On Being Given Our Kitten Toilet Was Soft/runny Weaned On Cows Milk.

When can kittens begin eating wet food?

Around 4–5 weeks, they’ll get interested and may try to eat it. Their actual food however is still their mother’s milk.Around 6 weeks, they CAN survive without milk, but it’s still the healthier option. After 2 months, milk gets increasingly less important and they shift to solid food, both wet and dry. At 3 months, milk is basically comfort food: they love cuddling up to their mom for a snack, but that’s all it is. Usually mom wil have started weaning them at this point, ie refusing to lie down so they can suckle, perhaps even making irritated noises to shoo them off.If you have a kitten of less than 8 weeks, buy cat formula from the vet.

Need help! abandoned kitten found! need advice and quick!?

my mom found aan abandoned kitten today. it still has its umbilicle cord attached! all its other siblings were dead. this one was the only surviver! i've never raised a kitten before! please tell me EVERYTHING that i need to do, give me links, anything!

We are due to adopt 8-week-old kittens in a couple of weeks. They are currently 6-weeks-old and have only been drinking their mother’s milk. I’m really worried as we are going to wean them onto meat ASAP, but will this affect their growth?

Your kittens will probably be weaned between now and then. Although they’re still feeding from their mother at six weeks old, she’ll start weaning them any moment, and by the time they’re eight weeks old, they’ll be weaned.That’s the typical scenario. There are variations: Sometimes a cat mum weans her kittens earlier, especially if she’s already pregnant again, or she may still allow them to nurse occasionally beyond the eighth week.But basically, the kittens will be weaned at eight weeks and ready to eat solid food. If possible, give them kitten food (because that’s higher in protein and calories than adult cat food). They’ll eat it and thrive on it.Meat - yes, they can eat meat at that age. In the wild, the mum would teach them to hunt and kill, initially by bring home dead and half-dead mice.So nutrition and feeding won’t be a problem.However, there’s another consideration. Kittens at eight weeks old are not quite emotionally ready to be parted from their mother. They can cope without her, but won’t be happy. If you could wait until they’re twelve weeks old, they’ll be much happier, because that’s the age at which kittens typically choose to leave their mum and strike out into the world.Between the age of 8 and 12 weeks, kittens are still learning from their mother. Although the nursing is over, the mum still gives them love, and teaches them, guides them how to cope with life’s issues, acts as an adult role model.If you take the kittens away before they’re 12 weeks old, they’re missing out on that.A kitten taken at 12 weeks will typically develop into a happier, better adjusted cat than one taken at 8 weeks. So if you can delay the adoption a little, your kittens will benefit.If it’s not possible to wait, then 8 weeks is acceptable. Just give them a lot of time and gentle love, because they will depend on you as a surrogate mum. :-)I hope this helps.

Every time my 7 wk old kitten poops she cries. Her stool is soft and has a strong smell. Whats going on?

She is on solid Purina kitten food. The woman said she was completely weaned and was on solid adult food but I've noticed she has a tendency to knead excessively and root around in my arms as if looking for a nipple. She is using the litter box and the first day she had solid stool, now it is very soft and has a strong smell to it. She mews continuously until she is done. Is this normal or does it sound like she needs medical intervention?

How do you take care of baby kittens?

Generally, you don't have to do anything because the mother does it all. Once they start crawling out of the box, then its probably best to make sure there is nothing that can hurt them around, and nothing for them to fall into. You can then start to leave out some soft cat food for them and a small litter box to train them with. If the mother cat isn't around, I would contact a local vet. They can usually take in kittens and put them with another cat that has just had a litter.

I bought a Labrador puppy (35 days old) 2 days ago. What do they eat? What are good nutritious foods we should give him? Do they also drink milk?

35 days old puppy is too early to get them separated from their mother. As an experienced owner of a Golden retriever and a Labrador I will share some of my personal experiences below about their habits.Food Habits:Try to avoid Cows milk. The puppy wont be able to digest it and will lead to motions. Curd is the best to be introduced but strictly after atleast 1 month. **sometimes if you don’t have curd handy and you need to feed your puppy, take 1 bowl of milk and preshat that for 3 minutes and then increase the flame and add 1 tea spoon of lemon. This will break the milk and then you can add the extra solid food to that and then give to the puppy.I have used Royal Canin Maxi starter for my puppies and I have seen that they liked that. You need to keep in mind that you should not over feed the puppy. Once the puppy wokes up in the morning just give some curd mixed with water. Thenafter 15–20 minutes you can feed him the solid food.Feed the puppy for 4 times a day. Morning you can feed the puppy by around 9 Am. 1 pm noon you can mix the Dog food like RC or Drools with mashed potatoes and curd and feed your puppy. Vegetables are always good for the puppy’s health. You can also use carrots and beans. Boil them properly and then mix with the Dog Food along with curd and feed. 5Pm-6Pm you can feed once the same food. By 10 Pm feed your puppy with a bit more curd so that the digestion process will work properly.Make sure that the puppy is kept in a hygienic place. Also make sure that there is nothing that is kept on the ground such as papers, paperclips or small things that are chewable as the puppy might swallow which might create trouble.Banana is one of the fruit that you can give the puppy at this age. Just take 1/4 of a medium sized banana and then smash and then feed the puppy. That will also act as the treat.Avoid Sweet things also too much salty things.Make sure to keep a bowl of fresh water near the puppy always.Make the puppy play with you so that that will increase its appetite and also will make the puppy more active.But I need to state that Lastly you are the owner of your puppy and you need to take an active part in his life. Just have a check what food he likes the most and at what timings. Maintaining the timings will give the proper growth to your puppy.Thank you and I am happy to share my experience.

Kitten has green poop! Help!?

We just got a kitten yesterday. She's a little over 5 weeks old. She is playful and wants to be held a lot.
She seems very active.
She was sleeping on my lap when all of a sudden she got up and made a gagging face and noise like she had a hairball.. she leapt off my lap and started running around "crying". She didn't cough up a hairball though. I took her to where her litter box was to see if she needed to go and right away she pooped up a green wet looking .. well... poop. All of the vets in my area are closed and I tried calling the ASPCA poison control hotline but there was no answer.

Basically, can anyone tell me why my kitten's poop is green and what I can do for her? Will she be ok if I wait until tomorrow to take her to a vet? She seems ok now...she's playing an everything but I'm still really worried. I've never had this problem with my other cat.

oh, and since we just got her yesterday, I'm not really sure about what her diet's been. I've only fed her kitten chow but it is possible she got into some plants while I was at work and my step dad was "watching" her.

thanks so much!

Newborn kitten with yellow poop?

This is perfectly normal. Don't worry unless it gets watery. Then you've got problems. So far, tho, it sounds as if you're doing a great job and a difficult one, too. Can you write back and tell me how old you think they are. Eyes open? etc. Be as detailed as you can.
If the poo gets watery, try KMR brand. Call a no-kill shelter and ask if they'll sell some to you at a discount if you sign them over once they are weaned. If they give you the powdered KMR, never use a blender because it puts air in the milk and makes the babies tummy and intestines painful. Help in your area is only a phone call away.
They may not poo every time you potty them, but they should wee every time, unless they've gone wee in their little nest you've made for them.
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