New Poll Says Obama Worst President Since Wwll Who Was The Lousy President They Are Taking About

Is Obama the worst president ever?

One of, yes.

Before people cry "Bush," let me tell you something a history teacher told my class a decade ago: "The economy takes time to adjust. Clinton Economics should kick in in about 10 years. I'm sure going to feel sorry for you guys having to deal with Clinton's economics..."

These people should also remember that if Bush hadn't moved troops overseas to combat Bin Laden, Bin Laden would still be alive. Finally, remember that for most everything people hate about Bush, Obama has expanded upon. Why was he bailing out companies? And why are we in Libya again?

The fact is that while people can argue in an abstract way that Bush ignored the Constitution (without citing any amendments), they can't ignore that Obama is ACTUALLY trying to side-step it (for example, the Second Amendment).

They can't ignore that his solution for affordable healthcare is to financially punish those who don't get it; telling someone they have to get it doesn't make it affordable. Never mind the fact that there's no criteria. When you drive, you have to have car insurance. If you rent an apartment, you sometimes need renter's insurance. But what about healthcare? I have to have it because...I'm alive in America?

It doesn't change the fact while unemployment numbers have dropped a little, so have the number of available jobs and existing positions dropped a lot; the percentage is based on a ratio between people eligible to work and actual existing jobs. The reality is that more people are out of work, not less.

The only defense he has is that he's kept his promises. Things have changed so much that we hope for more than ever.

That goes for Americans period, regardless of political party. If only Republicans and Democrats could kick the Tea Party and hardcore liberals to the curb so we could go in a direction other than downward spiral.

Is Harry S. Truman the worst president ever?

Think about it. The Truman doctrine of 1948 says that we, as Americans, will do everything in our power to stop the spread of communism. Therefore we had the Korean and the Vietnam wars, which led us to the thinking that is was ok to start an Iraq war. I'm pretty sure we never won any of those wars. In fact, last I checked, the last war we won was WW2. The war that Truman rode FDR's coat tails on. Hmmmm?

Is Donald Trump the most disgusting president in the history of the United States?

I’ve met and flown six of them, including Trump—Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, and Bush 41 are the others.And I can unequivocally say that Trump is by far the most disgusting of those six.And it’s not like a close call. Four of the others, all except Nixon, were charismatic and gracious in person. Very friendly and kind. I felt honored and enjoyed meeting and flying them.Nixon wasn’t bad or rude to me, but I happened to fly him on one of his bad days in the history books and so he was neutral. He had a lot on his mind that day and just didn’t want to be bothered by the pilot who was flying him.SECOND-HAND NEWSNIXON: I flew with several pilots who had flown Nixon in better days and he was easy-going toward them, so he was not disgusting at all. He made some big mistakes, but in the end he threw himself under the bus for the good of our country, and I met and flew him after that. His admission of guilt and resignation seemed honorable to me and not disgusting.LBJ: I also have second-hand knowledge of Johnson because I also flew with pilots who had flown him. They told me some disgusting private stories about him, but he did many very decent public things, especially his push on civil rights. So, based on that hearsay evidence I put Trump far more disgusting than Johnson. Also, let’s remember that in 1968 he had the decency to admit he couldn’t solve the Vietnam problem and chose not to run for re-election.BUSH 43: I have a close friend who is good friends with Bush 43. They played tennis a couple of times a month during 43’s time at the White House. And even today my friend visits 43 in Crawford and continues to play tennis with him. Bush 43 is about as far from disgusting as one can get. He’s a lot of fun.JFK: I have another close friend who socialized with JFK in private settings. JFK’s cheating on his lovely wife Jackie was pretty disgusting and my friend has witnessed that. But Trump has likely had at least as many affairs, as well as three wives versus just one, and JFK was one of the world’s all-time champion charmers in public, so I don’t consider him even remotely disgusting.