Opening A Virus Email On Ipad

Can you get a virus from downloading a file, but not opening it? Specifically, when a website automatically downloads a PDF or Word document on a Mac, but you put it right in the trash.

There are two ways; 1. A file with extension .scf or (.slk files on Mac) will be executed and disappear when you do anything in it containing folder. And has been used to steal Windows credentials using this attack. This is an active threat.2. DLL hijack is commonly deployed malware attack. And is a passive threat, it lyes in wait to be triggered by another program. This can occur for any OS.This starts when a inert DLL is download to your download folder. This remains inactive and undetected by anti-virus software, until you download and install another program (the action), which loads this common system DLL first (because its in the same directory) instead of the default system DLL (which typically resides in C:\Windows\System32, etc). Because it’s in the same file directory, it get’s loaded and usually silently delivers it’s payload.You can see it in action, DLL hijacking Proof-of-Concept video towards middle of post.This is how Skype has comprised and targeted by your friendly neighborhood CIA agent as revealed in latest WikiLeaks leak, code-named "Vault 7".Take away:Whenever you install new software make a new folder and put the file into this new folder and install from there.Delete your download folder daily (or when you are about to install new software).

How to get rid of email virus on iPhone?

The problem lies with your e-mail on the main computer.....

This happens alot...usually a win 32 backdoor Trojan or bot is placed on the computer by going to unsecured sites or visiting a website that has a Malicious URL code built in for anyone clicking on the website....your e-mail has not been hacked...nor do you need to change your password (but that is up to you).....but the infection(s) must be and scan with these two free utilities....and when you download will ask you for a free trial to the paid pro version...just click "no thanks"...the free version works just as well....

Will resetting my iPad remove viruses?

Yes, restoring to factory settings will remove any traces of malware and viruses that you may have on your iPad. However, if you're concerned about privacy and hacking then the only way to prevent both is through a security + encryption app.

Can my iPad get a virus?

To those who don't believe apple products get malware you should read the bulletins that even Apple puts out about malware.
The following one is not directly from Apple but from an Apple users group. Dated 2010 (LAST YEAR)

Just Google 'iPad Virus' and you will get hundreds of articles. and Now that the iPad and iPhone are so popular there will be Thousands more "Malware programs" written for them.

I set up Yahoo email on my iPad and now someone is sending spam with my name. What can I do?

1. Change your password!!!!!! While at it, also update your security questions and make your secondary email contact other than Yahoo/Hotmail-> use Google's gmail. When you change your password, Yahoo/Hotmail re-encrypts your session cookie based off that new password. Since the hackers still have your old cookie and with your password not changed, they still can send out emails without you knowing.

2. Do not click on emails that you do not know or go to websites that have these scripts that will steal your current cookies to access your accounts. How do you know if they have these scripts? You don't. That's why you don't open them. If you do click on them, you will need to change your password again.

3. Do a virus scan just in case but most likely they will NOT show up since it is NOT a worm/virus for your case. But, do a scan just in case to eliminate that possibility.

4. You can try to contact Yahoo/Hotmail, but like many have said, they won't do anything.

5. Always log out of your email when finished and never click on "Keep me logged in" check box to clear out the cookie

6. Make it a habit to CLEAN out your web browser cookies, since ANY site can have these security exploits without you knowing!!!!!

7. Export your contact list as a backup since some hackers are getting bolder and will delete all of them.

I did all these steps above and the emails have stop going out.

To Yahoo/Hotmail engineers/staff reading this: You should consider encrypting the current IP address within the cookie to ensure that whoever is using it, IS AT the current IP address and if not have the person re-log in with their ID and password to gain access.

Can CryptoLocker Virus Infect my iPad or iPhone? Has virus or malware ever infected Mac OS X?

CryptoLocker is a nasty ransomware (virus / malware) that specifically targets the Windows platform, and spreads through email attachments. iPad and iPhone have the much more secure iOS operating system which, by design, makes them immune to cryptolocker -- unless, of course, specific variants emerge targeting that platform.

However, you need to be specifically cautious about connecting your iPad to a possibly infected or compromised Windows machine. This is a sure way to inadvertently spread the virus across machines even though the infection itself won't be obvious on your Apple devices.

Overall, the security issues on iPhone and iPad are mostly restricted to browser vulnerabilities and data privacy concerns due to poor WiFi security. Jailbreaking creates another weak link.

Mac OS X has had historical problems with what's known as the "Flashback" malware. This is totally different from Cryptolocker.


Additionally, here's a PDF document that explains the concept of iPad encryption and how it relates to network security on Apple devices:

Can you get a virus just by visiting a website?

You can not get a Virus while simply visiting a site, you need to download an application or something that can execute a command to your PC.But your information is something completely different, websites use something called cookies, cookies do collect some information about you including your IP address and your Email address.That’s mostly where all your spam mails come from if you have any, by extension these spam mails can actually contain a Virus in attached files, usually Microsoft Word files.When you try to open the Word file and enable the Macros a command will run and will install the Virus.So to put it in a simple matter, you can’t get a virus simply by opening a webpage but hackers do find workarounds for this including the email spams. Let’s keep in mind that new kinds of Viruses are getting created every day, so just because today you can’t get a virus by visiting a website, doesn't mean that the same will apply for tomorrow.