None Of My Friends Are Going To The Same High School As Me

None of my friends are going to the same high school as me?

Ok so I'm starting freshman year of high school in September and I'm super nervous because I'm not going to know anyone! All my friends from middle school are going to another high school. I'm super nervous that I'm going to be a loner. So what are your experiences?? And how do I meet new friends?

None of my friends are going to the same high school as me!!?

You will be just fine. you will make new friends just like you made the friends you have now. Look at it this way , no one is going to know you or any of your secrets . You get to start with a clean slate. You should be excited and not nervous. Be yourself and keep a smile on your face and be friendly . Dont try and be someone that you arent either. You sound like a nice person so you will be just fine and after the first week you will find that you have made so many new friends you wont know what to do.

None of my friends are going to my high school?

High school registration was this week and all my friends are going to a super advanced school. I make straight A's and school comes pretty easy to me. But I want to have a social life and if I went to that school I would be doing work all day and all through the weekend. They also hate the school that we are zoned for. I honestly think the school isn't that bad and my sister goes there and she likes it.
Will I make a lot of new friends?
I'm shy but can make friends fairly easy..I'm just really nervous because I won't know anybody.
Sorry that this is really long!
Also my friends ARE NOT happy that I'm not going to that school because at first I told them I was going, then changed my mind.

None of my friends are going to the same high school as I am. They are all going together, and I’m really upset because of this. What should I do?

My dear friend…. i can understand your pain..But you need to be practical.. Friendship is indeep special.. And friends are important..But is this the reality of your life? Will they be with you forever? You all will choose different profession.Now it's high time you look forwrd to your dreams. Your better start planning your future.. Otherwise, years later you will regret..You still have time.. Choose something that is better for your life. Today's decision will affect your future..So now, Don't be gloomy…Be cheerful. Change is inevitable. New friends are waiting in your new endeavors.And moreover this is the Era of technology. Your friends will be a just cilck away from you..All the best for life buddy..

I can't make new friends in high-school. What should I do?

You know what, I was the same way.Quick story time!Flashback to my freshman year…I had no friends freshman year. My only “friend” I had in 8th grade had found a new best friend and replaced me. I was all alone.I'm a friendly person, but for some reason, nobody liked me. Everyone was too busy with their own problems to even think of my existence. It's kind of pathetic how invisible I was to everyone.So- then there's a new kid. His name is Nick. He went to a private school nearby and was the only one from his private school to come to my public school.I see him in choir, but don't think much of him. Then, everyone in my choir introduces themselves and talks about what they did all summer…“Uh, hi. My name is Nick. I basically wasted my life watching anime all summer.”Oh! I watch a little anime too! That's cool.So after class, I walk up to him and introduce myself. I ask about what animes he watches and if he has any recommendations.He was friendly, but nothing more.Turns out the only other person he knew at school was my only other friend at school. So, he sat near me at lunch because he didn't know where else to sit.We became friends… and eventually, best friends.Fast forward to junior year…Me and nick have been best friends since freshman year. I don't have much more friends than him however.Anyways, the reason I tried to befriend him was because…He was new, and didn't know any judgements said about me.However, not everyone is as lucky as me. I know not everyone can make friends as quickly as I can (I'm not very shy).But what I recommend you do, is pick someone.Pick someone who you like, and tolerate.Talk to them (maybe stalk their Facebook page a little and find something you have in common).You can also try to strike conversation with people who sit near you in classes.And hey, not everyone in your school is rude and immature. TRUST ME. Everyone at your school has the potential to be a good person… That doesn't mean you're compatible as friends, but it does mean you can get along.Try and find someone you click with, as a friend. Don't be afraid to be outgoing, everyone's too busy thinking about their own problems, then to think how weird you are.

How can I make friends in highschool if none of my friends in middle school are going to the same school as me, I'm a very introverted person, and my interests are a lot different from the typical teenager?

