Need Your Opinion Urgently

Know Salesforce? Urgently seeking opinions on whether it's the right choice for a global B2C company?

If you are a Global B2C company, I would strongly urge you to find an adept local cloud consulting partner to help you with this decision. It's a long-term, high-investment decision that TOTALLY depends on the customer; opinions from the internet are not what you need. Ideally I'd recommend finding a CRM consultancy that is a certified partner of at least 2 or 3 of the major CRM systems so you get a well-versed opinion of the pluses and minuses of each platform.I'm a current Salesforce software vendor, but back in my Salesforce consulting days I worked with numerous B2C customers who loved Salesforce. Salesforce has also had numerous high-profile B2C names as reference customers, so it certainly is a viable option. But as I said, you should get professional advisement on how to walk through the purchasing process.

Ebonics Survey (Your Opinion is Needed)?

Your Sex: Male

Your Ethnic Background:

Your Age:

1.What do you think of Ebonics?
c. An actual dialect used and needed within communities

2.Do you view Ebonics as a language? Why or Why not? I view it as a dialect, not necessarily a language. It's not sufficiently different from "standard" English to be considered a separate language

3.Do you feel that students that are proficient in Ebonics but have very low proficiency in Standard English should be placed in an ESOL classroom? Yes. They actually LEARN English better that way.

4.Do you think Ebonics should be offered as a foreign language in public schools? Not. We ain't got the budget for it.

5.Are you a regular Ebonics speaker?
a. Yes, but it's mixed in with Caribbean dialect

6.What impression do you have of people who speak Ebonics?
c. You don’t really pay attention to it. Its sounds normal to me

7.How do you think teachers in a classroom should react to their students speaking Ebonics?
a. Understand, accept it and respond to it, while simultaneously reinforcing proficiency in Standard English

8.Should students be allowed to speak Ebonics in school?
a. Yes, but not in assignments involving critical thinking, because we need to foster command of standard english as well as ebonics.

9.Is Ebonics used in more than one culture or do you think it’s limited to the African American culture?
a. Yes. Every group within the African Diaspora has influenced the language of the European group that colonised them. Jamaican Patois, Dominican Spanish, Haïtian Créole and Papiamentu are all just "Ebonics" of different languages.

10.What comes to mind when you hear the word Ebonics?
Black people.

I need your opinion On Something?

DONT DONT DONT!!! that would be crazy my bff had it after 2 years and shee still feels guilty saying she could have waited longer and u wanna give it up after 2 weeks ?!? DONT

Biology magnification help needed PLEASEEEE (urgently)!!!!!!?

i have a question to answer for homework and this homework is due in tomorrow,so im panicing a bit and could really do with some help.

figure 5.6 is a drawing from an electronmicrograph of a pollen grain.
a) calculate the magnification of the drawing, show your working.
(there is a pic of a pollen grain and it is 47mm in length, when i measured it then underneath there is a scale bar where 25mm is equal to 20 micrometres)

b) measure the max width of the drawing of the pollen grain, i have down this anf got 47mm

c) using these answers, calculate the actual width of the pollen grain in mirometres, show your working.


Why is it important to have an opinion for something?

I am also rather neutral and believe there is not only black or white or only one direction. But if you can't make a choice about simple things like which color the site should have, what's for lunch , you simple don't move furthered ? You didn't take the time to think which color or design would improve the producted . You also never get what you want like Mexican food etc because you can't make a stand and make others take your site with strong arguments , you even get manipulated without a strong opinion because you just agree with others without questioning it , you may think ok they have a strong point , it kind of makes sense what they say . But if you made some research you would know what they say doesn't stand on a solid ground . you gain more power and knowledge if you at least have an opinion on the things you working on or care about . If you don't care about things you also don't have passion for that stuff . It's just meaningless and if it's meaningless you also don't need to waste time on it .You don't need to have an opinion on everything but at least on stuff what matters for your life

What is the most salient and urgent need of women in society today? What can be done to address it?

Addressing the real oppression of women in the developing world and the importation of such practices through immigration to the West because we think it is oppressive to tell Muslims you can’t engage in female genital mutilation or forced marriages here.Why Don't Feminists Fight for Muslim Women?That is aside from the refusal to discuss Muslim rape gangs in the West, as if women being afraid to go down the street at night unless attacked by a violent mob and raped while police are more afraid of being called racist than stop rapists. Note that every headline is a different city or different part of the EU.Professionals blamed Oxfordshire girls for their sexual abuse, report findsWhy Did British Police Ignore Pakistani Gangs Abusing 1,400 Rotherham Children? Political CorrectnessPolice appeared to punish grooming gang victims, report saysWoman 'gang-raped in refugee camp ordered to stay SILENT by no-borders activists'Telford child sex scandal involving 1,000 'could be Britain's worst'Women’s representation in the boardroom is meaningless when feminists ignore 12 year old girls getting groomed, raped and then prostituted out while police call them prostitutes to avoid having to admit there’s a problem.Multiculturalism is the death of women’s basic civil rights.

A 40 year old patient with Down’s syndrome urgently needs to undergo an extensive and risky cardiac surgery; who does the doctor need consent from?

The Down’s syndrome is a situation where a person suffers from so many problems and cardiac problems are one of them. This Down’s syndrome is something that causes due to genetic disorder and if the problem isn’t treated at a young age, it may prevail as a huge problem in the future.When a 40 year old patient suffering from Down’s syndrome should urgently need to undergo a surgery which is risky as well, if the patient is not in a conscious stage to give his consent then the cardiac doctor should get the consent of the guardian or any close family member. Without the consent it won’t be possible to proceed for the surgery.It is important to get the consent from the family members because the surgery is a little bit risky. The doctor should be very careful in this situation.

Ur opinion on poverty in 472 B.C. compared to TODAY--->its killin me!!!!!?

People in ancient times didn't rely on a grocery store for food. They relied on crops and farm animals for all their needs. Everything from food and clothing, to their furniture and house, was obtained from their land. I guess at that point poverty was defined by how much your land produced compared to how much your family consumed. If there was excess it was sold at market. So if you didn't have enough to sell at the market and you didn't have enough to feed and clothe your family then you were definately poor. Even at that point in history people supplemented their income with theft and prostitution, if they lived in an urban center.
Now, the government gives us a guideline based on income. In Canada I think the poverty line is below $30,000. Those are the working poor and the people on welfare.