Ni Why Do You Dislike Everything

Why do some people dislike Northern Irish unionists so much?

lol. Well they dont really do themselves any favours every summer with their little hate marches. In descending order and depending on which one is nearest at that moment, the favoured subjects of their seemingly never ending ire are Catholics(note this includes all nationalists, even the commies and athiests), Gays(although they do believe they can “cure” and “Furriners”.And I know thats mainly DUP/TUV supporters these days but so called moderate unionism has always been a comfortable enough bedfellow with this carry on. At best its silently tolerated.Apart from that unionism is a generally unpopular political stance being regressive, reactionary, defending a position of colonial domination/occupation. Never going to make you too popular in fairness.

Why do Southeast Asians dislike ethnic Chinese when it is clear that the SEA countries with more ethnic Chinese are more successful?

Countries in SEA with more ethnic Chinese are more successful than countries with less ethnic Chinese is an illusion. You need to ask who are “more successful” in countries with large ethnic Chinese populations? Are the ethnic Chinese more successful or the indigenous people more successful? Well, when you look at the wealth distribution of countries in SEA, you will see that the ethnic Chinese are the ones that control and hold nearly all the wealth while the indigenous people and their resources are exploited by the ethnic Chinese.Before the ethnic Chinese arrived in these countries, the indigenous people had a more simpler way of life/culture. Things like wealth and class weren’t big issues. People tend to survive from the land and had simpler forms of commerce. New and different forms of economic trade, ways of doing business, connections from China, unscrupulous practices, etc. were foreign to the natives. All this was introduced by the ethnic Chinese and it disrupted the indigenous people’s social, political, and economical systems from an established equilibrium (which they were happy with). Having more exposure (beyond SEA), the ethnic Chinese took advantage of their knowledge and got rich at the expense of the indigenous people. As the Chinese got richer, they see themselves as superior elitists and started having their own separate communities and send their kids to private schools separate from the indigenous children. As a result, the indigenous see the ethnic Chinese as foreign invaders only interested in benefiting themselves and China at their expense.Instead of helping/educating/sharing with the indigenous, the ethnic Chinese excused the indigenous people as stupid and deserving of their lower social/economical status in their own countries.If the same happened to China, wouldn’t the Chinese want to get rid of all the foreigners? Once in a while when the economy goes bad, violent riots would break out against the ethnic Chinese.Most indigenous SE Asians equate the ethnic Chinese diaspora in the region as nothing more than an extension of China’s dominance and control over them and their resources. Nothing would make them more happier than to have all the ethnic Chinese disappear so they can retake their economies/countries.

Why do Rangers fans claim to hate the English?

Confused just about sums them up.

If they are so behind everything 'British' then why do so many hate the Scottish National team yet support England or N. Ireland? Isn't Scotland part of Britain?

Confused indeed

Why does Catholics Hate INC (Iglesia ni Cristo)?

What I know of this is that the INC considers the Catholic Church to be the "whore of Babylon" and refers to the Pope as the beast of Revelation. So it seems fair to ask why does the INC hate Catholics? INC also considers the Catholic Church to be the apostate church.

I am a Catholic and a bear no hatred toward my Christian brethren in INC. They are quite misguided, but that is no reason for hatred.

Do North Irish likes or dislikes IRA ?

i don't know what to think because of the support sin fein gets , if your talking about the unionists of course they hate the IRA, but id say a good lot of catholics don't like them either. On the whole putting politics aside if you can EVER do that here, we are all very hospitable not the images that you see on tv at all,

What's it like to live in Northern Ireland?

The best thing about living here is the air. Going abroad and coming back, stepping of the plane and smelling that beautiful fresh air is something I can't explain with words. It's purity makes you feel alive, free and unstoppable.Seaside towns. Portrush and Newcastle. Seaside is beautiful, the beaches in the North Coast are simply stunning, a walk along them really clears your head. I love the North Coast, good people, good food, good parties.Easy transport - it's easy to travel anywhere in Northern Ireland, at most its 2 train journeys away.Belfast is great. Lovely people, lively, great shops, everything is bliss, I live for the hustle and bustle of the city life. Plenty of things to do, and the humour is hard to beat.The education system is simply the best in the UK, out GCSE and A Level results are consistently getting better. Although, there is a grammar school system put in place, some people may think this as unfair.The place I live in Northern Ireland I hate, there's nothing to do except for a couple basic pubs on your average Friday night. I rather live in the North Coast.Like everywhere, it's both good and bad. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, this is my home. I love this wee country.