Negative Attitude . No Rude Comments

How do you deal with a negative/rude co-worker?

I've successfully worked with someone very much like your co-worker for 11 years. Our desks are side-by-side and we are the only people in the office. Here's how I handle it:

1. DONT' LET HER RUIN YOUR MOOD. If she doesn't respond when you speak or makes rude comments, don't let it get you down. She's the one with the problem, not you.

2. TRY TO VIEW HER WITH SYMPATHY. Either she is manic and needs medication or she is simply not happy unless she is unhappy. What a sad way to struggle through life.

3. BE PROFESSIONAL BUT NOT A DOORMAT. If she is rude or inappropriate stand up for yourself tactfully. Co-workers like this usually thrive off of gossip, intimidation, and control.

4. GIVE YOUR BOSS A HEADS UP. If her tacky behavior includes trying to make you look 'bad' so she can look better have a private meeting with your boss and explain your concerns about this co-worker. Ask your boss to come to you if there is ever an issue about your job performance.

Be firm. Good luck!

How do I stop letting people's negative comments toward me affect me so much?

Self-knowledge and a framework for what you value and where you are going will allow you to decide how seriously to take the negative comments of others.Some negative comments are opportunities for a self-check, a window to personal growth. Even if the person is being snarky, that doesn’t mean they don’t have a point! If you think they MAY have a point, respond to them in honest inquiry about their feelings on your presentation or behavior, and consider what they have said in respect to your own self-knowledge and plans for personal development. The snarks will feel heard, and like you a bit better.The people who seriously object to something you are or do will also feel heard, and best yet, you can find out what it is that you present or do that is genuinely offensive to others, perhaps even only this ONE other, and smooth your way in the world.We are all in this world together, and getting along is a good thing, but if you find that the comments of others do not match your self knowledge, and that considering the comment, you have not made an error in your own self knowledge, then dismiss it from your mind: They are merely mistaken. If someone says, “You are xxxx!” and reflection reveals that what you are is just not doing what they prefer, and that is not what you think is good, never mind that comment.If you find that the comment does not tend in the direction of the personal growth that you value, then that comment has no value for you. Dismiss it from your mind, or respond in a friendly manner that you really do not value being or doing whatever they suggest you should. If someone says, “You would be SO much more attractive if you did what I say more often and easily,” you can just disagree with that, and not feel the least defective for preferring to act as on your own judgement and priorities.People criticize others for many reasons. Sometimes you bug them - and that is a real thing about getting along, sometimes you reveal through contrast that they are not as lovely as they would like to feel - that is not your problem, sometimes they are finding you difficult to use - also not your problem, sometimes they are just jealous - not your problem.Try and figure out why people make negative comments. Act on them only if they are of value to you.

What is the meaning of attitude?

Attitude is a concept in psychology. Attitudes are positive, negative or neutral views of an "attitude object": i.e. a person, behaviour or event. People can also be "ambivalent" towards a target, meaning that they simultaneously possess a positive and a negative bias towards the attitude in question.

Attitudes come from judgements. Attitudes develop on the ABC model (affect, behavioral change and cognition). The affective response is a physiological response that expresses an individual's preference for an entity. The behavioral intention is a verbal indication of the intention of an individual. The cognitive response is a cognitive evaluation of the entity to form an attitude. Most attitudes in individuals are a result of observational learning from their environment.

The link between attitude and behavior exists but depends on human behavior, some of which is irrational. For example, a person who is for blood transfusion may not donate blood. This makes sense if the person does not like the sight of blood, which explains this irrationality.

My boyfriend is rude to my kids sometimes?

I have two children from my previous marriage. A 17 year old boy and 13 year old girl. I am finding that lately more than desireable, my boyfriend of nearly a year and lives with us is getting a negative attitude towards my kids. I find him what appears to be lashing out more and being more vocal not caring if they hear what he is saying or not. Sometimes his words are very rude. Last night - my daughter had made the comment that his dog had bit her and without even giving her a chance to say anything else - he got very defensive and nasty tone and was just rude to her in my opinion. Followed it up by saying she was a liar. This is a 13 year old we are talking about. What my daughter was trying to say as the dog has done to me as well...when you feed her snacks....she eats it very aggresively and sometimes nips your fingers - but not meaning to hurt us but it happens. He had horrible attitude the rest of the night even though I told him it was uncalled for and that was unneccesary. He just tries to turn the situation around like "poor him" "what about his feelings". The point is - I feel he is treading down a road he really don't wanna go as I cannot tolerate ANYONE making my kids feel like that or treating them that way for no reason and then him acting like he did no wrong and we are all nuts. My defenses are up now and it makes me sorta resent him and it is hurting my feelings towards him...HELP!

Why are Hatian people so rude?

Probably not all of them are rude.. you just happen to meet ones who are.. most percentage of them is probably rude because how they feel unsecured about something.. I am not really sure.. Haitian probably are one who can give you good answer.. But I have best friend who is Mexican, from Mexican, lived in America for about 3 years.. she is sweet girl cuz I know her.. but she tends to be rude to a lot of people, supposedly, (she told me) Mexican guys thinks all American women are whores, and she thinks a lot of American are stupid.. sooo, one you met are probably just racist about something.. A lot of people try to point at white people for being racist, but due to my experience.. it's not really true.. other countries are more racist toward American.. I believe all people are same, regardless of their race, disabilites.... I wish this world would be color blind.. But then again, Bible says so, God is one who designed this after people building Babylon tower, He want to us to stay split..

I know you are not prejudice.. one who calls you prejudice is probably prejudice themselves for calling you that.. ya know.. don't worry about those who tries to insult you.. ignore em, that's what I do..