorporate something intense and brief, maybe run as fast as you can for 10 minutes, and observe how you can increase the distance you run in those 10 minutes over time.

Don't want to lose weight, just tone?

Hey there,

In order to 'tone up' without changing your body weight too much, you need to get rid of some body fat stored and increase your lean body mass (muscle) size!

I can't assure you that you will stay the same weight, in fact, you may actually put on a little weight, but this is okay as it is healthy weight. Muscle weighs more then fat, so if you're replacing fat with muscle, you're probably going to put on weight.

In order to start losing some body fat, start walking 3 times a week, for about 30 minutes - an hour. Take your baby for a nice walk! You'll find you'll actually like it. I'm suggesting walking instead of running, because walking is a low intensity exercise. At low intensities, your body prefers to eat into your fat stores as a form of fuel.

So that's it for dropping fat, now for toning your lower body up!

Luckily, the areas you're looking to tone can be done outside of a gym. Here is a basic program I threw together for you:

Core (Abs and Obliques):

- Basic crunches ( 3 sets of 15 reps with 1 minute rest in between.
- Standing side bends ( 3 sets of 15 reps with 1 minute rest in between (if you don't have a dumbbell just grab something that's slightly heavy you can grab on to like a bag of flour)

Legs and butt:

- Lunges ( 3 sets of 15 with 1 minute rest in between.
- Squats ( 3 sets of 15 with 1 minute rest in between.
- Butt Lift ( 3 sets of 15 with 1 minute rest in between

Upper Body: (I know you didn't list it, but you should not neglect parts of your body)

- Push ups - 3 sets of 10 with 1 minute rest in between
- Dips - 3 sets of 10 with 1 minute rest in between

Best of luck!

How can I gain weight and tone up my body at the gym without losing my boob fat?

U shud go to qualified trainer. U will loose ur body fat if u involve in aerobic exercise and high intensity gym activities. Now... breast and bums hv fat if loose that fat u will loose ur figure. So u shud design ur workout accordingly. U can do chest n shoulder exercise that will improve ur looks. All the best

When you lose weight does your skin tone get lighter? might have just got acanthosis nigricans though sometimes people who get darker skin with weight gain have insulin resistance (just to be on the safe side) but err, It's hard to say i you will get fairer...It's possible I guess :)

Is a crosstrainer worth buying to lose weight and tone up ? would half an hour every night make a difference?

If it motivates you it is worth it. Though always remember that it costs nothing to keep fit and lose weight. You do not need gyms you do not need fancy training equipment or any special milkshakes. What you do need is planning, dedication, time and determination etc.

Also remember when starting off do not push yourself to hard. Gradually work into cardio I personally used 5 minute goals for example week one stretch, jog for 5 minutes and stretch, week 2 aim for 10 minutes week 3, 15 minutes and so on. Always remember to stretch and warm up etc. Then of course do press ups and sit ups for upper body strength. With jogging I stopped at 30 minutes per day that I run as I am already athletic and do not need to lose weight. You may also find you gain weight but this is healthy weight I gained 2 stone (28lb) of muscle when running and doing upper body exercises. But if you want be built like a tank follow a body builders advice.

But the main thing is to keep at it and don't stop and if it helps write your progress down and say to yourself if I stop now I will lose everything I have worked for.

And if you put on weight remember it is healthy weight (muscle) but do not let that put you off as any exercise is better than no exercise at all.

Does hiking make you lose weight?

Hi, so I am about 115 pounds, 5'3. I've been going hiking and I want to know if it'll make me lose weight ? I DO NOT want to lose weight, I just want to TONE my body up and GAIN weight if anything. I want to know if I go hiking would it make me skinnier or would it actually tone my body up because I've heard it just looses you calories..