Join clubs that you’re interested in.Sports that you enjoy playing.Be yourself.Don’t try to be someone else to fit in. Let the friends come to you.Don’t play hard to get. If someone else is being nice, be nice back.There are others in your shoes. Find one. Stick together.Don’t forget to have fun. You’ll only be young once. Just let whatever happens, happen.Also, if you feel up to it… I know it sounds crazy! Maybe too crazy. Talk to your parents about it. I’m sure they’ll have some insight as they’ve known you since birth and they too have been to high school (probably).

ALL of my friends are going to a different highschool than me, and don't know what to do?

Did somebody call me?No? Really? Too bad, I’m here anyway.Want to hear something neat? I go to a school in a different city (not the one I live in) that has none of my original friends. None. Nada, zip, zilch, zero. Not a single one of my original friends from eighth grade are going to my high school.I’ll be blunt: It will suck at first.Honestly, probably the first couple of months will be incredibly lonely because you won’t have anyone you can talk to yet. It will seem like everyone knows everyone and you’re a loner.You may very well be a loner or you may make new friends. Personally, I was (and still pretty much am) a loner, however, I do have many acquaintances and friends now after chatting with people in my class. Funnily enough, I only talk to a grand total of four people from my old school—and even then, I only talk to one on a regular basis.It will be tough, it will be hard, but hang in there, kid. Things will get better. Feel free to message me if you want to chat :)I wish you the best!

I’m an 8th grader, and in high school, my friends and I will all be separated. How do I make my last year, a year not to forget?

I like making lists so here are 8 things you should do to make 8th grade memorableAttend school parties and activities with your friends- School dances are great ways to spend time with your Middle School friends who you won’t be seeing in High SchoolParticapate in Clubs/Sports- join lubs that you and your friends enjoy, This way you and your friends can spend more time together before High SchoolSettle drama you have with anyone- Make 8th grade your best year of Middle School and try to be chill with everyone and just have a good time so that you don’t waste precious time being upsetHang out with your friends outside of school- Have some sleepovers, plan a surprise birthday party, go bowling etc. Basicly just have fun with your friendsMOST IMPORTANT- keep in touch with your friends if you do then during High School you guys can hangout and text/call your Middle School friendsIf you have a crush with someone going to another High School tell them preferabley in the beginning/middle of the school yearKeep your grades up- Lets be honest most of your Middle School friends aren’t going to the same College as you and you will eventually seperate so make sure you focus on your grades and get into atleast some advanced classesHave an important role in your School/Club- For example Im going into 7th grade and I am the Vice President of my school’s Science CLUB and the Team Captain for my school’s Science BOWL things like this give yourself the thought that “YEAH IV ACCOMPLISHED SOMETHING THIS YEAR” and is just a great way to get involved schoolSo basicly Spend alot time with your friends in and out of school, keep your grades up and get into advanced classes, and get involved in schoolHope this helps, also thanks for requesting an answer from me it means alot! Have a great day

I lost all my friends after high school. I don't have one friend that I can say I've known for years. Is this normal?

My life took a similar path to yours, though I now have some old friends.I’m not friends with anyone I went to high school or college with these days. Well, facebook friends, but that’s not really the same thing.The thing is, there were some big shifts in my life where I changed greatly as a person. One happened during college, and I stopped seeing my high school friends (except for one who also attended the same college). A similar shift happened to me when I moved to a different city after college. My college friends no longer fit well with the person I was becoming. They seemed quite static to me (in retrospect I’m sure many of them felt similarly).To be honest, I never much saw the point in staying close friends with people you never see. Other people seem to have this knack more than me. I think I would have tried harder, but with my life and interests changing, my old circles just weren’t satisfying.I should be noted that I always made new groups of friends wherever I went, and I currently have a group of close-knit friends that really works for me and that I hope to have for the rest of my life.You’re not alone in not having lots of close friends from high school though. In some ways, I think it’s a really healthy approach to life.