No Sleep Hard Time Breathing Dizziness

Can't sleep, bloated, sore stomach, headaches, dizziness, blurriness ? No energy. Help?

Hey guys! So I can't sleep lately, I've been extremely bloated and have had the sorest stomach. At first I thought I was getting my period but it's been going on for a week now. I've been getting really bad pains on my left side - rib cage, it hurts to breathe and I feel as though I'm putting on weight but I've been eating healthy like I normally do. Yesterday I was just talking to my friend and then everything went really blurry I was so dizzy I could barely stand up and then on the right side of my head I got the worst headache I've ever had. I'm only 19 but it was seriously so bad, like I can handle pain but this was just worse than worse! All I could do was lay down for hours! And this is when I couldn't stomach food. A few hours later I was fine to eat once the headache went away but it wasn't a quick going away headache that's for sure.
Now I know I said this earlier but I really am having trouble sleeping too, it's like I lay down and out of know where I feel real restless.

I was just wondering if anyone else has been like this? Or does anyone know what's going on with me?
I know no- one can give me a diagnoses but I'd like just some ideas of what might be going on with me??

I'm thinking ill go to the doctors but I can't go untill next week.

Thanks for reading guys:)

Is shortness of breath related with lack of sleep ?? HELP?

The lack of sleep can be wearing you down and causing you to experience some anxiety. Lacking sleep can rattle your nerves and cause you to not act yourself. When I started working nights, sometimes I would stay up for 48 hours straight and it would make me feel really sick. My body was fighting back from the lack of sleep and I did not feel myself. I wore out easily and got short of breath really easily. I did not experience any anxiety but I know some of the people whom I worked with who did. Being short of breath can may you feel dizzy and give you a headache. Chest pain can be from the shortness of breath too. When you are short of breath, you are over using some of your abdominal muscles. Take care of yourself and get as much rest as you can. Lack of sleep can also bring your immune system down and make you more prone to getting sick.

How can i stop feeling so lighthead/dizzy & difficult breathing a lot? im 31?

Kevin,you may be dehydrated and not consuming enough water,water can helps us to flush out all of the toxins from our bodies,it can ward off headaches and fatigue and feeling dizzy,you know that you are consuming enough if when you use the bathroom your urine is clear,I live on water and I always carry a water bottle with me when ever I leave the house,try drinking more and see if this doesn't make a difference for you,Tomb Raider.

Hullusionations, shortness of breathe, dizzy!?

ok my bestfriend is 13 she has been experiencing dizziness hulusionations shortness of breathe and im very worried she is NOT absolutely NOT under an influence of drugs or alchohol. shes been seeing things..wierd things. so PLEASE i need help! i need a doctor she is my bestfriend in the whole world and im worried! serious answers ONLY! an dont tell me to go see a doctor!i already know that i just want some theorys

Why do we get dizzy and lightheaded after breathing heavily and fast?

When you do Deep and Fast breathe you are trying work your Internal organs (especially your Heart) in the same manner. The truth is that vital organ is not heart but it is the Lungs. Lungs have the ability to control the function of Heart. But not vice versa. When you are in a natural breathing state, your brain receives particular amount of blood in a continual manner.When you do deep and fast breathes you make your Heart work faster.(To layman's understanding you Fake it as if your body needs that extra Heart work)This high rate of blood reaching your brain causes drop in substantial blood pressure (all over the body) making you feel dizzy. You can experience this when you breathe deep and fast while sitting or lying position.Don't overdo it to experience it. Many novice Breathing practitioners have done it and they had serious problems including bleeding and momentary unconsciousness.

Can depression and anxiety cause dizziness and a heavy head feeling?

I have had depression and anxiety but I'v been having weird symptoms like a heavy head, drowzy and dizzy feelings, could this all be because of depression and anxiety? can the mind create imaginary symptoms? thanks