Ok Strange Question For Liberals I Had A Liberal Friend

Liberals, when did you stop questioning authority, and your teachers?

I find it quite fascinating, these last few generations have lost the ability to question. In my day, our teachers and professors, used to say, don't believe every thing you read or hear, question everything. But, you young people just let these agenda driven pinheads warp your weak little minds. Why?

Seriously, why do you take the rants of agenda driven universities, as absolute truth? I know there is, in most cases, a very real possibility of not getting a passing grade, by not agreeing with the radicals, but, don't you think you are entitled to be given the opportunity to change the world by changing the real issues?

For our Liberal friends and well some conservatives out there...?

interesting answers but then we have 7 more years, some have illuded i may be republican , so for the record i voted for Obama. why? simple his "constituatints" spent to 2008 telling me how great thier party was and how the were flawless and never ever had done anything wrong.

well democrats i say this as may of these people that pop up i will call it out It is my sole purpose in life for the next 8 years to make people such as obama bot thx understand that the real enemy of the american people is thier parties

both democratic and republican.

both democrats and republicans voted for the failed war.

and the flushed trillion dollars.

as far as im concerned republican s AND democrats did more damage to america from 2000-2008 than al quieda could have done with an entire airport of planes.

My friend told me that Liberals seek out to make the US communist. Obviously that's probably not true, but is there any truth to this?

No. For over 25 years, Rush Limbaugh, on A.M. talk radio demonized the word ‘liberal’ and turned it into a dirty word. Liberals love FDR’s New Deal which set up Social Security and Medicare. What is your definition of socialism? Socialism is this: fire dept, police, clean water, safe roads, public parks, public schools and universal medical care — all paid for my our common taxes for our common good. Conservatives prefer to privatize everything, and make it all “for profit.” Their goal is to eliminate all taxes that would help the common good. Right now we have corporate socialism: the biggest corporations and oil companies are being subsidized (getting away without paying taxes) by the American people. They are on corporate welfare. Many large corporations don’t pay taxes because they say they are “creating jobs and reinvesting the money in new technologies.” But in truth, they are cost-cutting and making sure their investors and stock-owners get a better return. They are using our highways with their big trucks and oil tankers — and not helping pay to repair those highways. The odd thing is, “liberals” simply want to help everyone thrive. They want our common taxes to pay for our common good, but not for war. You will rarely find liberals advocating or voting to go to war. Liberals, by definition, help those less fortunate. Everyone should have a chance at the American dream. Liberal means ‘generous, bounteous, freedom-loving.’ A bleeding heart liberal has extreme compassion just like Christ. If you read Christ’s actual teachings and his words, you will see they align with liberal values: to take care of the ‘least among you.’ Rush Limbaugh was paid over $40 million a year on AM radio to make you think liberals are un-American. NOTHING could be further from the truth. Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Glen Beck, et al were paid very highly to carry corporate water. I have a lot more to say on this, but am on a deadline. The Great Peacemaker said: “Love one another, care for the poor, love your neighbor and your enemy as yourself.” Care for your fellow man. As a comedy and humor writer, this line I wrote during the Bush-Cheney war sums up my position: “I went from ego-driven tightwad to civic minded humanitarian. In other words, I was a republican and then I got sober” :)

I’m a liberal atheist, he is a conservative Catholic. Should I stay friends with him?

“I’m a liberal atheist, he is a conservative Catholic. Should I stay friends with him?”“While having some drinks and chatting about general bullshit I jokingly referred to my friend and another buddy of ours as “you homos”. The next day he texted me saying that if I ever called him that again he’d kill me. I apologized but am still shaken. We haven’t spoken since.”You should break off the friendship, but not because he is a conservative Catholic.You should break it off because he is the sort of person who would make death threats over a joking comment, and because he clearly has personal animus against gay people. Neither of those attributes is part and parcel of being conservative or of being Catholic.I am a conservative Catholic. I believe the Church’s teaching that homosexual inclinations are objectively dis-ordered, and that homosexual acts are sinful.However, I would very readily be friends with a gay person (and I have, many times)—after all, it’s not like I’m not a sinner, or that I don’t have any dis-ordered aspects of my mind and spirit. Saying, “homosexual acts are sinful” doesn’t mean “people who engage in homosexual acts are worse than people who commit any of the sorts of sins that I am tempted to.”And if you made a joking comment calling me a “homo”, the very worst I might say is, “Please don’t call me that—I get that it’s a joke, but I don’t find it funny and it bothers me.”In actuality, I’d probably just take it as the humor it was intended as, and wouldn’t even remember it by the next day.I can’t think of any insult you could use that would cause me to threaten serious physical violence, even if you used it seriously and maliciously—much less if it were clearly a joke.So, ditch this guy—but don’t take him as an example of what conservative Catholics are like.

Why do Liberals hate hunting?

Nature? That's your argument, that things which are natural are necessarily good? This is a fallacious argument, the "naturalistic fallacy," and it is a classic form of bad argument.

Why are liberals more likely to block conservatives on social media?

Did you read the article, or just the headline?You don’t need to answer, the question was rhetorical.The article — if you actually read and understood it — tells you that while liberals are a bit more likely to block/unfriend people due to repeated bigoted/hateful/conspiracy-theory posts, conservatives are much more likely to only have conservative friends and only consume conservative views.Which means that conservatives overall are exposed to dissenting opinions much less often than liberals are, because of the conservative echo chamber in which they tend to live their online lives.Ergo, because they see fewer contrary opinions, they block fewer people for their opinions.Here’s a question: which flavor of online site is far more likely to ban you for expressing dissenting views: conservative or liberal?That question was also rhetorical.Try this experiment: go to Breitbart or Red State or TheBlaze and express a moderately liberal opinion on abortion, for instance. You’ll be banned so fast it’ll break the freaking sound barrier … and your posts will disappear.Then, go to DailyKos or Talking Points Memo or Forward Progressives and express a moderately conservative opinion on abortion. You’ll get lots of people arguing with you, but until and unless you get nasty, you will not be banned.Maybe next time, you should try actually comprehending the whole article.

Why are liberals so RUDE to cashiers?

Dear Conservative Momo -

As a former retail worker and a liberal, I can tell you with absolute certainty that rude knows no ideological limits - there are rude liberals and rude conservatives. Because I worked retail for so long, I am very polite to others working retail because I know that they don't make up the rules, and they don't make the merchandise. They are working to pay their bills and live just like the rest of us.

If someone was rude to you, it was because they were suffering from "terminal @$$hole-ism"; it had nothing to do with their political ideology or social commentary. It had everything to do with them being very selfish, self-important, and just plain disrespectful. Nothing more.

To actually think that a person's ability to be rude is based on ideology is very shallow and rather arrogant. Because by stating her ideology made her rude, you are also stating that your ideology makes you better than others. And I find it hard to believe that a person could base their total self-worth solely on political mindset.