Okay So I Got A Bit Of Money To Throw Around. Should I Get State Of Decay Or The Forest

Is throwing a banana peel out the car window considered littering?

Yes, throwing anything out the window of a vehicle meets the requirements for a littering violation, the chicken feathers things will get you an insecure load citation. I know that, I Canada, they will cite you for flipping a cigarette butt out the window. But in Canada, you see very little litter on the highways or the rest stops. Frankly, I’m somewhat amazed at the number of people that seem to think it’s no big deal. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no tree hugger by any stretch of the imagination, but I wonder, why people don’t keep trash receptacles in their cars like we do and dump them in the appropriate garbage receptacle that you’ll drive by, or even stop next to at the gas station, in the next day or so. There are places in my area where people go to dump their trash, because they're too cheap to pay for trash pickup. I used to make it my job, to go and put on some rubber gloves, and go through it to find a few pieces of mail with their name on it and then obtain an arrest warrant. If people want to live like pigs at home, good for them, but countless groups of people spend a fair amount of time picking up your trash from along side the roadway. They shouldn’t have to.

Why do vegetarians question the food chain?

Vegetarians do not find it wrong for lions to eat gazelles, or penguins fish, b/c unlike humans, these animals are actually apart of a food chain. Wild animals have no other means to survive except for hunting and killing their food. These animals are also carnivores/piscivores, and need meat as a part of their diet to survive. Humans can live perfectly healthy on a vegetarian diet.

The food chain is an extremely important part of nature, and carnivorous animals are needed to eat herbivores to keep everything in check. However, it is often human being that disrupt the natural balance of an ecosystem by intruding.

If you think that humans are a part of any type of food chain, then you do not understand what a food chain represents.

The food chain is the balance to nature. Sun give light to plants and they grow ---> herbivores eat the plants ---> carnivores eat the herbivores (which feeds the carnivores, and the remainder of the animal eaten is returned to the earth, which in turn helps the plants) --> the carnivore dies and becomes apart of the earth again, thus feeding the plants and starting the cycle anew.

Humans are no where in this cycle. We create garbage that pollutes the earth. We mass breed animals, that never contribute to the cycle. In the end we die(pump our bodies with chemicals), and bury ourselves in caskets and further pollute the earth and are unable to decay back into the soil.

A person would probably have to live entirely at one with nature to be apart of the cycle. Basically you would have to go out there and as the saying goes... let nature takes it course. Even those who choose to hunt do not contribute to the chain, as when they die, most if not all will choose not to have their bodies thrown into nature to decay, be eaten by other animals, and re-nourish the soil.

Wild animals are supposed to be a part of the food chain, but humans are not(or at least refuse to be). I have nothing against those who eat meat, but using the food chain as an excuse is illogical.

What is the best place to hide a dead body?

Any number of locations. Since you have between 5 minutes and never before the police discover that someone has been killed,, you will have ample amounts of time to dispose of the remains before they are discovered.Some thoughts:The septic tank of an abandoned property.Almost anywhere at a closed refinery (most refineries will never be torn down due to the massive remediation costs involved when they are. Find a good hiding spot there and place the body in the open or bury it)Numerous quarries are around and most are filled with water. If you ensure that the body will not float to the surface, they are often great disposal locations. Inside the wall of a home or building - If the body is allowed to desiccate (mummify) then there will be little or no odor. Simply open a wall,insert the body and replaster or drywall it and paint over it.Underneath an area to be used as a pen or feed lot for domesticated animals. The weight of the animals, plus their manure and the straw placed down to control it will form its own "cap" over the burial site.In plain sight - The roof of tall abandoned building (hidden from overhead viewing) , an open area in a remote part of the country (after staying there for 2-3 days to see if anyone comes along), or in a storm drain along a lightly used state or county road.Inside the trunk of a vehicle in a salvage yard. Make certain that the vehicle is a rather common model, but is in generally poor condition.A environmental ghost town - A town or area abandoned due to severe pollution or radiological concerns.If you have access to a private airplane and you live near an ocean, take the body out to sea, several hundred miles and dump it. Unless it is caught by a storm or current, animal predation and decay will take care of it within several days.Dig a narrow, but deep trench or hole and vertical bury the body. It won't look like a normal grave and it covers only a few square feet or meters at the most, Since the area disturbed will not resemble a hole or trench it is unlikely that it will ever be discovered.