Nutrition Education Games

How to not get tired during soccer games?

you need to condition more. try walking a mile almost everyday, then jog a mile almost everyday then try 2 run it. if there r bleachers at ur school try 2 run up and down the stairs. mainly just try 2 get your body use to running and then you wont get so tired during games or practice. 8)

What is more important, nutrition or education?

In this day and age,when a large chunk of people are either obese or facing malnutrition, nutrition should be given more priority.See it as simple as that, without good health your money ,power, education everything is just waste! As the saying goes, Health is wealth. When you have health all can be followed but NOT vice-versa.There can be plethora of examples where bad health has wrecked havoc in person’s life despite being excellent in education or knowledge.Education can be delayed, but once you start ignoring health and give not enough attention,everything is in vain! Health ,once deteriorated can be be achieved in the same magnitude.

What are the new innovative strategies in teaching physical education?

Climb the rope, dodgeball, run around the gym, things of this nature

Why is physical education a requirement in schools? In the U.S., you have a separate period for physical education and don’t have sports. Why is that?

Physical Education is vitally important and often overlooked here in the UK. All people need a general understanding and knowledge base of the human body, sports and nutrition for general health. Team sports build moral, help develop team work/people skills and can also teach children discipline.I am assuming that the classroom based lessons in the US are the same as here, teaching about nutrition and the human body. Which is also vital for people to know as there are more obese people nowadays.Our National football team here in England is a joke and I think one of the reasons is the decline of football in English schools, this as well as Premiership clubs just wanna buy ready made superstars (but thats another question) less youngsters get involved in sport resulting in the pool of talent being smaller. This is one thing i believe America do well as they seem to invest heavily in sports in schools and colleges, whereas here PE lessons keep getting cut for more Maths and English.I was rubbish at Maths and I hated it. But i had to do it and i gained a basic understanding of it. You never know you might grow to love a sport.

We can all agree that both American major political parties have their flaws, however its gotten to the point where elections are a game of devils advocate. What can we, the people, do to retake control of our government?

We need a way to register the people’s consensus on the goal of government.Here is one example of a goal: “The goal of government is continuously improved well-being for ALL the people, not just the wealthy”. Well-being is a list, including safety, health care, housing, nutrition, education, democracy, etc. The the items must then be measured and the personnel in government incentivized and rewarded for progress (or lack of it!).Here is one example of a way to register the people’s approval for the best ideas for goals: An entrepreneurial company (Facebook?) asks the public for examples of favorite goals, and the people cast an advisory internet vote using blockchain security. This could be done now using a version of a crypto currency, such as bitcoin.Here is a second example: Set up a TV contest with a suitable prize for the winning goal, and with articulate presenters, proponents and opponents, providing an entertaining dialog (instead of the disgusting ones in the “debates”). A “Shark Tank” like format comes to mind. Again, use blockchain security on the voting, and have it last at least six months.If people could see the proposed ideas and hear them sensibly discussed they may express support for change. But fear of change is huge, so courage must be challenged. Perhaps allow public input beyond just the contestants and provide separate prizes them.People may start having a dialog on the principles behind the goals.A version of a direct vote will be offered in the 2018 primary election version of a direct vote will be offered in the 2018 primary election for a seat in the House of Representatives District 52 CA

How do I educate myself on bio-mechanics, mobility, weightlifting and proper nutrition?

You can start with your computer. Each of these topics will be covered in detail through an online search. As with everything else printed on the Internet, you have to be careful about the validity of any claims made. A great follow up plan would be to visit the public library and find some volumes on these topics.Another way to get some additional information would be to visit the gym and talk to some of the personal trainers there. They should be able to provide some leads or other sources of information of usage. Ask neighbors or your parents for references in these fields. Your teachers might have a network as well.The key is to find the data and then begin to assimilate if yourself. Experts will provide the framework on which you can start to build your knowledge base. It is possible that your major and passion can somehow be tied together in a field such as medical physics for example.  Best of luck to you!Find out the truth on weight loss and fitness at